Primavera Cardosi

Primavera Cardosi

elitist & proud | CFO Cardosi Inc.
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14" Rigid Walnut Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Make it into something wonderful ,
we'll never say goodbye ,

Say Hello to
Primavera Olethea Cardosi!

Make it into something beautiful ,
we don't have to try ,

Primavera Olethea Cardosi

Primavera - Latin Meaning: The name Primavera is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Primavera is: Born at the beginning of spring.
Olethea - Olethea as a girls' name is pronounced oh-lee-THEE-ah. It is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Olethea is "verity, truth". Variant of Alethea
Cardosi - Italian: habitational name from any of numerous minor places called Cardosi or Cardoso, from Latin cardosus 'rich in thistles'

Primavera was named because of what her name means, she was born in the middle of spring, and her parents decided she was to be named after that, and it was aided by the fact that Primavera they thought would be a very lovely name for their little girl. Primavera has always enjoyed her name, even if it's a little typical for someone in Spring to be named Spring, she likes the way it sounds, the way it just rolls off the tongue with ease. She doesn't remember much about her parents, or who they really were but she is always thankful that they gave her such a name which suited her so perfectly, and she truly believes that is matches her surname, and when the word Princess is placed before it, that too. Her middle name Olethea, is a name she doesn't use often at all, and was once again chosen by her parents not for any reason other than it being her mother's name. They didn't want to call Primavera after her mother outright, but decided to use her middle name Olethea as a way of including her mother in it. Primavera has never liked her middle name, not just because her parents are dead and that's all she's left with, but because she doesn't like it. She doesn't like what it means, and she doesn't like the fact she has so carry it. Olethea to her, is a name that should only be used when she has to read out her full birth name to someone. She is unlikely to respond to it, unless it is her surrogate father who uses it. Her last name, Cardosi is obviously not a name that she can claim much too. She enjoys it, she enjoys the status it gives her, she enjoys the wealth it allows her to live under and she just in general enjoys the family values it sets her up to have. Cardosi is a name she'll be sad to part with when she does eventually have to give it up for marriage.

Primavera's nickname is Prim or Prima depending on whose speaking to her, she likes the shortened version of her name, almost solely due to the fact that she believes it describes her fairly well. She likes the way it rolls easily, that most people wouldn't even take much persuading to call her Prim. She rarely uses it around her family, or at least her adoptive father, after all with him formalities are a necessity but with most others, they are far more likely to call her Prim than they are to call her Primavera, between the two names, her actual name and her nickname, Primavera prefers her full name, but she wouldn't stop people from using the shorter version, since she really does like that just as much. Prim has no other nicknames that she herself has allowed people to call her, though she is sure that people are talking about her behind her back but Prim is just happy to be talked about.

Fourteen years old, Primavera enjoys her birthday a lot, she just likes being able to be spoiled by the presents she receives, because she's at school, she generally can't do much, but she always makes sure that someone gets her fresh flowers and she makes sure that she gets all the gifts to her. She'll even make a point of wearing some form of head piece almost like a crown of sorts during the day. Prim has always been big about her birthday, she's always felt very annoyed that her parents can't be around to celebrate them with her like they were supposed to before they got themselves killed but she never let her bitterness about that show, because her birthday is all about her.

April 23rd 2026, she was born at home in Venice, Italy to her parents after a short period of labour and with close to zero complications. She was a few days early and because there were no complications Prim did not have to visit the hospital as can sometimes happen. She was born in the early hours of the morning at around 6/7am. She has always been an early riser, which is something Prim has attributed to the fact that she was born so early in the day. Despite her annoyance about her parents being dead she has always been curious about the when she was born, and at what time, probably from an innate desire to be close to her parents and know about them despite what happened.

Student, Primavera is also very unsure about what she would like to do when she leaves school, so far in all of her studies absolutely nothing sticks out at her, she has no real clue what she would like to do after school. Prim knows she has a lot of time to chose but so many of her cousins are doing good things, and she wants to be like them, or even just better.

Florentino Cardosi, pureblood wizard, attended Durmstrang, brother to Collineus who took in Prim when her parents died. He was born in November 13th 1979, in Italy. He was working under his older brother up until the point of his death. He was a stern, family orientated man, who held a strict belief in the purity of blood and in the dominance of his family's name and legacy over others. He was not particularly evil, he had no desire to join any evil faction and was much more concerned with business and achieving well there while taking care of his family. He met his win while on holiday in Southern Italy in 2005, and they married in 2013. He was very unsure about marriage, it had never been something he'd been too interested before meeting what would be his future wife, he liked sleeping with countless people, he didn't even care about blood most of the time, because he never took any chances and was always safe. When he met her though, things changed and he desired to be her and solely with her, which was the point when he grew more mature and after a long relationship they married. He had been unlike most of his family and uninterested in children too young, but they had Primavera in 2026, after thirteen years of marriage. They had intended to have more children but Florentino was killed in the winter of 2031, just before Prim's fifth birthday.

Olethea Romanes, pureblood witch, also born in Italy, she however attended Beauxbatons. She was born in the June of 1981, and was a very bold and stubborn woman. She loved her family and was loyal to them, she had never given too much interest in blood but as she'd grown older and learned more about her family, her views on other blood status' grew ever increasingly hateful. She was not particularly violent or evilly inclined, but she did have a love of the dark arts and of potions. She spent a lot of her time as a potion marker, and felt it was a truly amazing thing. She was visiting an old school friend when she met Florentino, he was to her, everything she had always avoided having had few relationships prior, but she was swept off her feet by him, and was happy to settle with him. Eventually they married and she continued with her work, moving to work alongside him most of the time, and still part of the time working with her potions. She stopped doing most of the work when after she gave birth to Primavera, with the intention of having more children at a certain point and wanting to devote herself to her family, but she died with her husband in the winter of 2031. Prim has been told that both her parents died at the same, in a potion gone wrong incident which destroy part of her old home and instantly killed both her parents while she was at her uncles house one evening. Since she doesn't know the truth and has never had any reason to question that is what she believes happened.

While not having any blood siblings, she does live with a number of her cousins who also have lived or do currently live with her surrogate parents in the home in Italy.

Because her parents died when she was young, Primavera was taken in by her uncle, Collineus Cardosi, who is a pureblood wizard who rules Cardosi inc.. He went to Hogwarts Scotland, was Slytherin. He is very like his brother, though Prim has nothing to compare him to because she never really knew her father. She has always been grateful to him for taking her in like he's done with others. Prim knows that their family sticks together that's part of the pact of it, but she's still always grateful that she wasn't cast out. She was also raised in part by Collineus' wife, Leia Cardosi, a pureblood witch who was homeschooled. She is thankful to the two of them for what they did. She also has a number of cousins, some of whom she lived with, like Serena Cardosi, who was born in the same year as Primavera though Prim is older than her by a couple of months. Because Serena is the biological daughter, Prim has always felt it useless to compete with her over affection, but in her own right demands affection from her surrogate father. Other than that the other cousins which Prim lives with are,
Isabella "Romanes" Dragonov, attended Hogwarts New Zealand, Slytherin. Born September 2nd, 2013, she is currently married to Demeter Dragonov, they have one child, Cole Dragonov born July 29th 2036.
Ostensia "Romanes" Metzger, attended Hogwarts New Zealand, Hufflepuff. Born September 2nd, 2013, she is currently married to Damian Metzger, they do not yet have any children.
Isaia Romanes, attended Hogwarts New Zealand, Ravenclaw. Born December 27th, 2014, he is married to Aphrodite "Snow" Romanes, they have one child, Louise Romanes born December 21st 2037.
Krystin "Saenger" Knight, who attended Hogwarts New Zealand, Slytherin. Born October 3rd, 2015, she is married to Doriano Knight but they are yet to have any children. Prim didn't know her well at all, she was cast out of the family before Prim got to know her well at all
Sergios Romanes, attended Hogwarts New Zealand, Gryffindor. Born August 28th, 2018, he is currently married to Isabella "Pisces" Romanes, they currently have two children, Ragan and Riley Romanes, born November 11th 2036.
Asa Romanes, attends Hogwarts New Zealand, Slytherin. Born April 30th, 2025, he is currently too young to be married. This is the cousin which Primavera is closest to out of all cousins.
Serena Cardosi, too young to attend school. Born November 29th, 2026, Durmstrang.

Primavera has one pet, an owl, which she uses for school. Prim has never really wanted any other pets, and she's a little reluctant with the owl too, but she's more interested in having that than any other type of animal. As much as she might find certain animals cute, looking after them is just not something she would be at all interested in doing. Primavera has never asked for any pets, she got the owl as a present on her eleventh birthday, she received that and her wand for school, both of which she was very proud of. She called the owl, Aria because it kept chirping really loudly on the first day she got it. Prim has no idea if the owl is a boy or a girl, and she also doesn't really care, she looks after it, but that's only because it was a gift and she doesn't want to appear ungrateful and she does use it to send letters back home, and to send letters to her cousin Asa, with whom she is very close. Her cousin, Serena Cardosi, owns a bengal cat, though Prim has never been jealous of this, and rarely plays with it.


Primavera is very proud of her blood, as she has been taught to be. She believes that her blood, her pure blood makes her superior in every way to even those of mixed blood heritage which could essentially be called purebloods. She likes having a pretty spotless record of pure witches and wizards, her surrogate father, as in the man who raised her is a stern prejudice as is her surrogate mother. Prim therefore has very similar feelings towards muggleborns, muggles, half bloods and half breeds. She doesn't like them at all, and although she might be willing to hear out the argument about needing to freshen up the blood every so often, she's not interested in it being her. She would only date or marry or do someone whose blood is as pure as her own. She would never touch a half breed, and would stay very much away from any filth. Not to mention her surrogate father would definitely kill her if she did. Prim however feels superior in her blood and would never lower herself into tainting it.

Catania, Italy, despite having been born and spent the first four years of her life in Venice because she barely remembers it, she would not class that as her home town but would rather class her hometown as Catania, Italy. Catania is an Italian city on the east coast of Sicily facing the Ionian Sea, between Messina and Syracuse, the weather is lovely and Primavera enjoys being able to lounge on the beaches of Sicily in the summer.

When she is not in her home town, living with her surrogate family, Prim would class her residence as Durmstrang, she likes the school a lot and doesn't understand why her family members and cousins wouldn't want to be a part of that school. She had to make her choice about which school she desired to attend and in the end, Primavera found it easiest to pick, not even needing to think about where she wanted to go, since Durmstrang had always been the option for her. Because for her, this was the only option. The other school let too many un-pure and filthy people in. She would say that was her residence because of the fact she does live there most of the year.

Primavera is torn between where she would most like to live, she doesn't remember Venice at all, not from then time she spent living there with her parents, but she does like going and finds the city, while annoyingly full of muggles and tourists, she likes it. On the other hand, she really loves living in Sicily, to her, it's just the most perfect place for her to be, the golden sandy beaches, the warm sea water, the houses, the culture, the spirit of the place and the fact there are far fewer muggles to ruin it too, definitely does increase Prim's enjoyment of the place. Torn between these to two places, Prim doesn't know where she'd rather live, or which place means most to her, almost to the point where she would rather live anywhere else so she never has to pick between two such places.

FIRST HOME: Because this was the home she lived in with her parents before they died, and Prim being very young at the time remembers very little of it. She doesn't remember anything about it, all that she does know about it she has learned from the few pictures she has of her parents. The place itself was a little on the outskirts of the city, towards the west of it and in the richer areas, as well as the more magical area of the city. It was a large home, old furnishing and decoration, a light airy feel, with art work decorating the walls. It had three different balconies at different points in the house and was very lightly decorated, the only thing which Prim actually remembers about the place, without the aid of pictures, are white curtains that were incredibly light and used to dance when a draft flowed through the house. As much as she loves her home in Catania, a part of her misses this house she barely knew.

Straight, while very young and therefore not altogether sure about her orientation, Prim has had small crushes and these have been largely directed at boys. Nothing has lasted very long, never more than a couple of hours since she's still quite young and not sure of herself at all. Regardless of what she was orientation wise, she knows that part of her duty as a Cardosi would be to produce a pureblood child, so regardless of what she finds herself being, though she's fairly sure she's straight, she would always look to have a pureblood child, that is her duty and as a member of the family, a proud one at that it is something that she would do.

She is currently seeing Astaroth Zhefarovich

None that have been long enough or important enough to note. She's at the stage in her life when she's just sort of jumping between people, her emotions haven't focused on any one person or anything of that sort so she's not had anything that lasted longer than a few hours at most. It also doesn't help that currently, as much as she wants to only like boys that are as pure as her, she does have crushes on the less pure just because they're cute and she's at such a point in her life.

Not happened yet

Not happened yet


Too young

too young

We'll take these broken songs ,
make them as good as new

Primavera has long lightish brown hair, which reaches her mid-back, because Prim always grows bored of her hair, she's always either having it cut or doing things with it. She doesn't like it ever just being one thing. She likes being able to do stuff with it, and grow it out, or cut it really short. Though she mostly keeps it in a middle parting, she had dabbled in a few other areas where she's been very keen to be able to do more than just have her hair sitting normally. Prim loves her hair, she thinks its amazing, she loves how soft it is, how fine it is, and thinks that other than beginning to try to dye it various colours just to see what it looks like she thinks it's perfect. She has hair a little darker than most in her family, which she is said to get more from the Cardosi side of the family than the Romanes side of her family.

Primavera's eyes are like her father's eyes, they aren't blue like a lot of other people in her families are, her eyes resemble a much lighter brown colour, with definite hints of green, but only noticeable if a person was to stare too long into her eyes. She doesn't have blue or green eyes as starkly as others in her family does, but her eyes are almost exactly like those of her father's. She isn't sure where he got them from, but she also never felt the need to ask about it. Prim likes her eyes, she wouldn't want the greyish colour she's seen other's with. She likes the way that it's a little different from most people's eyes. She gets a little annoyed occasionally, if she in a bad mood because of the fact they are like her father's but aside from that, her eye colour is not so important to her.

Primavera has a very smooth complexion and she has no visibly birthmarks anywhere on her body, she is pretty pleased with this and would definitely rather having no birthmarks than having any, she likes presenting the best version of herself and that would ruin it, because she has a natural tan due to the fact she lives in southern Italy she also has few freckles

Prim has a slim build, at her currently age she stands just a little taller than most, but this is not by much and while she'll likely be relatively tall like those in her family, her body type will even itself out as she makes her way through puberty. Primavera eats well, and does a lot of exercise outside of that. She takes great care in her appearance, since a lot rides with the name of her family, so Prim ensures that she stay in shape and appearing good. She also has olive coloured skin because of the tan she manages to keep most of the year, even when she's in Durmstrang, Prim likes the way that she looks, she thinks she's far prettier than some of the others in her family, but she also thinks that she puts in the most amount of effort into it. While gifted genetically anyway, Prim likes to ensure that she looks her best and enhances what she already has, by eating well, exercising well and using all natural products including lots of sun cream when out in the hot Sicilian sun.

Primavera has the same blood type as her mother had, and though she doesn't actually know what her blood type is and has no desire to really find it out, she hasn't needed to know it so far and therefore doesn't think she'll ever need to know it. Knowing that it is something that people share with their mother brings Prim no joy in the matter. She doesn't care about this blood type, the only blood type which Prim really cares about is the purity of it, and that's the question she'll ask about it.

Right handed.
Primavera is like most of the general population is right handed, she writes with her right hand and has always done so, she learned to write while she was still living with her parents, and both of them were also right handed, she has no idea about is that it was because she used to sit with her father as he worked late at night on the few occasions he was really around and watch him write and then write with him with her right hand like him and that was how she grew to use that hand. She can not even remotely write with her other hand and she doesn't care for it either, doesn't see how it can be at all useful to be able to do that.

Primavera's italian has a thin southern italian, Sicilian accent when she speaks her native language of Italian, when she speaks any other language when she's at Durmstrang or on the odd occasion at home, then she speaks with a heavy italian accent. She doesn't mean for that to happen, but of course it does because Italian is Prim's dominant language and the one she uses most often. She has a definite air of superiority when she speaks and she would rather have that than sound weak about anything. She doesn't want people taking her for granted, and she has a surprising underlying harshness in her tone, which is achieved best when she is speaking her most natural tongue, Italian.

Fluently, Prim can speak three languages, she can speak Italian, since she is Italian and is very proud of her italian roots and heritage, she has never wanted to be anything else nationality wise, she can also speak relatively good english and because she attends Durmstrang she speaks relatively good Bulgarian. She likes speaking Italian the most which is understandable because that's the one she knows best.

Primavera is not allergic to anything, she's never suffered from any allergies and believes that she never actually will. Which is likely a good thing. She has never had to think about it, and has always enjoyed. The girl knows that considering she was taken in by her uncle it's likely a good thing she's never suffered from any allergies.

It would easiest to describe Prim's still as italian hipster chic, she tries to look her best and does it in her own way, using what she sees in the magazines she enjoys reading and mimicking her own style in with it. She doesn't have any problems finding clothes for herself. She likes dresses and skirts but she'll always been most comfortable in jeans, she likes matching clothes that might not otherwise be seen to go together. Prim's not afraid to do things differently with her clothes, and she likes getting new clothes and mixing them up. She doesn't have as much of a set style as she appears to just be working on her own style and is trying to find what she likes.

Josephine Skriver

Put them together ,
into something we will never lose ,

There are a number of most innate things which Primavera likes, like her namesake she does really love the spring time, she's always enjoyed it, and not just because she thinks the idea of spring, of new life and new beginnings is fairly interesting to her. She would always enjoy the new flowers in the spring, the new colours and the way things just looked to her. She likes a lot about it, and it just is something that she enjoys a lot. Prim also enjoys charms lessons, and her favourite subject and something which likes is the dark arts, she enjoys having money in the family and she enjoys being able to get whatever she wants. She likes having her own way and she loves the beach and being able to tan with easily, she loves the feeling of sand and really enjoys the sea. She is a fairly strong swimmer and just enjoys being able to spend the long summer days at the beach. She enjoys the winters at school and enjoys spending time with her family, making them proud of her. She likes clothes and fashion but isn't obsessed with it, like she knows that people are. Prim likes being able to be the most superior person in the room, and would really love to be a princess, in her ideal world, the prince of some European nation, be it, Spain, England, Belgium or the Netherlands would have a pureblood monarch she could marry into. Primavera loves stories of princesses but would never just want to be someone's figure head queen, she would love to rule.

Because of the way that she was raised, Prim's biggest hatred is directed towards muggles and muggle borns. She really hates them, and despises that they, as pureblood wizards need to live in the shadow of the muggles and that they have to allow muggleborns into their world. In her mind, she would rather that muggleborns be allowed to help keep the gene pool of magic flowing, and when the kids reach mixed blood status then they can integrate properly within wider society. She doesn't mind when a person has two magical parents, but would rather just not know about the muggle within them. She really hates when it floods, or just rains too much because she thinks this put on a damper on herself and what she has to do with her days. She dislikes when she doesn't get attention especially when she believes that she definitely deserves it, she dislikes when people give her sh1t for her beliefs or for who are family are. She hates the idea of people thinking of her as a damsel in distress just because she likes princesses, or because of her gender. She doesn't like being told what to do in any instance, or anything like that. Primavera does hate her parents, not because she doesn't love her surrogate family, her cousins, or anything like that but she thinks they were idiots who should've known better and she might've had a family of her own, instead of having to share one with her cousins, a handful of whom were in similar situations to her.

Primavera's ultimate goal in life is to be a queen of a country, but she would likely settle to just being powerful, she's always enjoyed watching her surrogate father work, and wouldn't mind doing something of that nature. She believes herself ruthless enough to be able to achieve a position like that, not to mention most people think of her as being someone who is quiet innocent when she's really far from it. Perhaps not as violent or bloody as others, she's not afraid to get her hands dirty in order to achieve. She wants to do well by her family, and she'll do what it takes to ensure that her family stays on top, she wants to ensure they continue to be wealthy and that their dominance as a pureblood family continues, so her goals are likely fairly similar to that of her family.

Primavera would likely see herself being cast out by her family, the people who took her in, she works very hard to please them all, to be the best daughter that she can be, and she doesn't have too many fears though on many occasions her surrogate father has scared her, but she'd never say she was afraid of him, being cast out by him, or any of them would be the worst thing that might happen to her. She has worked so hard all these years to be the best daughter that she can, and it would put her life in a tail spin if she wasn't able to be a part of the family, and it's not so much about being married because Prim understands the need for such things because of diplomacy but to be disowned, and never allowed to turn. She's always worried that's happened and has always tried to ensure that it wouldn't, in all that she does but it's definitely what she would see if she was faced with, family and family honour is exceeding important to her.

A rattle snake

While having a lot of good memories which would make her capable of creating a patronus, she would arguably say that it was the first full day that she spent at Durmstrang which is her greatest memory. She can't remember ever feeling prouder or happier about the fact she was in those halls. Primavera just loved the history of the school, it's position within the wizarding world, the way it stood proud of what it's managed to do, secretive about it all. She loved the way people had looked at her when they found out her surname because of the weight that it carried at the school. She loves everything about it and just that first day in the school made her feel so proud, and just so happy of everything that she had achieved in her life, and couldn't wait to carry on the legacy of her family at Durmstrang. It is one of her happiest days because she felt included within her family and everything that they stand for which was something she has always strived for.

Despite being very young at the time, Prim does remember being told about her parents and the sort of week which followed that, she didn't remember much about them, or that week but she remembers just the kind of bone crushing sadness at realising that her parents were never coming back, that she was without her mother and the sort of sadness of that. She remembers crying a lot and feeling like nothing would ever right in the world. She remembers going back home to get her things with her surrogate father and though she doesn't remember the house or anything else, she just remembers feeling just so down about it all, and completely unsure of herself in that moment. It's not a particularly strong memory in that she doesn't remember it flowingly like she remembers her first day of school, but she's never felt like that since and that's why it's her worst memory.

If forced to tell the truth, it would be that she fears what might happen if she were to fall in love with someone un-pure. She of course would check with people before venturing in, but Prim would fear accidentally falling in love with someone she could never actually be with and that she might subsequently bring shame upon her family. She would definitely spill all of these fears because despite her feeling they'd never happen, it would be just the worst thing to possibly happen to her, and she would admit that if she had to. Disappointing her family is something she would never want to do, and it worries her a little that she might not be able to stop it from happening in certain situations.

While rather cliched, Prim would see her parents, but she wouldn't just see them, she'd see them by her side with the rest of her family, and she would just be staring out at a ton of supporters who all love her. She would have a queen's crown on her head and the finest clothes. Prim knows she'll never be queen of anything which is important, but it doesn't at all stop her front wanting to be that and it is exactly what she would see within the mirror of erised. She wouldn't tell people that was what she saw, since most would imagine it would have something to do with family and she's not sure her surrogate father would be overly kind knowing such a thing, but it is what she sees.

Primavera would first off smell the halls of Durmstrang and that particular scent which lingers in the hallways of the school. She loves the smell of most flowers, but also loves the smell of oranges. Oranges are her favourite fruit and she loves the smell of them. Admittedly, she loves the smell of the muggle markets in the local muggle town close to their home in Italy. She loves the smell of the beach, and that of the sea which are familiar to her because of where she lives, she also loves the smell of fresh almonds from the tree and the smell of olives. She likes the smell of fresh bread and she really loves the smell of freshly washed clothes.

Easily, Collineus Cardosi, she has looked up to him for as long as she's known, not just because of the fact that he's taken her in after what happened to her family, but when the same happened to her cousins, but also because of his company and all that he does for that. He balances his family and his work so much, so well that she loves that about him. She would wanted to be in the same position as him, as powerful and driven as he is but also capable of being a part of the family. Primavera has always looked up to him, after she spent some time watching him work as a child, and she's just always wanted to manage to create and keep such a pure family while also managing to run a successful company, she loves how people quiver in his presence and how people end up doing exactly what he says, she would one day love to have that kind of power.

Her family have much bigger issues than to ever think about religion, she would describe her family as very much non-religious. She has never believed in any higher power and she doesn't think she ever will, in her mind all religion is in direct conflict with the magic that she can do and with her family. She thinks it's pretty pointless to worship someone which can't supposedly be seen when there is so much on the ground in reality that they can worship, and Prim would include herself in this. Prim has never stepped inside any place of worship and would likely never do so, since she thinks it's all pointless. Her mind thinks that it something that pointless muggles do. Because she can do magic she doesn't think it's possible. Prim doesn't give any real thought to religion but she knows she doesn't believe in anything. Not even in the off chance to see her parents again, she knows full well that they are gone and she'll never see them again.


Underneath their cool, calm and collected exterior, Taureans differ greatly from all the other signs of the zodiac. Taureans manage to discreetly stay apart from the crowd, even though they have a well-earned reputation for being socialisers. They will let others get close, but only so close as they want them. Some claim that trying to get your point across to a Taurean, should they not want to hear you, is rather similar to talking to the trees they simply won't budge. And, there is no such thing as an open-book Taurean. Their feelings, fears and desires often run far deeper than anyone around them would guess. Like the butterfly that chooses to remain hidden in its cocoon until it is ready and prepared to emerge, so the true Taurean spirit remains hidden behind a veneer of day-to-day activities. That's why Taureans are sometimes regarded as snobby, withdrawn, boring, or even sulky.
The truth is, when Taureans manage to operate very adequately on their own form of automatic pilot, they can switch off from the world around them very efficiently. And when they do switch off, they are actually gathering in their inner reserves to deal with the outside pressures. This sign is also very closely connected to 'feeling good'. Most Taureans like their creature comforts and hate change because it takes them out of their automatic pilot condition of separating themselves from the world around them.

The easiest way to understand Primavera would be to understand that she believes herself as a princess, she is above everyone else because of her status. She thinks of herself as better because of her blood, because of who are family and she treats everyone who is not a pureblood as lower than herself, she'll be outwardly condescending to most, and she'll be actively mean or evil towards half bloods, half breeds and muggleborns. She doesn't have time for those people so she'll treat them pretty terribly. She's an independent person, who doesn't rely on anyone, she's creative and inventive in what she does. She doesn't care about most people, and if very loyal to her family and those whom she deems worth. She's very careful about who she picks to be her friend, and if a friend does something she doesn't like she'll tell them if they continue to be like that she'll just completely cut them out of her life. She has no patience or time for people whom she doesn't like or who try to cross her in some way. She's a very prideful person, and humiliation is something she'll avoid at all costs. She'll always present the best image of herself as the can. She's still a little unsure of herself completely but she's happy with her life and a content person. Prim does work very hard for everything that she gets believing that she can't just be given things in life because of who she is, though she probably could.
We'll find out on the other side ,
who we are

Curly 14" Rigid Walnut Wand with Doxy Wing Core

Length: A little on the longer side of things, wands of this length are slightly more uncommon and not easily forgotten by others.
Style: Great care was taken in crafting this wand's wood to spiral to its point, giving it a beautiful aesthetic quality.
Wood: A wand for the brilliant, often used by innovators and creative types - a Walnut wand in the right hands will do its owners bidding unquestioningly.
Core: Doxy wing cores produce unstable wands. They are excellent for hexes and jinxes, and for those who plan on practicing dark arts.
Flexibility: Rigid: A difficult wand to control and sometimes broken under little force, but powerful in a fight.

Like most of her family she was presented with her wand on her eleventh birthday, she didn't have the problems with money so there was nothing standing in her way of getting any wand, and she was fairly nervous about the process, but when she got her wand in the end Primavera was as proud as she could be of the choice, other than being aesthetically pleasing, the walnut wood is good for doing spells unquestioningly and the core of doxy wing, while being unstable, are good in hexes and jinxes as well as being good in the dark arts, she thinks that this is a good indication of what her life might end up being like. She loves her wand a lot, and she is sure that her family are happy with the wand that she has, and would never want it to change.


Having never attended school before Prim was very nervous about it, but knowing the school's reputation and her family's story she was pretty certain that she would be fine, but arriving at the school was very different, she loved it so much, it was everything she had wanted from a school, everything was so old, so bold. She could feel the magic running through it and it was definitely aided that no muggleborns would be in her year that increased her enjoyment of the place. She loved being able to wander the halls, the way things looked, just everything. Primavera could not in her mind understand why any person wouldn't chose to come to Durmstrang if they had the opportunity to, she doesn't understand why any person would chose to go to the filth of Hogwarts New Zealand. Prim was very proud of her school the moment she adorned the uniform and stepped out into the halls of the school, she had never felt so at home in any building other than her actual home.

There are no houses at Durmstrang

Third Year




Too young to have achieved anything yet, and with very little desire to play quidditch she is not on any team while at school.

Potions: OHistory of Magic: OThe Dark Arts: OCharms: O
Transfiguration: OAstronomy: EEHerbology: O 
[th colspan="4"]First Year Grades[/th]
Potions: OHistory of Magic: OThe Dark Arts: OCharms: O
Transfiguration: OAstronomy: OHerbology: O 
[th colspan="4"]Second Year Grades[/th]
Potions: OHistory of Magic: OThe Dark Arts: OCharms: O
Transfiguration: OAstronomy: OHerbology: O 
[th colspan="4"]Third Year Grades[/th]

<SIZE size="50">OWLs & NEWTs:
Not taken yet

Her best class would be Charms, or the dark arts, both of which are classes that she excels in and finds the work both interesting and challenging. She likes the way they are both taught and enjoys the professors too. There is nothing boring about these classes to her. She has always found them exceedingly interesting. She has never not done the homework, and working on them always ends up bringing a smile to her face. She doesn't understand why the other school's don't follow the same teaching patterns as Durmstrang, she has never thought of the lessons as being wrong, and she enjoys the spell casting in charms and the theory in the other class. She finds them interesting and doesn't understand why a person wouldn't come to Durmstrang just to be able to learn such things.

Astronomy is likely Prim's worse class as of right now. She's always thought it a little silly and never really seen the point in it, so she often doesn't do anything in it, and barely does any revision for it. Her slightly lower than acceptable grade in first year in this class was a reflection of the lack of work that she was putting into the class, she just didn't like the professor, how it was taught and she didn't want to have to do it, but she worked to improve her grade subsequently, to ensure that she would not disappoint her family in any way because she couldn't be bothered in one class.

With our rivers in the night ,
wish me love and give me hope

Coding done my me Emzies, if you'd like to use it, PM and I'll send it to you
Song: Rivers - Thomas Jack
Photo credit to Tumblr

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