Closed Practice

Rosalind Lockwood

Punk- Loner- Protective- Misunderstood
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Firm ten-inch Ebony with a Meteorite dust core
09/15/2037 (24)
After months of practicing, Rose was finally ready. Wanting to get out of the house, she'd convinced her mother to let her spend the day at Takarokaro park. The park was abandoned, aside from her. That was fine. She found a bench and took a seat, pulling out her guitar. She took a breath and began to play. She loved this song. It was one of the only ones she could play flawlessly right now, but that was fine. It was the best song in the world to her. She quickly got lost in her music, not noticing anything else around her.

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