
Briar Rowan-Cullen

Strength in diversity
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Briars rowan, 15", with centaur (aspens) tail hair and my werewolf fur
49 (2/2013)
things were starting to get more and more unsettled in the ministry as the electuion drew ever nearer. in briars department se could sence that tensions were high, maybe she had one of the most unstabe departments when it came to the election, under minister Hensel they were going alright, they were not as supported as briar would like, but they were supported enough. however if the ministry went into the wrong hands she could see it totally loosing any support, not that they would legally be able to remove the department, but they could make it targeted enough for it to end up like the centaur leason office, more of a formality than anything else. Briar was already making plans or if that was to happen, she would start her own business, and do it privately. that was what was running through her head as she left the ministry early that sunny wednesday afternoon. going for a meting with one of her first ever clients. though truth be told that sounded a little to formal for what it really was, it was in fact technically a play-date. She had leaned that Hezekiah had had a daughter too at a similar time to willow, so they had decided to get the kids together to play whilst their parents chatted about the joys and trials of being a werewolf.
She headed to the nursery where willow was spending two days a week when not at kindy and once she had been picked up she turned on the spot apporating home where she changed out of her work clothed into something more comfortable, and then picking up a picnic she had packed that morning with one hand and her daughter with the other she turned on the spot again and appeared in Takarokaro park near to the playground, but of course not too near that they would be easily overheard. she lay out the blanket as the four year old ran around exited to be meeting a new friend.

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