Plots on SALE

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Chyou Jin Howard

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sally [main]
Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth
My baby girl Kerryn is a grown young woman :cry:

Please send me a PM or post here (preferably PM) if you have any candidate for them ^_^

Plots are welcome :D , let me know if you have any plot in mind

Okay let's do this!!


Kerryn Howard

A fifth year Ravenclaw whose very talented in potion brewing.
Her pride is taller than the Himalaya and doesn't know what love is.
Actually none of the Howard kids have that word in their dictionary.
Just like the rest of the family, she too lost her childhood due to her parents forbidding her to play or grow up as a normal child. Kerryn can be violent when she looses her temper.
And being brought up to be a prejudiced, Kerryn is extremely against mix breed or anything to do with muggles.
Ravenclaw changed her a bit though, a lot of the students treats her kindly and this is something new to Kerryn.
She's a lonely child who doesn't know how to associate with other people (cz her parents wont let her have non prejudiced pureblood friends, limiting her circle of friends).

I'm looking for another prejudiced pureblood whose future is more likely to be a Scit or something like that, to be her final.


Vaska Vetrova

A basic 11 years old brat, a spoiled daddy's girl who has minions on her side who does things for her.
She's very insecure and sensitive, and is quite a cry baby although she acts tough. Vaska hits puberty relatively fast and has a lot, and I mean A LOT of crushes and ex boyfriends. She dates, gets in trouble, and hangs out with a lot of older guys, even guys who haven't got good reputations in the community.
She has an attitude, temperamental, and is girly.

I'm looking for a group of stuck up b****es that are going to be her friends in HNZ (next IC year).
And boys... Lots of boys to be her flings, exes, boyfriends.


Cato Rainsworth

Cato is a sweet guy who enjoys gardening and loves beast climbing.
He had a best friend named Bianca who passed away from being extremely ill. He loved her as a friend and romantically, but dared not to confess his feelings to her. It was too late when he finally confessed.
He is now living his life, learning how to flirt, and is finally dating girls.

I'm looking a sweet pureblood for this sweet cat guy to be his final.

Dude. For Vaska, I have Matt (which I think I told you already, can't remember) and they can date at some point.
Also, Augustus! xD

Edit: I have a new handed-over character, Isaac Lee Kendall-Wu. He can be a minion for Vaska if you want, unless you prefer only girls.
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