Plots, plots, plots

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Katherine McVanough

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name

So I'm back and in urgent need of plots! I'm going to keep this rather simple, but if you have any questions about my characters or need more information you can always check out their biographies or shoot me a message! If you'd like to have an rp with any of my other characters, you can always look here. I'm really looking forward to roleplaying again and can't wait to hear some ideas!


Katherine McVanough//16//Half Blood//Gryffindor//Biography

Kath here is one of my first characters and to be honest I've never really used her a lot, but I'm planning on changing that! She's a very active girl who would much rather spend time outside wandering around than inside studying. Kath's a confident girl who loves to have some fun but also has a bit of a trust issue.

I think it's important for her to make some friends and get some people around her that she can trust.​

<FONT font="Tahoma">Avery Marshall//12//Half Blood//

Avery here is a character I really like and I'm not sure why. She's a very ambitious girl who's not afraid to dream big and will often treat others the way they treat her. Avery likes to get things done right and can therefore be a rather bossy person. She's also a bit hot-headed from time to time.

I think what Avery mostly needs at this time is a couple of friends, she's still young and has a lot of time to go in which a lot can happen. Any future ideas are welcome!

<COLOR color="#000"><FONT font="Tahoma">Christian Marshall//11//Half Blood//Gryffindor//Biography

Christian here is my newest character. Unlike his sister he doesn't care a lot about grades and everything. He's a very energetic kid who loves to play pranks on people and have a laugh. Other than that Chris is also a bit of a clumsy guy who adores Quidditch and is just fun to be around.

Christian's future is open for anything, but friends would be a good start! I think he could both need some people to cause problems with and people who'd get him to study and do the work he needs to do.

Ailith Bisognin//19//Half Blood//Durmstrang Graduate//Biography

This adorable young woman here is Ailith. She's from Bulgaria and graduated from Durmstrang before leaving everything behind and moving to New Zealand. She's a real sweetheart and will always try to help other out, easily putting them before herself. Ailith's very wel able to stand up for herself and is dreaming of starting a professional Quidditch carreer.

For Ailith I need anything basically. She hasn't made a lot of friends yet since coming to New Zealand and she's in desperate need of them. I think since she's almost twenty she could also use a love interest of some sort.

I have a proposition for you. First. If you like Felix here could reply to our topic at the lake and we could continue he and Avery being friends.

Second and the main reason for me posting is I have a little someone for Ailith. My newest character Daniel Wilde. He is 19 years old, was home schooled and is currently attending Yale where he is studying English Literature. Daniel has family in New Zealand so he apparates in and out on a regular basis so he could easily come across Ailith. Daniel is clever, athletic, enjoys reading and is a coffee addict and a huge Tutshill Tornadoes fan something he inherited from him mother. I reckon Dan might be a good love interest for Ailith but let me know what you think. If you want to know anything more about the character let me know.

I have Madeline Walden here and she's exactly like Christian, I think they would get on really well. They could plan pranks together, Maddie wouldn't be one to make Christian study more, she looks for any excuse to ditch the studying so... :r xD her bio is in the sig if you want more info!
Firstly I would love to continue the rp between Felix and Avery and get them to be friends because it just seems like so much fun!

As for Daniel and Ailith I think they'd get along pretty well, seeing as they share a lot of similarities in their characters. I see them becoming really good friends and perhaps eventually a bit more than that, but I think it'll be fun to have them meet and just see where things go from there.

Madeline and Christian sound like they could get along just fine and like they would be quite the little troublemakers. I can see them thinking of anything to do instead of studying and not just playing pranks on other people but on each other as well.
Ok great. Are you ok starting something for Dan and Ailith or do you want me to? And I'll reply to Felix and Aver asap.
Hey! Hemi here would happily come along with Maddie and Christian if they are getting up to no good :)
I wouldn't mind starting it, any preference or ideas for a place they could meet?

As for Hemi he's most certainly welcome to tag in!
Could be out and about in New Zealand or somewhere like Obsidian harbour. Up to you.
Would you like to RP Christian and Hemi causing some mischief in the library maybe?
Unless you guys have different ideas?
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