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Ezra Valentin

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Knotted 9 1/2 Inch Swishy Aspen Wand with Doxy Wing Core

This is Ezra, the fun loving and cheeky outcome of a Pureblood Russian father and a Muggle Australian mother. Currently, he is thirteen years old, lives in Russia and attends Durmstrang, but the family are always visiting the homeland of his mother seeing as they still have a lot of family living in Australia and New Zealand. Basically what I am looking for is some people to thread with and maybe some friends from Durmstrang and some from HNZ seeing as a lot of his time will be spent between Australia and NZ during the holidays. I'm also open for romance plots if anyone would be interested in that, Ezra is still exploring his sexuality so it could be a fun subject to try out with him.

Really I just want to get threading with him so anything you can think of I'll probably open to trying out! So throw your ideas at me and we can work something out.

So, Durmstrang wise I have a few students available to roleplay with; Emmett Lancaster, Lythande Lancaster and Emeric/Edelweiss Lancaster.

Emmett and Lythande are both blood supremacists, with Emmett being pure and Lythande not really certain, but under the assumption she is. However, both are about fifteen-sixteen and would likely hate Ezra if they knew about his muggle mother. Otherwise, they might get along. Emmett's very into wandlore and both enjoy quidditch.

There's also Emeric, who also goes by Edelweiss because of his love of Herbology and flowers specifically. He's thirteen and doesn't really care for blood status. Or much else for that matter. He gets a bit lost in his own world. The only reason he isn't bullied by other students is because he has his older siblings keeping an eye out on him. Currently I'm not sure about where he stands sexually, he could go either way.

HNZ wise, the closest I have to Ezras age are Soren Sedridor and Esme Lancaster

Soren has a severe stutter and has trouble communicating with people, and a deep fear of being ridiculed and rejected because of his speech impediment. He's not very confident and the kind of person who's willing to just go along with whatever other people want. Sexuality wise I'm not sure on him either, though he is only twelve so.

Then there's Esme, who's fourteen and just a massive b*tch to most people, especially younger kids as she constantly deals with first years buying wands at the beginning of each year. A bit of a supremacist like the rest of her family. But, if she wasn't aware of Ezras muggle heritage, she'd probably be fine with him and they could potentially get along.

So, if any appeal to you let me know.

EDIT: There's also Christopher Firn, who's just a chill, music loving guy from HNZ.
Well, Ezra is proud of his heritage and so he's not going to lie about it and will happily say that he does have a Muggle mother, so that will probably block out Emmet, Lythande and Esme xD

I can see him getting along with Emeric, seeing as they are the same age they could probably be good friends.Ezra would be the kind of kid who would enjoy hanging out with him and he's always happy to stick up for someone if they're getting picked on.

Soren could work as well, Ezzie would probably take pity on him and his stutter and would probably want to try and help him out with it and help build his confidence if you'd be interested in something like that. Ezra would also happily try and beat the living daylights out of someone who wants to laugh at his stutter.

Either of those ideas sound interesting to you?​
Haha....kill me, I'm the worst person. I thought I'd replied to this but apparently not. :erm:

OKAYSO, both ideas sound great. As long as Ezra doesn't have like allergies or hayfever or something because Emeric has plants with him like all the time.

And Soren really needs friends, because he's so pathetic. xD
So I'm happy with that too. They could meet during the holidays around Brightstone or somewhere, depends on where Ezra visits.
I just came by your thread, and realized that I have several Durmstrang students!

Well, the one I'd want to RP with right now, and probably the most pleasant, is Vulcan Zhefarovich. He is a third year and currently likes to set things on fire. A lot... He was sent there to help his behavior since he has a knack for getting in trouble. He is actually sarcastic and witty, but fairly interesting and fun. He didn't trust anyone in HNZ, but maybe he and Ezra could be friends. Vulcan is straight, but he won't mind anyone that is different from him. :)
Let me know what you think! ^_^
Jesse: Ezra doesn't have any allergies so that would be completely fine :3 He's always hanging around Brightsone during the holidays when he's visiting so it would be completely logical for them to bump into each other there.

Kaitlyn: Yes I could see them getting along and it would work for me. Ezra would probably enjoy being around him and he would probably help with the whole 'setting things on fire' going on xD I could also go into someone romantic, but that's not necessary and they could just be friends if you would rather.
Well, the Brightstone weekend is about to end so we could start off with Ezra and Emeric in Durmstrang? Up to you who starts the topic. ^_^
that works for me, though I'm a little busy atm and can't get threads up quick so it might be better for you to start it off?​
Ezra Valentin said:
Kaitlyn: Yes I could see them getting along and it would work for me. Ezra would probably enjoy being around him and he would probably help with the whole 'setting things on fire' going on xD I could also go into someone romantic, but that's not necessary and they could just be friends if you would rather.
Awesome. Should I start or you?
And yes, just friends. xD
Wow, I am rubbish at remembering to come and look at this to reply.
Uh, could you start something possibly? My schedule is not giving me a lot of time to get anything done. If not I could probably do something eventually, but it might take awhile for me to get around to.​
Also apologies at not starting anything yet, I've had all these roulettes and things to do ><
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