
Camelia Vetrova

Samoan / Surfer / Free Spirit
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 Inch Sturdy Pear Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
After having Octavian over for the break, however long it was because she and her family spent most of it out on the ocean. Or by the beach. Time flew for her when she surfed and went out on the boats. She was trying to educate her future husband on the ways of the waves. Now, she requested that he come and join her by the lake. She wanted to see what all he had learned. She tied her long, black hair up into a ponytail, dressed in a one piece bathing suit under her shorts and shirt. She placed her hands behind her and waited. She was doing what her brother told her to do. Just be herself. Camelia was back to her normal behavior. Kind and full of smiles. It was hard to not smile around her.
Spending so much time over the holidays with Camelia while he hadn't seen his girlfriend at all had almost felt like cheating, but what could Octavian do? Marisol knew the situation he was in, she knew he was trying to find a way out but in the meantime he had to play along and that meant getting to know his fiance. It had almost been fun, Camelia had taken to try and educate him on surfing. Octavian enjoyed sport, he loved quidditch for example, but there was something he didn't quite get about surfing but it was important to Camelia so he tried. Back at school and Octavian still didn't get it but agreed to meet her by the lake all the same. He arrived in shorts and a vest and smiled when he saw the girl. "So what's the plan? I see no waves,"
Camelia stretched her arms toward the sky, wondering how her family was doing. Of course, here on the lake, there weren't waves, but there was still something within the water that someone needed to feel. It'd help him. She turned around when she heard footsteps and smiled genuinely toward him. It was really nice of him to give surfing a try, because of how important it was to her. So, there was some sort of compromise on this. She wasn't going to hate him without reason, and he was going to try surfing. Giving a small wave, Camelia thought that was a better greeting. Making sure she was speaking English, Camelia said, "Well, no waves but there is still a current to feel. The sea can be really unforgiving, so you need to learn to feel it. The lake is a good place to start. After all, when the current is bad, you don't want to surf then. You'll be dragged under and out." Camelia took a couple steps behind, until she was completely behind him, cracking her knuckles. "So, feel the current! Ia manuia!" She told him good luck in Samoan, before giving Octavian a huge shove toward the water, hoping that with her putting her entire weight into it, will actually move the older boy.
Octavian did really know why Camelia had wanted to meet him at the lake. She was a surfer, and the lake was the calmest waters he'd ever seen so surely they weren't there to continue his education. She began to explain and part of him felt like she was nuts, but for now she was his fiance and he needed to at least pretend to be interested. He wasn't so sure the lake had a current but he had never been in so he didn't know. Octavian didn't even notice she was coming to the end of her speech when suddenly she muttered something in a language he didn't speak then he felt a hard push, he aas falling back into the lake. Octavian reached out and grabbed her arm determined that if he was going in then he would drag her with him.
Camelia didn't expect to go down with Octavian. But she felt a hand on her arm, and she let out a squeak. Splashes and the cool water exploded around them, moments before she re-emerged from the shallows. Her black hair covered her face as she sat up. Her hands went and brushed her hair out of her face, before looking toward the boy. Suppose that she did deserve that for a spring attack. "Maybe that was deserved. But jokes on you, I was planning on swimming anyway." Camelia splashed the water, toward the other Gryffindor, before standing up. She didn't want to get these clothes wet, but it was done now. Camelia squeezed the water from her hair and pulled the tie out of her hair and let it fall. "So, Octavian, what are you honestly passionate about?" Camelia stepped further into the lake, to where the water was up to her waist. She was suspecting that he wasn't as passionate about the water like she was. Camelia's home was out on a boat, really. But, there was much more to it than beneath the surface.

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