- Messages
- 79
- Wand
- Knotted 10" Flexible Hawthorn Wand with Mermaid Scale Core
- Age
- 11/2018
The first week of classes was finally drawing to a close, but this brought no joy to the newly sorted Hufflepuff fifth year. The sun was slowly rising, but it brought little warmth to the teen. She lay in her bed, waiting for the sun to bring something other than light. But to no avail. She'd been in New Zealand, for now officially two weeks. It had taken a while for her to bring all her belongings to the great country she now lived in, and she had found that ever so slowly she was missing home more and more. She was missing her home in Cyprus, she missed France. She missed the Northern Hemisphere. She couldn't understand New Zealand, it was different. It was September, and it was cold, she couldn't really comprehend it. Instead she was left each morning staring at all her clothes within her wardrobe and being completely unable to decide which clothes would be right for the day ahead. She simply at the start of the day had no clue. Which was why, on the second saturday of the term, she had been laying awake for hours, and had simply found herself a little too sad to want to drag herself out of bed. She had watched the sun from her window, laying on her side so she could see it. It was beautiful, she could grant it that, but, she couldn't understand why her father had to chose to move country. She missed the buildings of Cyprus, she missed the market places. She missed the shops, she missed the language, and more so than everything else she missed the food. She was a young girl too far from her home that held a dear place in her heart. She eventually heard her last new roommate leave the room, it was at this point that Ava told herself that she should at least get up, and maybe do something with the day. Study, something. Anything. So, she sat up, and ran a hand through her hair, messing with the light curls that had formed over night. She stretched, while getting to her feet, letting the dark eyes survey the room, that was bright as the sun was almost fully risen. Ava stood at the window and just stared out it. Homesickness was to be expected, surely? She had never been this far from Greece. Never this far from the continent of Europe. She wasn't sure how to adjust. Her english was fairly poor, this didn't help much. But, instead of pondering it much more, she decided that the sun meant it had to be a little warm, so instead of the usual hufflepuff uniform, the girl picked out, one her Autumn dresses, one that could be matched with a jumper, rather than complete bare skin. With a small skip in her step, she headed into the bathrooms, and took a long shower, singing softly to herself in French. She knew many songs in French, she found that the french language had a simply beautiful melody to it naturally, making it equally pretty to sing, with the right song.
After getting dressed, the brunette tied her hair up in a high ponytail, allowing the strands of hair around her face to form a fringe, framing her face. Framing her small nose, and rosy lips. She applied a little make up, before standing in front of the mirror. She had noticed, that much like Beauxbatons, all the girls at Hogwarts were simply stunning, she felt inferior. She didn't want to, but she did. Cavani was not the most confident of girls. She spent a good few minutes standing in front of the mirror, standing on the tips of her toes, and giving little spins. Holding the hem of the skirt of her dress, adjusting little parts of her hair, pulling the dress up, and then down. Until she realised that she was almost quite literally turning in circles, she picked up her shoes, and her wand, slipping on the shoes, and putting the wand in the small handbag that she had to go with almost all her dresses. It was multi-purpose purse. Unable to resist it, the brunette looked into the mirror once more, nodding to herself before heading out. She wondered through the corridors. She passed the library. But, deciding against studying, she had the next day to do such a thing. Instead, her wandering lead her to the windows of the third floor. Where she stood for a good few minutes staring out at the grounds. Unable to stop herself from thinking of home. She turned away from the window. Telling herself mentally to get a grip. This was silly of her. She wasn't like this normally. But the move had been hard on her. She had adjusted into life at Beauxbatons, and more so in Cyprus, and for it to be completely uprooted for a country half way around the world, famous for sheep and hobbits. Ava was an averagely tall girl, she had long slender legs, but an overall petite figure. She found herself wandering a little further, heading into a room on the third floor. The trophy room, somewhere that she hadn't expected to ever come. But she imagined it was a fairly quiet place. That few visited such a place. So, she could have a few moments peace to compose herself for the day ahead. The coming days, and weeks. "Ava, it'll be fine. You will love it." She told herself, speaking to herself out loud in Greek, unable to shift the language out her mind, to remind herself that she had to speak english from now on. Then, she noticed what was in the room, this made her more curious, so she decided that she could spend time there. She began reading through the awards, moving between the shelves, quietly singing to herself in Greek, something she did fairly often. She was always singing, in some language. This simple act made her smile, and for a moment thoughts of home left her brain.
After getting dressed, the brunette tied her hair up in a high ponytail, allowing the strands of hair around her face to form a fringe, framing her face. Framing her small nose, and rosy lips. She applied a little make up, before standing in front of the mirror. She had noticed, that much like Beauxbatons, all the girls at Hogwarts were simply stunning, she felt inferior. She didn't want to, but she did. Cavani was not the most confident of girls. She spent a good few minutes standing in front of the mirror, standing on the tips of her toes, and giving little spins. Holding the hem of the skirt of her dress, adjusting little parts of her hair, pulling the dress up, and then down. Until she realised that she was almost quite literally turning in circles, she picked up her shoes, and her wand, slipping on the shoes, and putting the wand in the small handbag that she had to go with almost all her dresses. It was multi-purpose purse. Unable to resist it, the brunette looked into the mirror once more, nodding to herself before heading out. She wondered through the corridors. She passed the library. But, deciding against studying, she had the next day to do such a thing. Instead, her wandering lead her to the windows of the third floor. Where she stood for a good few minutes staring out at the grounds. Unable to stop herself from thinking of home. She turned away from the window. Telling herself mentally to get a grip. This was silly of her. She wasn't like this normally. But the move had been hard on her. She had adjusted into life at Beauxbatons, and more so in Cyprus, and for it to be completely uprooted for a country half way around the world, famous for sheep and hobbits. Ava was an averagely tall girl, she had long slender legs, but an overall petite figure. She found herself wandering a little further, heading into a room on the third floor. The trophy room, somewhere that she hadn't expected to ever come. But she imagined it was a fairly quiet place. That few visited such a place. So, she could have a few moments peace to compose herself for the day ahead. The coming days, and weeks. "Ava, it'll be fine. You will love it." She told herself, speaking to herself out loud in Greek, unable to shift the language out her mind, to remind herself that she had to speak english from now on. Then, she noticed what was in the room, this made her more curious, so she decided that she could spend time there. She began reading through the awards, moving between the shelves, quietly singing to herself in Greek, something she did fairly often. She was always singing, in some language. This simple act made her smile, and for a moment thoughts of home left her brain.