
Orwell Brocken

Eco-Anarchist & Activist
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Destroying Capitalism
Knotted 14" Sturdy Pear Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
12/2024 (37)
Orwell had left Archie a little after the quidditch game, he had walked with his best friend up to the gryffindor common room before leaving again, knowing that his best friend would prefer a little company after the game had not gone as anyone would've like. The Ravenclaw had changed his hair from the faded pink to the usual red colour he had on during the gryffindor games, and was stood now at the lake front glancing out at the lake, at loss over how to deal with the growing sadness in his best friend. The game had been interesting, he'd supported Archie first and foremost, cheering heartily for Jean too, and then surprisingly also watching the slytherin, Kayleigh, not particularly liking she'd hit Archie with the bludger but he tried to remained as object as possible given that it was a quidditch game and not something else that was just less dangerous, so that it didn't effect his thoughts on her much.

The king of flowers liked the girl, it was almost an attraction he wasn't much used to, he'd never felt any attraction to anyone in this manner, his mind had been so focused on whatever task he was working on, but other than his worry for Archie and his OWLs, she'd probably caught him at the best time. The teen stood staring out at the lakefront, skimming stones along the water's surface, he could hear people mingling behind him, from the sounds of it, Slytherin's celebrating, but Brock didn't turn round, instead he just continued to skim the rocks upon the water, his mind occupied with worry over his best friend wondering what little he could do to try and help his mood, knowing the other boy would do the same for him if the roles were reversed. Orwell didn't know how to deal with people who were upset, he didn't know what to say to them most of the time, didn't know how best to approach them, and because Archie was his best friend he wanted to make his entire world filled with joy, but he just didn't know how yet.
Kayleigh wasn't overly impressed with how she'd done at the Quidditch game. She had practiced far too hard and way too much to only have hit one person. She thought she was way better than that by now, she should've been able to take the whole team out! Usually Kayleigh started with aiming for whoever she thought would be the best person to get rid of in the game, and didn't think twice about it. But she knew who Archie was, and who he was to Orwell, and so perhaps the fact that it was Archie that she had hit made her feel upset with herself. Kayleigh only discovered after Slytherin had won the game that she was concerned that Orwell might have been watching; that he may have been upset with her for hitting his best friend. He just seemed like the right person to hit! The blonde tried to shake the feelings off, as she hadn't really experienced worrying about what someone thought about her before. She told herself it was nothing and headed to the Common Rooms for the party, but quickly got frustrated with the noise. Kayleigh was still trying to find the secret room that Desislav had talked about, and knew this would have been the perfect time to go there, but instead she had to resign herself to walking around outside by herself.
It wasn't a terrible thing. Kayleigh enjoyed her own company, and the peace and quiet was definitely something she was seeking at that time. The blonde had stopped lying to herself, and finally accepted the fact that she did, indeed, have a crush on Orwell. She didn't quite know how to deal with it, but she had written home to ask her dad if he could send her a spell to dye her hair pink. Kayleigh was still debating on whether she would actually do it or not, but she thought it might impress the boy. Her dad had yet to reply, and Kayleigh wondered if she should ask Orwell for tips. She didn't care what anyone else would think, and supposed she could easily talk her dad around it, but she wanted Orwell to be impressed; she wanted him to like her. But Kayleigh didn't know specifically how to get people to like her. It didn't usually bother her, and she knew she always had a friend in Desislav; he was the only other person she would worry about liking her - but only as a friend. Kayleigh knew she surely would be unhappy without Desi in her life, but now she was thinking the same thing about Orwell. And whether her feet knew where he was or it was fate, she had found herself staring at a boy with now red hair, throwing stones at the water. A smile grew on her face, recognizing him even without his pink hair. Kayleigh made her way towards him and stood next to him. "Your hair is red." She stated, pushing away the quick thought that it was because of Gryffindor. Surely that wasn't the reason. Kayleigh looked out at the water and then back at Orwell. "How did you get the stones to bounce?" She asked curiously, wondering if he put a charm on them.
It was at least a good enough way to let himself think, after the noise of the game and the troubles with Archie, the ravenclaw, king of flowers had just needed space, needed to clear his mind. Really he wanted to go into the forest, to enjoy the sights, sounds and smells of the forest that meant so much to him, he liked the school, he liked indoor beds with a proper mattress but sometimes all he wanted was his community, where things were simple and uncomplicated where he wouldn't need to balance school with life problems because he wouldn't have either currently. But, he loved school, he loved being able to get his education and proving himself as a good student, he loved spending time with Archie and running the wild patch, all the things he felt right now were just momentary slips, school was absolutely the place for him. The teen picked up a stone and flicked his wrist to throw the stone and watched it skim the water a few times before finally falling in. He honestly was at a loss with Archie and perhaps that's what made him feel more annoyed about it all, because he couldn't do anything, there was nothing he could say it seemed that made it better, Orwell thrived on being able to have solutions, to fixing things and just doing something but he couldn't do any of that with Archie currently.

The red haired teen picked up another stone threw it to the water, letting it bounce before falling in and just letting himself sigh heavily, he would be out here all afternoon and night if he wasn't careful. However, as a familiar voice spoke beside him, startling the boy a little though he realised the statement was in reference to his hair, "For Gryffindor!" he told her proudly, though they'd just lost to Slytherin, it was because he simply just knew more people on that team and really his best friend was on the team. However he smiled at the girl, "Congratulations on the slytherin victory, I didn't much appreciate you hitting Archie with a bludger but I get that's your role in the team," Orwell smiled at her with a small chuckle in his tone. He didn't know how he felt about her, he definitely liked her though he wasn't sure how much, and he certainly didn't think he had time to be feeling anything or doing what people did when they liked others. Brock was happier listening to the question, and just gave a little shrug, "It's like a spell, you flick the wrist," he told her before handing her the stone he was about to throw, "How come you aren't celebrating, you played great!" Orwell complimented, pushing the thoughts of Archie and his home community out of his head and instead focusing on Kayleigh.
Kayleigh was pleased with herself for having made the right decision. Staying in the Common Room, or even trying to get some sleep or try to study would have been a bad idea, and she knew she would have just gotten angry. A walk was a good idea, made the best idea by running into Orwell. The blonde felt bittersweet about them being in different years. Of course it meant they didn't have classes together, so she didn't get to see him as much as she would like; especially with him being in a different house. But it also meant that she could focus in class; well as much as any teenager could. Kayleigh was still getting used to the idea that she wanted to impress someone, that she so desperately wanted someone other than herself to like her that she knew that if they were in classes together, she would never concentrate, and if they were in the same House, she'd be nervous every time she walked into the Common Room. Fate just seemed to be on her side when it came to this relationship!
But even with that thought, Kayleigh's stomach dropped at Orwell's statements. He had colored his hair for Gryffindor, though she was going to try and not hold it against him. She knew Archie was his best friend, of course he'd be supporting him. It would have been silly to think otherwise. But the fact that he colored his hair to support his friend made her decision for her; surely he'd be impressed if she colored her hair for him! Kayleigh would just have to do her own research and not wait for her dad's reply.
Even though he spoke in a light tone, Kayleigh was upset by his comment. "I'm sorry." She said, closing her eyes for a second before looking back at Orwell. She was sorry, but more so that Orwell was unhappy with her than the fact that she'd actually hit Archie. He seemed to appreciate it was what she had to do, and she didn't really want to dwell on the manner, she wanted to get to know Orwell more, not be upset by him. Kayleigh took the stone that Orwell gave her, looking at him skeptically. "You've not charmed it?" She asked, before looking out at the lake and throwing her stone. It didn't bounce, it plopped and sunk. Kayleigh frowned and looked at Orwell. She shook her head when he told her she played great. "I could've done better. I've been practicing a lot. And the Common Room is way too noisy for my self-depreciating time." Kayleigh laughed. "You're not with Archie?" Kayleigh asked curiously.
Orwell noted the slight sadness in her tone at the mention of his best friend, and Orwell just ran a hand nervously through his hair, he'd never supported a team other than Gryffindor, he had never even considered the other team, which he was now faced with, "No, don't. It's okay, I mean he's my best friend in the world, I just get upset when he gets hurt, I know we're just doing it for the game," he explained to her, in his mind equating it to when blaming the every day works for doing their jobs in the face of oppressive capitalists. The teen after handing her a stone picked up one of his own, and very lightly flicked it just as she too threw hers, his got a little further than hers, and so he searched for more stones, just as she continued speaking. The King of flowers knew that it was easier to be hard on oneself rather than admitting honestly that they'd done a good job, "I don't know much about quidditch, but I think you played amazingly," Orwell returned easily handing her a stone, he could definitely understand why a common room would be too noisy, after all he was there doing the same thing as her, skimming stones on the water rather than being inside studying. And at the mention of Archie he gave a small sigh, "He wasn't feeling great," Orwell threw the stone into the water, "In my community, me and some of the other kids used to skim stones all the time, on smaller pools of water, we were always taught to think of it like the swish and flick movement," Brock picked up another stone and smiled at her, "Try again," he encouraged her with a little smile,
Kayleigh watched Orwell as he ran his hand through his hair, and she liked the way it flicked back. Why did hair make a person so attractive? It was such a weird thing, to be attracted to someone by the way they ran their fingers through their hair. Kayleigh's subconscious had decided for her that she liked the red hair on him, even if she didn't like what it stood for. "Well, I'm sorry for upsetting you." She said truthfully, a small smile on her face. Kayleigh took the stone that Orwell gave her, but she didn't take her eyes off of him, a small blush making itself known on her cheeks as he complimented her. She didn't know how he couldn't know much about Quidditch, it was such a big part of their school life, but it probably had something to do with students fighting with each other. And hitting bludgers at each other. Especially when it was his friend. Kayleigh heard Orwell's sigh, and she wondered if Archie wasn't feeling great because of her hitting him. She was sure the nurses would have been able to fix him up no problem, but she found she didn't really want to talk about Archie anymore, so she dropped it. Kayleigh listened to Orwell's explanation, and she nodded her head. She was curious about his community, but she tried to focus on the swish and flick movement of throwing the stone. Embarrassingly the stone slipped out on the 'swish' movement, and flew backwards instead of forwards. Kayleigh whacked her hand to her forehead, she hated not being able to do things. She looked at Orwell, sure her cheeks were red from embarrassment. Kayleigh took a breath before stepping back to pick up her stone again. "What's a community?" She asked, as she stepped next to Orwell again - though this time she purposely stepped a lot closer.
There was a little bit of confusion in him as she apologised, a little unsure as to why since he knew she hadn't meant it, but he gave a warm look to it, a look of at least appreciation that the apology had been made. The teen just stood back as he gave the stone to Kayleigh and watched as she flicked the stone backwards instead of forward, and he couldn't help but laugh at it, not at all maliciously but just enjoying the fact it had a rather comedic thing, at her hitting her own head with her hand, he decided perhaps she needed a little bit of help, rather than just his verbal instructions perhaps it was like the flower crowns and he needed to guide her hand, Orwell put the stone he was holding down on the ground just as she stepped closer to him, asking about a community. He momentarily avoided the question as he moved to stand a little behind her, taking her hand lightly in his as he, "It's like this," he guided carefully slowly moving her hand with the movement he wanted her to make, although at a quicker rate, "A community by my definition is a group of people who reside together at a specific location outside of common society and who share a political belief system," he told her, essentially reciting the coated definition of where he was from for those who might think him a little weird, although it was to begin with pretty weird. Orwell liked Kayleigh but he was a little confused about her, he didn't understand why she was so curious about his community, he thought of it as rather off, and most people din't like hearing about it, "Don't think too much about the throwing, just Wingardium Leviosa it," he still had her hand in his as he continued to show her the motion.
Kayleigh watched Orwell as he put down his stone and approached her, taking her hand in his.She felt her stomach tingle, and she knew the saying was something about some insect. Like bees buzzing in her stomach. Kayleigh felt nervous, and great at the same time. It was such a weird and a wonderful feeling, his warm hand on hers, and she couldn't quite concentrate on what exactly she was supposed to be doing with him this close to her; Kayleigh wondered if Orwell knew the affect he was having on her. The blonde tried to focus on what he was saying, though only able to focus on one thing at a time, and she turned her head to look at him, seeing his face close up. "So like, a really big family?" She asked lightly, curious as to how it worked, not sure if she'd enjoy it though, she definitely liked her privacy. The blonde nodded as he told her again what to do, though she wasn't entirely sure how to charm her stone while throwing it at the same time, especially while he was holding her hand, but then she thought it was probably a metaphor, and was grateful she hadn't asked for fear of looking stupid in front of Orwell. Kayleigh let go of the stone, her hands doing the right motion with the help of Orwell. It didn't sink like her previous one, but it definitely didn't look as smooth, or go as far as Orwell's had. Still, Kayleigh turned to Orwell with a big smile on her face. "I did it! Kinda..!" She laughed.
Orwell smiled at her and nodded to her question, "Like a really big family all living under one roof," he agreed easily, after all it was true, he had not been raised by just his parents but by the whole community who all put in their effort to help raise the children, he wasn't sure how good this was, the amount of children who remained in the community was pretty consistent but leaving was a lot harder to do when you felt a duty to not just your own parents but to all the people in the community. However, those thoughts were discarded when he just focused on helped Kayleigh, and let out a happy exclamation as she managed it, there was a bright and wide smile on his face as she turned to look at him, an equally big smile on her face and he just nodded at her, "Not just kinda, you did it Kayleigh! I'm so proud," he told her firmly with clear pride in his voice over being able to show her what to do, "Do it again, same motion and it might go further," he told her, picking up a stone himself and handing it to her, encouraging her to try again. He was proud she'd managed it, and was sure that she could do it again, she had the motion now, it was just moving to perfect it, or keeping in with it.
Kayleigh smiled at Orwell's answer, though she wasn't sure if she'd be keen to live in a 'community'. To be fair, it could be quite similar to Hogwarts, living under one roof, sharing a room with other students. But at Hogwarts, all they had to do was learn and study. Kayleigh's mother tried to get her to do a bunch of chores around the house (luckily saved by her father), so she could imagine that at the community they'd have to do them as well. The blonde supposed if she were invited over by Orwell, she'd definitely go, but she didn't think that was in the books any time soon. "Sounds, interesting. Do your parents live there too? Any siblings?" Kayleigh asked. She was interested in how it worked, even if she didn't want to be a part of it.
Kayleigh's smile got bigger as he told her she was proud. "Well, I had a good teacher!" She commented, putting her hand briefly on Orwell's arm. The blonde nodded at his instructions, taking the stone from him and turning back towards the water. Trying to remember what she had to do, Kayleigh narrowed her eyes, focusing. "Swish and flick." She muttered to herself, letting the stone go. Again it skidded on the water, still not as well as Orwell had done it, but it was much better than her first go. Kayleigh turned back to Orwell, beaming.
Orwell had really only ever talked about his community with Archie, he had never really had to talk about it with most others, and had just brushed over most of the details which were important to it. The boy wondered why she was so curious about it, why she wanted to know about it, since he didn't think it was that big of a deal though he did understand that a lot of others thought it was. He just nodded, "They do, they moved there from Germany well before I was born," he told her, "I have no real related siblings, but everyone in the community is my brother or sister," Orwell used a gender neutral term usually, but figured it was easier to just say that than anything else, "What about you Kayleigh? Do you live in a normal house with four walls and a roof, siblings?" Orwell decided to return the question, deciding that he liked her, and that made him curious about her, though perhaps not as much as him. Orwell just found himself blushing lightly at her hand on his arm, but it faded quickly as she turned back to throw another stone, he liked teaching people, helping them learn, he would never be a teacher, he wanted to do more than that, but it was in helping and showing people what he knew politically as what he deemed the right path for the world that was where he knew his fortune lied. Orwell just wanted her again and smiled as she managed it again, "If you can do it three times in a row, you'll never forget it," he told her, smiling brightly and widely at her, so pleased she had managed it.
Kayleigh smiled at his reply, thinking it super cool that his heritage was from Germany. Her family was just from boring New Zealand. Kayleigh loved learning about different countries, she'd asked the Zhefarovich family tons of questions; more Desislav because she hung out with him more. It had been a long time since they'd spoken about Bulgaria or France though, Kayleigh had pestered him constantly about it, but she figured one could only have enough tolerance and Desi got over the questions fast. The fact that everyone in the community was considered as family was amazing to Kayleigh, and her eyebrows lifted. She couldn't imagine treating everyone at Hogwarts as if they were her siblings. Sure, she'd never had any so she didn't know how it worked, but there were people in the school that Kayleigh would rather not have any kind of relationship with. There were so many questions Kayleigh had for Orwell, and she hoped he didn't mind her asking them all.
Kayleigh chuckled at his question. "As normal as any place can be I guess. Yes to the four walls and a roof but no to the siblings. Just me." She smiled. She was happy with it that way. She had all of her dad's attention when she wanted it, and it didn't have to be shared with anyone. "What happens if you get into an argument with one of your siblings? And, have you ever visited Germany?" Kayleigh asked, excited about the prospect of hearing about Germany. At his statement about the rock throwing, Kayleigh nodded her head, determined. She wanted to get it perfect, not only just to impress Orwell, but she hated not being able to do things. If she didn't get it right today, she knew she'd keep coming back to practice until she could do it in her sleep. Kayleigh found another stone and she picked it up, taking a deep breath and focusing on the water. It didn't do her well to remember what Orwell had showed her, because all she really remembered was his touch and that completely put her off. Instead, Kayleigh focused on the stone and on swishing and flicking. She let go of the stone, and watched as it bounced two times on the water before sinking, and Kayleigh let out a cheer and turned to Orwell, embracing him with a hug.
Orwell missed the openness of his community sometimes, he missed how much easier it was to live there, and how much he knew it would be easier to just be working rather than sitting in front of books constantly, but he liked being at school and the Ravenclaw who had a very natural thirst for knowledge was better suited in a place where he would do such a thing. The teen glanced at her and wondered for a moment what normal really felt like, because he'd never been the type to describe himself as that and found it a little odd that she might, although it did seem a little more normal or traditional that his, "Come on now there must be something abnormal in your life?" he joked lightly, not minding or caring if there wasn't and not intending to make her feel bad about it if there wasn't. He smiled at her further questions and just nodded, "We argue all the time, mostly about politics," he told her with a shrug, "I've never been to Germany, until I transferred to Hogwarts I'd been outside my community maybe three times," Orwell explained, the third time he'd left his community, it had been the fateful day that he'd met Archie and that had started all of this, all of Hogwarts and the adventures which had followed. The teen watched happily as Kayleigh tried again, taking in his words and doing it once more, and the red haired boy cheered loudly for her when she managed it, easily wrapping his arms around her when she hugged him, this felt a little different from the hugs he'd ever done before, he had hugged, and snuggled with Archie, hugged others like those within the wild patch but never like this, he pulled away and blushed lightly, "Well done!" moving a little away from her, "I knew you could do it," he added with a proud tone, happy she had managed it, he grabbed a stone from the ground, easily flicking it and watching it as it sailed through the air and bounced on the water about four times before falling in, "How did you end up deciding that you wanted to play quidditch?"
Kayleigh thought about her life, not sure if there was anything abnormal. She assumed her life was pretty normal, there wasn't much really that she had to discuss. "Abnormal. Hmm." Kayleigh repeated as she thought about her life. The blonde had a weird hobby, she knew there wasn't many that did the same as her; she certainly hadn't found anyone at Hogwarts that did. Kayleigh was pretty sure she scared away the last girl away when she had seen her sword. She hadn't seen Alana since she discussed her sword using habit with her, which was a pity because Alana seemed pretty cool. "Well, I have a collection of swords." She stated with a shrug, looking at Orwell. "My dad used to teach me how to use them. Now I just practice by myself." Kayleigh nodded her head at his reply about their fighting, but she'd not really ever been interested in politics so she wasn't sure she'd even have an opinion about it. Her mouth dropped open when he said he'd not been out of his community before Hogwarts. That was absurd to her! "Three times?!" Kayleigh exclaimed. Okay so maybe his community was huge! But still, Kayleigh had been out of Auckland before, out of New Zealand even. She hadn't gone as far as Europe, but she'd traveled around Australia and the surrounding islands. "Are you not allowed to leave?" Kayleigh asked, wondering if was by choice that he hadn't, or if it was the rules.
Orwell's hug felt nice, and Kayleigh felt herself wanting to stay in the hug but she pulled back as he did, knowing it would be weird and not acceptable if she tried to hold the hug. Kayleigh grinned when he praised her, and she watched as his stone bounced four times. Kayleigh picked up her stone and threw it as well, another smile on her face when she watched it bounce twice. Kayleigh thought about his question and tried to think back to the time when she first learned about Quidditch. "I guess I've kind of grown up knowing about it. It just always seemed like such fun." Kayleigh smiled, looking at Orwell. "And once I started, I just wanted to get better and better at it. And you just get an amazing rush of adrenaline." Kayleigh explained, passionately. She was also quite competitive when it came to Quidditch, she loved winning.
Orwell was intrigued by the lives of others, when he had spent so much of his life in one community, it felt strange and interesting to learn about the lives of others who assumed his to be the completely abnormal one. The teen nodded along, waiting for her to reply about it and definitely a little surprised by it, "Swords?" he repeated in a questioning tone, but just lightly laughed at it, thinking that it was rather peculiar thing but he could hardly be the one to call anything peculiar given his up bringing and all the strange things in his community which he had really grown very much to like, "That is really interesting and abnormal Kayleigh, you should show me the sword some time if you have it at school," he told her with a small grin. He had never seen a sword and he thought it would be quite interesting to see.

At her exclamation he just laughed lightly, and shook his head, "We're not locked in," he told her, "You can come and go however much you like, but everything is within the community, it's like a village," he told her trying to better explain what the community was, "It's also in the middle of a forest in Southern New Zealand, so I get plenty fresh air," he told her, explaining his community easily. The hug she gave him was so oddly nice, he loved hugs, but it was different from most of the hugs he'd ever gotten or given. But he discarded from his mind really and just focused on the stone skimming and then listening to her talk about quidditch, he could hear the passion in her voice, and that to him was such an attractive trait, and he had to admit it sounded oddly like how he found the rush after a protest, or after a good and fruitful meeting. The same driving force that pushed him back towards it, like the same driving force he had seen in the Ravenclaw chaser who'd broken his arm and kept playing. He picked up another stone and passed it to the slytherin before grabbing one for himself, "You're pretty cool Kayleigh," he smiled easily at her, glad for her company which had taken his mind off the worries with Archie.
Kayleigh had only brought one of her smaller swords to school. The blonde knew she would probably get into trouble if she took her whole collection of swords to school; and really there was no need to bring them all with her. Lots of them were displayed at home and it had been awhile since Kayleigh had actually had lessons from her father. She didn't spend a lot of time during the school semester practicing anymore but she took one with her just in case she felt like swinging it around. Kayleigh smiled at Orwell and his interest. "Yeah of course! I'll teach you how to use it." She offered, though she wasn't exactly sure where she would teach him; she'd hate for a tattle-tail to see them and her get it confiscated.
Kayleigh nodded her head at his explanation, grinning when he said it was in the middle of a forest, "That's cool! It must be so peaceful." She commented. The woods were her favorite place to be, whether it it was in an opening surrounded by trees, or if it were dense and thick with trees, it was incredibly peaceful and beautiful. Kayleigh wondered if she'd ever be invited to the community, she wondered if they'd have a spare room for her; or did they sleep on the floor? "Do you have houses there?" She asked, realizing after what she said that it might be offensive, but she didn't know how else to find out without asking. She didn't want to upset Orwell, she really liked him. But Kayleigh hadn't been camping before, she didn't know if she'd be able to handle sleeping in a sleeping bag on the floor, or outside. One or two nights might be okay, but Kayleigh definitely needed to sleep inside and on a bed. The blonde blushed when Orwell called her cool, and she took the stone from him with a uncharacteristically coy smile on her face. "Thanks Orwell. You're pretty cool yourself." She answered, gently nudging his shoulder with hers, playing with the stone in her hands. Kayleigh did mean it too, he was interesting, and caring and passionate and really cute. All the good things.
Orwell had never held a sword in his hand ever, at most he'd held a knife or sharps scissors when in the gardens which had never been anything terribly sharp. The teen wondered if she had one with her at school, "You have one with you here at school?" he asked with a curious expression on his face, he brought a good many odd things from home but the boy really couldn't imagine ever bringing a sword of some kind to the school. Orwell liked that, he really did, he found it so oddly different and he was a huge fan of things that are different, he liked seeing different there was so much of his life that was that he liked seeing it in those around him. At her mention he just nodded, the forest was peaceful, he loved the quiet and tranquil nature of it. He loved the way the birds sang in the morning, he didn't mind the cold or the lack of a bed. He liked waking up to new flowers or snow, given what she'd said, he just nodded, he didn't want to gush about it and make her feel weird about it or about him.

At her second question he laughed lightly, "We have shelters much like the one in the wild patch, held up by magic and using the natural environment. I don't have a bed like we do here, but Archie got me a sleeping bag, so I sleep better her," he replied with a smile, he slept fine at home but there was definitely an easier to sleep in school than at home, though he would've never known the difference had he never gone. Though the questions she asked were a little odd, he liked it, he liked her, he had never liked anyone in this way, as anything more than platonic, he was smiling at her as she nudged his shoulder and returned the compliment, he just smiled at her, "Have you considered joining the Wild Patch?" he wanted to see her again, and though he'd seen her twice now, they didn't share classes the wild patch was just a method of seeing each other more, "We make flower crowns,"
Kayleigh nodded her head to his question with a small laugh. "It's just a small one. I don't think I'd be allowed a big one. Actually, I'm not even sure if I'm allowed this one but I don't usually go around telling everyone." She answered with a small laugh. It would probably be seen as a danger to others, and though Kayleigh was clear of mind and not about to attack other students with it, the blonde knew the Professors might not think that way. They didn't know her or what she was like and it was most likely going to be confiscated. Kayleigh didn't keep it a huge secret, she wasn't embarrassed of her 'abnormal' hobby, but she wasn't going around shouting about it.
The blonde nodded her head slowly at his answer about where they sleep. It was the weirdest thing to Kayleigh that they didn't live in a house. Kayleigh wanted to know exactly how it worked, how they lived, if they had toilets or just used nature for that as well, how they cooked and what they ate. She had so many questions, but decided she had asked him way too many already, and didn't want to weird him out. Maybe one day he'd invite her to see his community, and now that Kayleigh knew she'd be allowed to leave, she'd love to spend the day there, or a night if that was allowed. "That's super interesting Orwell. It sounds really cool." She mentioned, holding back all the questions she had about it. And even if she didn't want to live there, it still sounded cool. Kayleigh supposed if he had grown up with it, he wouldn't know any different.
Kayleigh chuckled at his question about joining the Wild Patch Club. To be fair, she had only recently thought about it since she first hung out with Orwell. She would definitely only join to hang out with Orwell, but she supposed that was okay. "Flower crowns? Okay I'm definitely in." Kayleigh laughed, but meaning it. With his offer, there was no way she wouldn't.
Orwell couldn't help but think of if knives would be allowed in the school, they let him bring what he wanted but that was a little different, it would be interesting to see and to be able to try them out and just hold the weight of a sword in his hand. The teen was pretty happy when she spoke about it, and was pretty pleased that he had been told about it, which seemed to be a rather rare occurrence for her to tell others, "I won't tell anyone don't worry," he assured her, though she made no question to it, and he was rather happy to just happily enjoy the company she was giving to him, after being so stressed and frustrated from the game and from Archie's current problems it definitely felt nice to just be able to talk to someone who wasn't quick to judge him or whom he still barely knew. He could tell that what he said made her have more questions for him, and he couldn't help but be a little glad that she didn't ask any of it, he was glad that she just chose to move on from it, and he felt no desire to go about it any more. The teen looked at her with a small smile on his face after he'd mentioned the Wild Patch, his own little piece of the school where he tried his best to make all the difference that he could, and nodded at her statement, flower crowns indeed, "Flower crowns is the best thing we do, but we do other things, I'm hoping that this semester like the year we'll be able to hold an LGBTQ+ event," the teen told her with a small smile, it was the kind of event that didn't get him into trouble and he was always happy for that, "You wanna head back inside, get some food?" he asked her motioning towards the castle with a small smile, clearly wanting to spend more time with her, "Or we can just throw stones until curfew, I really can't get into any more trouble," he told her with a small grin, the last semester with Archie had been a close enough call and the headmistress wasn't going to let him off so easily.
Kayleigh smiled at Orwell when he said he wouldn't tell anyone. He didn't seem like the type of guy that would, but it was nice of him to say so anyway. Kayleigh hadn't smiled, or blushed, around anyone this much before and even though she realized she felt nervous around him, she enjoyed his company, she enjoyed being around him, even if they were just throwing rocks, they didn't need to be doing anything special because he was special enough. Kayleigh had seen Orwell and Archie and other students wearing flower crowns, but it had never really caught her interest that much. The blonde thought they were pretty, but all of their protests or events they were having didn't faze her; they would now though, now that Kayleigh knew Orwell. She would gladly go to all of the events just to see him. She wouldn't know what to do there, but she'd go anyway and just hang out with him. Or learn to make flower crowns or whatever. Kayleigh tilted her head when he said he wanted to hold a something event. She had no idea what he just said. "What's a - a LBQ thing - event?" The blonde asked, wishing she did know so that she could discuss it with him, or help him plan it. Kayleigh hated not knowing things, or how to do things and she'd often figured that was the root cause of why she was so curious about everything. Kayleigh grinned when he asked her what she wanted to do, happy that he didn't want to get rid of her. "Food sounds good, I am missing out on the party food after all." She laughed. "And I'd hate to be the reason you get into more trouble." Though as she said it, she realized that she wouldn't. It would be such an amazing feeling for someone to do something that they shouldn't, just for her.
Orwell looked at her with a small smile sitting on his face, he often just forgot that most people didn't know what things he took for granted were and he didn't in any way think anything less of her should she not know it, "It'll be a pride event like last year, it's a celebration to celebrate the diversity of sexual orientations and the celebration of the advancements made in terms of rights," he replied, "Hogwarts is great but I want to help create an environment where anyone can be what they want and never afraid or ashamed of being themselves of being true to themselves," Orwell could only think of Archie and how important this situation stressed teaching openness to people, to teaching against homophobia and that there would always be support for people who needed it in situations where family or friends were discriminatory based upon sexuality. At her statement he just smiled and nodded, "And I don't want to be the reason you get into trouble," he knew his actions had previously lead to others getting into trouble but this didn't matter now, he just smiled at Kayleigh having really enjoyed her company in all this, and knowing as they headed back up to school continuing the easy and polite conversation that she really was a pretty awesome person he wouldn't mind getting to know.

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