Procedural Fairness

Remigio had only been in New Zealand for a few months, and was still getting used to his current residence. The Italian born wizard had just rented a room with a pair of magical siblings, Ademar and Adeliade Nacht. They were a good pair, and all three managed to work well with each other and work around each other something similar to clockwork. In fact, Remy was quite happy to have met the two German-born people, and often found himself engaging in small-talk with them when he found himself with nothing to do on some days. Ademar had a flair for planting, which was helpful to Remigio greatly as he had been making a career out of growing and taking care of plants as a herbalist. He had yet to continue this officially in New Zealand, as he had yet to settle, but he had already spoken to Adelaide about it, and was glad to know that she was open to the idea.

Obsidian Harbour was buzzing, and his thoughts were drawn from his home life, to that of the foreign streets. There was an election happening, and the candidates were public and being watched by the media. Being new to the country, Remy knew very little of the candidates, and so was still trying to catch up on the big political side of New Zealand that he was finding a bit overwhelmed. This such as this back home were a lot smaller in scale than here. A lot smaller indeed.

With a copy of the local paper in his hand, Remigo sat down on a bench and attempted to brush up on these candidates. He was a legal resident now, he would be living here for one of these people would be the Minister of Magic, it was quite important that he know their policies, and if possible know them a little bit. He had no idea if such a thing were possible from reading a paper, but it listened their policies and some of their ideals - it was better than only knowing their names. He read, finding some candidates to be favourable, while some to be a little questionable. They were very involved with preventing crime, which Remy thought was great, but he wasn't sure if placing aurors in a school was a good idea. Children really shouldn't have to have aurors in their school, the school wards should be upgraded if anything. While he obviously held different views on the situation of muggles and magical people, as he honestly thought that more co-operation would be better for both communities rather than separating them further. Making himself comfortable on the bench, Remigio continued reading onward.​
Kiera Potter was grateful that it was almost the end of the holiday break. The main reason being that the shop would now be far less busy since all of the first years were situated with a wand and at Hogwarts New Zealand. She loved Ollivanders and making wands, but the rush of first years was enough to exhaust even the most energetic people such as Kiera. Not that she wouldn't be busy enough in the coming months. Her brother was one of the candidates for Minister for Magic, and the brunette was determined to do everything that she could to help her brother win especially since her sister in law, Cyndi, would be returning to the school to teach. Kiera was familiar with the press and the way they worked, having been featured in articles starting in her seventh year when she began dating James Potter. She winced slightly, thinking about her husband. It was still difficult and painful. She knew it was unlikely that she would ever see him again, or even know what happened to him. It was a hard fate to deal with. However, at least her name was recognizable, from the media's fascination with her husband and her time as chaser for the Holyhead Harpies, as she campaigned for her brother.

The petite woman was taking a break from Ollivanders, while her assistants watched the shop, to go grab a bite to eat. Kiera had gotten a sandwich to go. It was a pretty day outside, other than being chilly. Luckily, the sun was out, so Kiera decided to enjoy her food outdoors on a park bench. She unwrapped her sandwich and took out a book to read to enjoy a few relaxing moments. Kiera had only just finished her sandwich when a man sat down next to her, clearly immersed in his newspaper. The young woman couldn't help but notice that he was looking at the announcement of the candidates. Kiera smiled slightly at her brother's face, deciding to talk to the man. "You know, I hear that Kingsley man is a really good man." She said, wondering if he would mind her intrusion.

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