Plot By Plot

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Irene Holland

hnz librarian | mommy | jacob's ♥
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Jacob's ♥
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Ebony Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
43 (12/12/2007)
<COLOR color="#000">This is Irene Meredith posting in..
Irene Meredith is an Auror,already an accomplished one..
Graduated from Durmstrang..
She has no life today!!

So what to do?

I want her to be active in roleplays once again since the last time she had been active is when she was in a relationship with Jacob Holland..

First things first..

A co-auror..One who Irene could be involved in romantically or not..

Future partner..This one here could be anybody which we'll play as they have met whatsoever..A past enemy or friend..You decide..Ofcourse,future here defines someone who will propose and marry Irene..(I kinda want a mature Irene now here.)

Anybody from her past..These people will either complicate or complete Irene's present and future life..​
topic explaining past.

Okay, so I have an idea, what is in the post above explains Maia's past, just to give you an idea.

Now I was thinking that Irene could be one of the "past friends" that Taylor turned against Maia. Now, considering Irene went to a different school they were probably friends after school, but Taylor turned them all against each other. Thus Maia and Taylor might meet again and Irene would be angry with her, because of the things she thinks Maia did, but after a while she will find out the truth and they will become friends again?
Maia:That would be a great plot..Irene would be then confused,with Taylor trying to convince her what she was saying about Maia is true..All the same Maia would be on the verge of getting into a duel with Taylor when Irene would of course make up her mind and chooses Maia over Taylor for a friend..
Hi Arle,

I have Veronica here who I could offer as somebody from Irene's past.
Veronica too is a graduate from Durmstrang in fact she just graduated this year and as both of them are seventeen I thought maybe they could have been in the same year?

I'd like them to be close friends and maybe Veronica to be motivated by Irene's maturity because at the moment Veronica has no idea what she wants to do with her future and she is still living her teenage life so maybe Irene and her friendship could bring some maturity in her?
Nishma:That would be great!!It would be like Irene acting as her mentor at the same time..Maybe they would run into each other and ended up having coffee,catch up on things and so on..

Maia:Great!!You wanna set a thread up??Say,they run into each other,have a little argument and then after a while settle their differences wherein Maia told Irene the truth about Taylor..Shortly after their newfound friendship,Taylor arrives..
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