Precariously Perched Upon the Ledge

Kynleigh Davis

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
It was much too stuffy in her dorm room. It was just as stuffy, if not more so, in the common room. Ever since everyone had come back from their holidays it seemed like they all wanted to stay holed up in Gryffindor house which was causing the third year to be a little more than claustrophobic. She simply couldn't handle being cooped up with so many people. It wasn't that she didn't adore her roommates to bits and pieces, but the blonde was what most would consider to be a free spirit and being confined in one small area just didn't do her justice. Slipping on her boots and running a brush through her messy hair was about all the preparation that Kynleigh felt was needed. She quickly found her sketch book and tucked it under one arm and grabbed a pencil from her nightstand and used it to tie her hair up and hold it in place with a messy bun.

Once she was finally out of the castle her long legs took off into a dead sprint. At first she tried the rosebush out near the lake, but she found that there were already several people there and right now a small gathering of people was not what she was looking for. The young Gryffindor headed towards her favorite tree out on the lawn, but found a few first years playing a rather noisy game of exploding snap. Sighing heavily she turned and headed in the direction of the last place she usually frequented. When Kynleigh reached the cliffs she was relieved to find that no one else was currently inhabiting the area, well no one with the exception of a few squirrels. The thirteen year old grinned widely as she watched the small furry creatures ramble around on a nearby rock.

Finding her favorite spot, right near the ledge, Kynleigh dusted off the small area before sitting. She kicked off her boots and positioned her long legs indian style, placing her sketch pad on her lap and pulling the pencil from her hair. The light breeze that blew whipped her long blonde hair around slightly as she looked out over the horizon. It was absolutely breathtaking which was probably why she loved to come out here so often. Taking her pencil in her left hand she began to drag it over the smooth white of the paper, her mind drifting as she sketched the view she'd just witnessed.
There was very little that the Hufflepuff boy could claim he actually enjoyed doing. A hufflepuff he knew was meant to be all loving. And someone who did a lot and worked hard. But Elijah had never thought of himself as the usual Hufflepuff type. Sure he was pretty relax and he enjoyed just being able to smile and relax. But apart from music, there was not much else the Hufflepuff did. Not enough for him to know what he really enjoyed and what he did not really enjoy. Just overall he knew that he was perfectly happy with just how he was. He didn't feel the need to take up anything else. Not like his parents had instructed him to. His sister at Beauxbatons, was in the cheerleading squad and a part of the art class. She was in the fashion group and had a close knit of friends that Elijah had not liked in the slightest. All Slytherin types, and Elijah was generally not a fan of those people. He found it difficult to get along with them, and he thought they were so driven to be the best, they'd forgotten how to relax, slack and just breath. A reason why he had never wanted to be one. That and he knew he could never be mean to anyone. The hufflepuff could not even kill a spider, mainly through a fear of it, but he didn't want to kill it. It had a right to live, just like he had, and while scared, he liked to think that it was scared of him. Though his very girlish screams, always made others realise that their was a creature and someone else came to either kill it or remove it from the room, while also looking at Elijah like he was a baby. Elijah wasn't bothered, a spider was freaky. It had eight legs, and two fags, their was no way that the Hufflepuff boy would ever like something like that. It was why, he was sure that in the event of an alien invasion, Elijah was probably one of the people, that would just scream and run away. Regardless of if they came in peace or not. That or he'd just faint on the spot. It was just the way he was. He didn't really give much concern to how others thought he acted. He really didn't care. They were people that didn't really want to get to know him, and he didn't need those people in his life. Elijah was walking the grounds once more. He had his guitar and was smiling. The thoughts of the Yuleball were clear in his mind. It had been an odd day. He'd spent his time with a girl, that he'd not even imagined running into. It was nice. Fun. Which surprised him, the last time he'd actually enjoyed the Yule ball, had been with Hillary. Whom he'd still not found. But, now his mind was on a different girl.

Unlike his classmate, Logan, Elijah was pretty uncertain about himself. He doubted that any girl would actually like him. Sure they would like him for his music. But he had no idea about if they actually liked him. He was pretty shy and nervous without his guitar. He couldn't just easily asked a girl out. He had to admit that it was pretty easy for Elijah to become jealous of Logan and his girlfriend. He'd seen them at the Yuleball, but since he'd wanted to let them have an evening he hadn't gone over to his smart Ravenclaw friend. However walking through the grounds the Hufflepuff half wanted to meet someone. He no longer wanted to have to be the boy with no one but his guitar as his friend. It wasn't that he got annoyed by it, just that he thought as a fourth year puff, he should have a hell of a lot more friends. More to this point he thought the few friends he did hold should be a lot stronger than how they were already. He knew that they weren't expecting a boy like Elijah to be out and about all the time, but knowing that he was interested in being friends, would mean it would be easier for them to make plans. For them to just be good friends, that met more than once or twice a year. With OWLs in the next he had to get a support system for when he just wanted to rant at someone over how riduclous they were making them work. It was as he made his way to the edges of the cliff that he noticed a girl. A girl that made him smile. "Kynleigh!" Elijah called as he neared. Hoping that he hadn't taken her too by surprise. He walked up next to her and just smiled. "Hi. Mind if I join?"
Kynleigh, as usual, was lost in her own little world. The young girl was doodling away, not paying attention to her surroundings until she heard someone call after her. She jumped a little with a start and dropped her pencil on the ground in front of her. Turning her face skyward she smiled, "Hello there Elijah!" She took a hand and shielded her eyes from the sun. Hearing his question her heart fluttered a little and her cheeks tinged light pink. What's that all about she thought to herself, feeling a little confused. "Of course you can," Kynleigh replied, patting the area of ground next to her. She hadn't seen him since the night of the Yule Ball. They'd had so much fun, or at least she had. It seemed that she was slowly making a really good friend at school. The blonde had even mentioned him to her parents when she had gone home for the holidays.

"So I see your toes recovered," Kynleigh stated with a small chuckle, referring to the several times she'd accidentally stepped on his toes during a dance they had shared. "How were your holidays? Did you go home," she inquired as he sat on the ground next to her.

Meh Lame :/
Elijah Tine was silently thinking over the night once more when he saw her look round at him. She had looked amazing. And despite the fact it hadn't been a traditional esque dress, she'd been really the only girl to have caught his eyes for more than a second. It was odd. He hadn't felt like that in a rather long while. He had few female friends at hogwarts, but none of them made him even glance at them for more than friends apart from this girl. It was odd, since he'd never considered her as more than a friend, but spending a night like that together was something that even had to admit was different from anything else had done. Elijah was glad to see that he had startled her slightly. ALthought he thought it was a rather mean thing to think, he was fairly tired of always being scared by others, being able to return the favour to someone that he called his friend was good. The hufflepuff had a friendly smile on his face. As she spoke and said he could sit down. Elijah took off his guitar and put it down before taking a seat next to the girl and looking out from the cliffs. They were dangerously close to the edge. He'd once had a list of things that he had to do before he left school. The list had gotten lost, but one had been to jump from the cliffs with his broom. So that he could freefall for a few seconds before getting his broom ready to fly. But even elijah now realised that this was a rather silly. There wasn't much that Elijah wanted to do, but most things that his heart told him to do he knew that it would not end well for him. Well, jumping off a cliff could never end well. He'd probably want to spend so much time free falling and end up forgetting about the broom in his hand and that would mean he'd hit the rocks. Which would not be fun, or nice. To mention, he pretty much figured that if he did that, he'd probably die. WHich was not something he desired to do. He was quite a fan of his life. He was enjoying despite the problems within his family. He looked round to the girl he was sitting next to as she spoke again. He laughed slightly with her. It wasn't something that he was actually bothered by, and it wasn't anything he couldn't handle. He smiled at her. "I couldn't walk for days" Elijah said in a obviously sarcastic voice. "it was fun. I enjoyed it." He nodded to both himself and her. It had been fun. For him at least. He hoped that it had been fun for her, but there was no real telling. He had pretty much thought that she'd had a great time, there was nothing to tell him that she hadn't. SHe was talking to him, so he had to figure that she'd had a least a little fun.

"My holidays were all right. I went home, yeah. Back to France. My parents are crazy though. They've fostered this girl. Carson or something. I don't really know her, but she seems like a real slytherin." Elijah sounded annoyed as he spoke. First he'd gone from no siblings to one little brat of a sister, to an older sister. Was she another one of the children the Tines had originally give up. He didn't care. Although she did look a little like his little sister. "There not really my parents, I mean biologically yeah, but, I didn't live with them until last year." He didn't why he'd said so much that Kynleigh probably wouldn't want to hear, but with so little friends he didn't have anyone to talk to. And this girl was a good option. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to tell you so much. My family just make me want to." He finished his sentence by pretending to head desk. But he had to work with an invisible desk, he just had to hope she caught what he meant. "What about you? How was your holiday? Better than mine I hope."
When Elijah joked that he couldn't walk for days Kynleigh grinned and said, "But in all fairness I definitely warned you that I was horrible." So he had had a good time which was good to hear because she'd definitely had a good time. It was the first Yule Ball she'd ever been to and she had to say it had definitely lived up to all the hype she'd heard about it. "As did I. I'd never been before this year. Think I might even try it again next year," she added as she picked up her pencil and twisted her hair back out of her face. It dawned on her that this was really the first real friend she'd made since she'd been here at school. Sure she had her roommates, but she was so different from them. While they cared about looks and boys and the latest fashions and trends, Kynleigh wasn't really all that concerned about any of those things. The blonde remembered last year when she'd given in and finally let them pluck her eyebrows, what a painful experience that had been, but now she felt like she was finally starting to befriend someone who didn't care that she was what others considered to be an odd duck. Elijah seemed to find her interesting enough to keep coming around and the young Gryffindor was perfectly okay with that.

At first Kynleigh smiled when Elijah said he'd gone home to his parents for the holidays, but quickly her smiled faltered and a sad expression creased across her brow. She let him talk about how much he hadn't really enjoyed his time at home and his new foster sister. The Gryffindor girl wasn't usually one to make a big deal about houses, but the few Slytherins she had met had been quite unpleasant to be around, they'd been rather rude. Though unsure of why she did it, the blonde gently patted him on the back. "Hit your head on something hard," she asked, finishing his thought. "It's okay. Anytime you feel you need to vent then you can consider me an ear to listen to you," Kynleigh told him sincerely. She felt sorry for her new found friend and hated that he'd had such a horrible holiday. When he asked how her holidays were she shrugged and said, "They weren't too bad. I went home and spent some time with my momma and daddy. I forget how difficult living as a muggle can be when I'm home and then they're always wanting to see what I've learned at school, but of course I can't really show them."

The blonde looked over and saw that he had a guitar with him. She smiled at him softly, a few strands of her hair still flying around her face, and asked, "So you any good on that thing?"
Elijah gave a small laugh. It was true that Kynleigh had given him warning. But he had been kidding, and his feet had been fine. Elijah wouldn't have minded if she'd stood on his feet. It meant little to him. Just small amounts of pain. He was pretty sure that the weight of the girl would not have posed much problems for him. And as long as it hadn't been with the sharp heel bit he was sure that it would've been fine. He smiled at her. "Ditto that. And we should definitely share a dance next year too." Elijah said with a smile vaguely aware of his reddening cheeks, although unaware of what he was getting slightly embarrassed at. The hufflepuff looked to his hands. He liked Kynleigh, and it seemed whenever he was with her, he managed to have a great amount of fun. But He didn't think that he liked her as anything more. In any case, he knew that plucking up the courage to ask her to go out with him, would be something that would never happen. She was the Gryffindor after all. Elijah had confidence with his guitar, but he didn't want to do anything that could ruin his friendship with the girl in front of him. She was pretty amazing. And he liked that she had the same attitude as him, in the sense, that he cared so little about what people thought of him. He was after all someone who if he was allowed to, would take his guitar to class with him. Not something most would claim, to wanting to do. He was just very obsessed with his music. Not like others. He was glad when she finished his sentence. While he mimicked hitting his head off a table. It was just the way his family made him feel. Not something he'd ever felt before. It had been fairly easy before hand and now his family was just as messed up as the next persons. It just wasn't going to be the one that worked for him. He knew that was a slightly less optimistic way of putting it, but he was glad that he hadn't been brought up in that house with those people. They would always be his blood, but they were not really his family. "Living as a muggle isn't that hard. There is the internet. And iPods. Electric guitars." Elijah grinned at her. He didn't mind living as a muggle, in the same way that he didn't mind he could do magic. it was all fairly good. All he wanted to do really was make music. He looked at the girl and then to his guitar. He nodded. "Good? I am Awesome." Elijah said. Taking his guitar and strumming it lightly. Playing a tune he'd written, while smile and looking up at the girl. "Music and this guitar are my life."

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry it's so awful
Kynleigh was glad to see that she wasn't the only one with red cheeks after his suggestion. The blonde smiled her big toothy smile at him and said, "Yeah, we'll definitely have to do that. It'd be great!" And she meant it too. She'd had so much fun with him at this years Yule Ball and was greatly enjoying the budding friendship that they had starting. Kynleigh didn't really think of him as anything more than a friend. He was cute and easy to be around, but in her opinion they were much too young to have to deal with any kind of drama that came with the labels of crushes and relationships. Having friends that you enjoyed being around and doing things with was just so much easier in her opinion, let the difficulties come later if they must, but for now she was just happy to have a friend that seemed to share some interests.

The young Gryffindor laughed when he said he was awesome. She nodded as he picked up his guitar and began to play. Okay, so he was pretty awesome. With her legs stretched out in front of her, she leaned back on her hands and looked up at the sky as he played his tune. Kynleigh closed her eyes and swayed her head from side to side, humming softly. When he finished she looked over and smiled saying, "I'd say you're pretty okay with that. Might even go so far as to say...awesome!" Playfully she stuck her tongue out at him and laughed. "Do you think you'll want to pursue music after we get done here?"

ZOMG I'm so so so sorry it's taken me so long to reply to this. My Kynleigh muse has been sorely lacking which is a shame because she's quickly becoming my favorite character :/
Although he'd previously never really been on the fence about his future. He did have to consider other options apart from his music. However it was the one thing in his life that really did make everything seem worthwhile. Going to classes was okay, because as soon as they were finished he could just go back to the dorm and play. It was his safety net. His friend. The music and the Hufflepuff boy had more than just a small bond. When he was with his family, and they'd annoyed him, or his parents had acted overly protective of him, he'd just sat and played his guitar until the early hours of the next day. Instead of screaming, or getting angry or upset, the Hufflepuff boy, just turned to the guitar that he called him own and played. He wrote songs, lyrics and music and just played. Doing the simplest thing imaginable and just playing. He wasn't interested in being the next big thing, or becoming famous at fourteen, but he was interested in playing until there was no one who could claim themselves better. Till he could play with his eyes closed. Till he could play songs backwards, would he start his crusade to get people to listen to his music. It was a tall order, but it was the nature of what he wanted to do. While also being okay with just not ever becoming fully famous but playing the small gigs. Touring around the different countries and never what music meant to him. Never letting him forget how he'd gotten to that point and how important the music was to him. It was really the most important thing for him. He didn't know if his friend would understand how important it was to him. His parents didn't understand the importance to him, and he'd thought that was something they were meant to be able to do. Just know when something meant a lot to their only son. Elijah could hardly ask much more of them however. They didn't care about the music at all. In there eyes, Elijah was meant to excel in all his classes and then instead of perusing his past time, he was meant to go to Oxford University like his father and study to become a lawyer. Elijah knew fine well that that was a respectable path and he applauded anyone that did it, but it just wasn't for him. "Well thank you Kynleigh." He said smiling with her. "Yeah, I really want to. My family not so keen, but they can get to f##k. I will pursue music like it's my only life line." Elijah said in a joking manner. "But, really yeah. I don't care if I don't make it big, I just want to make music. Do you know what you want to do?" Elijah couldn't really figure out what the girl would want to do. He didn't see her a lawyer, or something like that, but he didn't know. He wasn't in the same year, he didn't know what she was like in classes. For all he knew she could be the top of her year.​
Kynleigh smiled, wide eyed at the kind of passion that Elijah exuded about playing music. It was really cute in a way and he was really good. "I'd totally come and see you play. And when you're all famous and stuff then I think I should get bragging rights that I was your friend in school," she said clapping her hands. When he asked her what she wanted to do after school she bit her lip. In all honesty Kynleigh had never given much thought to what she'd do after school. "Hmm, I'm not really sure. I mean I'm an okay student, but nothing fantastic or anything like that. And while I enjoy the magical world I think that maybe I'd like to do something in the muggle world. Maybe some sort of artist. I like to draw. Or maybe even be a writer," the Gryffindor said thoughtfully resting her elbows on her knees and then resting her chin on her hands. "Yeah, maybe a writer or an artist. Of course I suppose I still have plenty of time to decide what it is I want to do. Maybe I'll travel the world for a while after I get out of school. I think I'd like that. After all life is one big adventure, don't you agree," the blonde said as she stretched out on her back with her hands behind her head, looking up at the sky.
<SIZE size="50">Being the type of person who liked to consider themselves a free spirit of sorts, he could completely understand where she was coming from. Elijah wanted to see as much of the world as possible and be able to just have a bit of fun along the way. He wasn't the type that wanted or needed a steady job. He didn't think that he would be happy that way. What he wanted was to be able to go out into the world, and be able to wake up with nothing but the countryside and his guitar. Elijah was probably the least focused person in his year. He knew that it was probably something that people would want to change about him, considering that his OWLs were in the next year. To him it didn't really matter. He wanted to do well, sure, but then he also wasn't fussed if he didn't do so well. Of course his parents had a strong desire to do well. But, they weren't really his parents, biologically was the only way that he was related to them. They hadn't cared enough during the start of his life, it was silly to think that they actually cared in that moment and that it was less about the inner guilt the two felt over what they'd done to the boy. Elijah watched as the girl spoke of being a writer. "I could see you as being a writer. And who knows if I make it big you could tour with me. Someone to keep me from accidentally blowing the bus up with my own clumsiness or forgetfulness." The boy gave a light laugh. "Where would you want to go first?" Elijah asked the girl, really very curious. The first place he wanted to tour were the States, mainly because there was so much to see. But then he also wanted to visit all the little European countries, and South Korea. There were so many places he wanted to go to. So much he wanted to see.​
Kynleigh's eyes went wide when he suggested that she could go on tour with him if he ever made it big. "That would be so much fun," she said excitedly. When he asked her about where she would want to visit first she didn't even have to think about her answer. "New York. I have a cousin who visited there once and told me how massive and wonderful it was. I've wanted to go ever since then. Then I'd like to go to California. I've seen movies of people who surf in the ocean there and I'd love to try that once. I know I could easily do that here in New Zealand, but just something about being able to say that I've surfed in California would be awesome. How about you? First place you want to go," the Gryffindor asked her new friend curiously. She'd never really met anyone who wanted to travel the world before. All of the people that she sometimes associated with here at school were always to keen on becoming ministry officials or quidditch players, all magical careers while she had never really given much thought into what she wanted to do in the magical community.

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