Prithviraj Chauhan

Prithviraj Chauhan

Well-Known Member
Full Name:
Prithviraj Chauhan
‘Prithvi’ means the earth and ‘raj’ means rule.Prithviraj was born in a Royal Family to the King of Cittorgarh,Rajasthan,India,that is why he is so named.
Prithviraj prefers being called Raj.

Date of Birth:
31 May 2013

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:
Prithviraj is generally a handsome face, he is 5”4 in height, he has dark brown eyes and black hair which he normally keeps gelled. He has a fair complexion despite the heat of his hometown.
He also has a very muscular built despite of his age because he has been practicing sword fighting ever since he was seven years old.

Prithviraj takes time to get used to people and places and new surroundings but once he gets accustomed to it all he is very open and friendly. He takes time to trust someone but makes strong bonds of friendship. He is very protective of his friends and cannot bear to see them bullied by others but he sometimes gets overprotective.

Prithviraj comes from a Royal family of Rajasthan which are often huge. Prithviraj lived with his parents, paternal aunt and uncle, both of whom are younger to his father. He also has a step-aunt and uncle who are a lot younger than his father. Prithviraj does not have any siblings but has two cousin brothers and a cousin sister from his uncle. His aunt is unmarried. All of his relatives are muggles and he is the only muggle born wizard in his family apart from his step-aunt called Anamika Chauhan.

Father: Raja Veer-Pratap Chauhan
~Age: 35
~Blood status: Muggle
~Occupation: Ruler
~Residence: Chittorgarh Palace, Chittorgarh, Rajasthan, India

Mother: Rani Jyotibai Chauhan
~Age: 31
~Blood status: Muggle
~Occupation: N/A
~Residence: Chittorgarh Palace, Chittorgarh, Rajasthan, India

Paternal Uncle: Maharaja Sher-Singh Chauhan
~Age: 30
~Blood status: Muggle
~Occupation: Ruler
~Residence: Chittorgarh Palace, Chittorgarh, Rajasthan, India

Paternal Aunt: Rani Chandramukhi Chauhan
~Blood status: Muggle
~Occupation: N/A
~Residence: Chittorgarh Palace, Chittorgarh, Rajasthan, India

Step-Uncle: Kuvar Yudhishtir Chauhan
~ Blood status: Muggle
~Occupation: N/A
~Residence: Chittorgarh Palace, Chittorgarh, Rajasthan, India

Step-Aunt: Anamika Chauhan
~ Age:22
~ Blood status: Muggle-born Witch
~Residence: Kapoor Residence, New Zealand.

A Short History About Prithviraj
Prithviraj has never been very attached to his parents because he has been brought up and cared for by a nanny. His father and mother have never had time for him even though he is their only child. Prithviraj has had no siblings to play with and no one to share his feeling with.

Prithviraj feels that he has been neglected only because he has shown signs of magic which his father found as an oddity. He feels as if he was only given birth to because his father wanted his own heir to rule the Kingdom.

The only family member who is close to Prithviraj is Anamika and this relationship is because both of them have suffered through the same kind of treatment because they both showed magical abilities. Anamika received her letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and was unwillingly permitted to attend the school and Prithviraj knew that he would also get a letter like that when he turned eleven.

When Anamika turned 15,it was decided that she was to get married, as child marriage was a tradition in Rajasthani families. Anamika knew that she would not be allowed to continue Hogwarts and so she ran away from home, telling only Prithviraj where she was going so that he could find her if he ever needed her.

When Prithviraj received his letter, which he had been expecting,he made sure he was allowed to go.His parents were concerned that he would change and forget his responsibilities as a future King of Chittorgarh.They thought that he would also run away from home like Anamika when he was told to accept his responsibility.

Prithviraj discovered during the time before he started his first year that he was soon going to be married to an unknown princess but before he could plan to escape he was engaged to her. He knew that he must follow Anamika’s footsteps to save his freedom.And so he ran away from home and came to New Zealand to find Anamika and start his studies.

Prithviraj has only had one pet.A tiger called Raja.He was more like a guard to him and at night he guarded his quarters.He has also had a horse called Raftar,which he was using when he was trained to ride a horse but unfortunately Prithviraj was not good at it at all and was thrown off the horse’s back several times. Prithviraj would love to have a pet now but will always miss Raja.

Area of Residence:
Prithviraj was born in Chittorgarh and has lived in Chittorgarh Palace until he turned 11,and after realising that his destiny was in the wizarding world and not in the muggle world he ran away to New Zealand where he moved in with his step aunt.

Blood Status:

Prithviraj was born in a Royal Rajasthani family and the blood that runs through his is of the King and Queens of Chittorgarh.

Special Abilities:
None which have been discovered.

Interests or Hobbies:
Prithviraj likes reading a lot but the only book that he can read are novels. He cannot focus on any books that are study related.He also likes out-door activities like camping, hiking, mountain climbing, swimming etc.He also likes photography.

Additional Skills:
Prithviraj speaks two languages fluently apart from English.Gujrati (his mother tongue) and Hindi.
He is also skilled at Sword fighting.

~Prithviraj believes that he will be very good at Defence of all sorts.
~He is also very strong physically.
~He also has good ability to make choices without being confused.
~He is very uncaring about what people say about him and he dosen’t get affected by the worst of provocations.

~Prithviraj has a very weak stomach, he often gets sick if he sees someone bleeding or if he travels at a very fast speed.
~He is also afraid of heights and feels dizzy when he looks down from a height.
~He also has this odd problem that he stammers whenever he lies and gets caught easily.

Describe your character in three words:
Rebellious, good-natured and handsome.

Favourite place to be:
Prithviraj is still young but unlike some people he can say that his favourite place is not his home.

~Prithviraj hasn't got many friends because he has always stayed isolated from the public but he often finds iteasier to be friends to older people than people of his own age.In short he is young but matured and likes people of that kind.

Hogwarts House:
Prithviraj thinks that he will be in Gryffindor because for an 11 year old to take such a big step such as running away from home,he must be brave enough to make it into the house.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
Prithviraj is a muggle born but with a lot of knowledge about wizards.As far as he has heard of wizard jobs,he wan'ts to be an Auror.
Prithviraj is very sure that he will not join the quidditch team, in fact if he is ever forced to play quidditch he is sure he would hardly last for a few seconds on his broom because he knows how it is played and due to his weakness for hieghts and speen he doesn't think it is the right sport for him.

Best school subjects:
Most probably DADA and Charms because he is fascinated by spells done using wands.

Worst school subjects:
Flying because he is afraid of height and speed and Astronomy because he thinks that the sky is too vast to study and he cant fit everything into his brain.

Extracurricular Activities:


Current Job:

Plans for your future:
As mentioned above after school Prithviraj would like to go into Auror training.

Your Patronus:
Prithviraj thinks that his patronus will take the form of a tiger because he is attached to wild cats especially tigers and he also had a pet tiger.

Your Patronus memory:
He thinks it would be the day he got his letter from Hogwarts and he knew he would follow Anamika’s footsteps.

Your Boggart:
Prithviraj is not particularly afraid of anything accept heights but he has not discovered much in life so he knows that his biggest fear is yet to be discovered.

Your Animagus:
Again this would be a tiger as he is fond of them and he feels that if there was an animal that could represent him it would be a tiger.

Mirror of Erised:
He would see himself among his family and being accepted and loved.

A page from your diary:
***Coming soon.
Thats one unique story. :D
Here are a few questions that came across my mind.
~Is he likely to ever fall in love with his fiancée?
~Are you willing to tell your friends about why he has ran away from home?
~What kind of friends is Raj going to have?

Thanks for liking my story :D

~Is he likely to ever fall in love with his fiancée?

Raj hasn't really had a chance to know Princess Radhika (his fiancée) but she seemed very nice and pretty when he saw her for the first time on the eve of their Engagement.But he feels that by running away from home he has broken his relationship with her so he doesn't accept her as his fiancée.He is also not likely to go back to Chittorgarh so there is next to no chance of meeting her.

~Are you willing to tell your friends about why he has ran away from home?

As I mentioned Raj takes time to trust someone and in the first place he doesn't like to talk about his family.However if he feels that someone has earned his trust than he might confide in them.But it would take some to be that close friends with someone.

~What kind of friends is Raj going to have?

Raj is a Prince but not a spoiled one.He likes everyone as long as they like him..He would never be prejudiced against some one and dislike them for no proper reason.He makes more friends than enemies and he is good at maintaining a friendship.

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