Please, My Bark Is Worse then my bite...or is it??!!??!!

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Jaden Feanor

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Domino [2nd main] !x
Wand: Walnut Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Vampire Blood
Ok Jaedi needs a boyfriend, a BFF, a brother by soul, a sister by soul and an enemy
I can offer Logan as a big brother figure to her. He is kind and caring so he isn't hard to get along with and he likes to help people out so he could help her when she needs him to and he can be there for her talk to about anything
I have little Jordan Trace first year puff, he very quiet but not shy hard to believe right? Well he enjoys music and people he could be a bff type of guy considering his interests hasn't landed on girls quite yet he prefers music over crushing on girls..

I have Kayden Night second year puff(that 2nd year part is something I have to get used too, he is growing up!) Very shy boy he tends to stick with his twin sister who is basically the mother figure of his life. He has opened up and has friends outside of his sister and her friends he could be a potential boyfriend material.

I have Georgiana Night Kay's older twin sister. She's a second year Gryffindor. She's caring and loves to listen to people and help them. She can be the sister by soul as she connects to alot of people but doesn't have the sister connection with anyone besides her younger sister who is really to young to have a real connection with.

I hope one or two or all of these guys help you :)
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