plottage pie and peas

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Briar Rowan-Cullen

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Briars rowan, 15", with centaur (aspens) tail hair and my werewolf fur
49 (2/2013)
Okay. so with me being busy with uni and then going on holiday I feel like I have had no good plots recently so I thought I would post one of these. I will offer all my accounts for plots, and if you have an idea that you think will work fee free to suggest it either here or PM
so here we go in no particular order.


Age: 22
Occupation: Divination Professor
about: Elvera Is finally starting to feel like her old self after being depressed due to finding out she can not have children. although she isn't happy about it she has realised the world is still moving on without her, so back to happy kind muffin making slightly dreamy and dippy Elvera
potentially looking for: Friends mainly, male or female. students who may want to plot with her. other professors or colleagues.


Age: 62 (I think)
Occupation: shopkeeper, mother
about: Morgan is to sum up mother to all. happy to help anyone who needs it, she has been known to adopt people who break into her shop at night, there is always a bed in her house and a hot meal for any child (or anyone) who doesn't have one. also like elvera a seer and co-owns the inner eye with her daughter. if you go into the shop you are more than likely going to leave having had a cup of tea, some biscuits or muffins and have some kind of amulet (free) to help with whatever problems you are facing (needless to say the shops financials isn't largely profitable)
potentially looking for: Friends, any children who need adopting

Age: 19
Occupation: Worker for Werewolf Support Services
about: I would assume everyone who has been around for a while knows who briar is, if not I will try and do her some justice here. she is a fiery, ginger, werewolf, she was brought up by centaurs and wild at heart though she is donning the suit (or at least tee-shirt and jeans) so that she can work in something that it close to her heart. werewolf welfare. she is also living between Wagga wagga Australia and london england with her Boyfriend Dederick
potentially looking for: Friends, other werewolves, enemies (she is the kind of person who some people may dislike on meeting) [/spoiler]

[spoiler=Name: Myuna Kiskett]
Age: 15
Occupation: home schooled Potentially fifth year HNZ transfer
about: growing up in Margaret River in south west australia. Myuna is half Aboriginal. he dad didn't want her to leave their land however her Grandma made him let her go to school in perth. she hates the catholic muggle school and double hates it as she still has to learn magic in the evenings on the weekend so she doesn't have time for her favourite hobbies like surfing. she is a bit of a daredevil feeling like she has to prove herself and she isn't some stereotype (but in doing so somehow makes her fall into it slightly), she has strong first impressions, she will like or loathe, and will let you know which it is
potentially looking for: Friends, enemies, relationship? anything


Age: 20
Occupation: nothing much.
about: unknowingly half sister to Briar Rowan, she shares her hot headed recklessness though unlike briar it isn't channelled. she like partying and is really up for anything. she graduated dermy a fair few years ago though she spent her first four years at HS
potentially looking for: Friends enemies, flings (she will flirt with anyone and have flings with them but really she liked girls), anything


Age: 18
Occupation: Gradate, deciding
about: Transfered form Orion academy to HNZ for his seventh year just graduated. he is part giant and in a relationship with madlyn. he is shy though not as nervous about people than he was a year ago. currently back living with his dad helping him with his plants and working as a handyman on the reservation he lives on. maybe he will become a mechanic handyman, janitor, groundskeeper or something.
potentially looking for: friends.


Age: 16
Occupation: Hufflepuff sixth year
about: friendly and autistic spends the holidays as a cook for the gupta family in france. she is rather bubbly though unfortunately hasn't plotted much in the last few ic years and i have lot touch with her a little though any plots will be more than welcome
potentially looking for: Friends, romance, anything really

Age: 17
Occupation: Centaur
about: living in the forbidden frroest after traveling there from europe Aspen is a friendly centaur who loves humans (though she is a little weary of some professors (mainly specific ones she has heard bad things about) she spends her days hunting and gathering though would always welcome a break by spending some time with people
potentially looking for: friends anything really


Age: 19
Occupation: shopkeeper, farther
about: having just had his first child with the lady he loves praneil is happy (though maybe a little sleep deprived). he owns gambol and japes though his family business was in apothecary and he graduated Beaux two years ago. doesn't really know anyone.
potentially looking for: friends.


Age: 18
Occupation: barista
about: graduating two years ago gryfindor prefect from HS leigh enjoys reading her favorate genre is history both fact or fiction. she moved to new zealand after she graduated to find the family she never new she had (she was adopted from a young age) she would love one day to own a cafe come bookshop. she is pretty down to earth and generous, though is she gets passionate about an argument she will stand up for her fiew
potentially looking for: friends, girlfriend. anything really.

anything else just let me know
Just two things for you!
The first is I started an open topic in the Great Hall, that Tara could join!

Also, I figure that Stefan would go see Elvera, considering what she did for him. He'd at least what to thank her, (again).
That would be nice for stefan to see elvera again. she will be happy to see him back at school. (i know i was when i saw)

I may reply to the topic in the hall though i don't want tara to be i third wheel with Stefan and kate.
Mia :)

So, I have Raziel Kim, a third year Ravenclaw who is a werewolf, I'm thinking that, maybe, Briar could help him or give him some advice since he's still too young to face this all by himself.
Mia! :hug:
I have been quite slow at replying to topics at the moment, so I am not going to suggest much.
Morgan&Raymond Mandy
So Raymond is Ravynn's older brother and Freddie Raska's little brother. He is a foster child to Michelle Smith(I think her name is Michelle. XD ), and she is really good to them, but Ray Ray has bad anger issues. He inherited that from his father, and sometimes he can be pretty unbearable with his loud antics and energy. I was thinking Morgan could be someone he likes to around, kind of like a second mother that he can trust and talk to. He's not thinkingbof running away from hone because he can't leave his sister, he is in a good home anyways. Tell me what you think! :)
Raze: Briar would love to do that. helping werewolves is what she has decided to dedicate her life to even giving up her dreams of playing quidditch professionally. and that especially means newly bitten ones as she can still remember what it was like trying to hide it from everyone. and how the letters from Dederick were her only real source of comfort and reassurance that what she was going through was normal (at least for a werewolf). what do you fancy doing? a letters topic? or have them meet up as its the holidays

Lovi: that sounds good. of course we will have to see how they react to each other before anything definite can be said but it sounds good. she hasn't really had a "son" of any kind. she can sort of be an honorary godmother figure, looking out for him, and there if he want to but still not taking the place of his adopted mum.
I think a letters topic would be best for him, Raziel's not really comfortable in meeting new people. He doesn't speak much, so I think he'd be able to express himself more if he's not meeting 'face to face' with the person.. maybe like, he got to get in touch with her because his parents sought the ministry's help??
Raze: that sounds good. let me know when you want to start it. I think you will have to start technically, but you can just do a place holder post if you want me to start with the actual letters
I'll start it then :) I'll PM you the link (or post it here) as soon as I can.
Raymond won't be too mean! He likes eldery people, so he attempts to behave. I can start a topic and send you the link.
Briar Rowan said:
That would be nice for stefan to see elvera again. she will be happy to see him back at school. (i know i was when i saw)

I may reply to the topic in the hall though i don't want tara to be i third wheel with Stefan and kate.
Tara need not worry about that, Stefan would happily see all his old friends.

So, for them I'll post something for them soon(ish)
Hey Mia,
I have would love to RP Alexia with Aspen; if you would be interested.
Alexia is kind, caring and smart. She doesn't have many friends and is also quite shy and I think her meeting and interacting with a centaur would be quite an experience for her character.

Let me know what you think :)
Raze:thank you, there is no need to rush

Lovi: he sounds good then. awesome. Thank you

Emzies: if he doesn't think she will be in the way I will reply to it some time today she will be happy to see the first friend she made at the school back.

Crystal: that would be great, she hasn't met many students and I a. Sure she will love any friends.
Hey Mia,

I'm so sorry about the topic with Kate and Tara , things just got really hectic with the show and I totally forgot about it :correct:
So would you like to start a new one or something? They can have a well needed catch up xD
Also for the topic in the Great Hall with the return of Stefan, I asked Maia(Sara) would she like to join too ^_^

Jo: that's okay about it I got busy too with exams and stuff then went on holiday. Tara has been such a lousy best friend I'm sorry. A new topic would be awesome. Do you want me to start it?
Crystal: its up to you I dont mind either way

Jo: kate has been a great friend. is there anywhere you want it to be specifically?
Kate Moon said:

Also for the topic in the Great Hall with the return of Stefan, I asked Maia(Sara) would she like to join too ^_^
She should! Topic does say Open after all!
Emzies and Jo: I will join that one later.

Jo: here it is. Its in the garden called so many years ago
Thank you for everyone who replied. And I am trying to keep them all replied to however now myuna has been approved transfer and is a fifth year slytherin so does anyone want to want to rp with her?
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