Pixie Cyclone

Pixie Cyclone

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
10 inch driftwood with glitter and sparkles
The Basics

Character's Name: Persephone Nyx Cyclone (nickname Pixie)
Character's Birthdate: December 12th 2024
Hometown: Carstone, Waikato Region, North Island, New Zealand
Blood Status: half blood
Wand: none as yet; but she would love a shiny one with pink ribbons
Hogwarts House: if the hat let her choose; she'd probably opt for sticking it out in the kitchens with the house elves. She would equally fit into any house and as no preference for any of them.

Hair:Long red hair
Eyes: blue
Height: 4ft 4inches (she's not nicknamed Pixie for nothing)

eclectic. She likes to vary it from geek to girly to tomboyish. Her style is her own, she doesn’t let the latest fad define her. Though she is only eleven that could all invariably change as she gets older.

Other Distinguishing Features:
other than flaming hair and being incredibly small, that should be enough to keep her in therapy for a few years.

A Little Deeper

Cornelius Cyclone helped his father with his waning farm; when the farm passed to him a few years later, he was already engaged to Celestia Dunne. He had big plans for the farm his father had never made work for him, but as Celestia was a muggle ( and not simply muggle born ) he felt he could not divulge magic to her and so with the help of a few friends built a small house on the outskirts of a muggle village for them. When she fell pregnant, she had already begun suspecting that something was not altogether kosher with her husband. She thought he was working with some hoodlum gang or was running some illegal scams because he spent so much time at the old broken down farm that never seemed to improve. Of course the farm appeared this way to every muggle that drew near to it and they all felt a great desire to just keep moving onwards as every muggle does with wizarding buildings.

Cornelius or Con as he was more favourably known to his friends had taken the farm and over several years transformed it into a Magi-Zoo. With grants from the ministry coming in and a healthy wizarding tourist trade passing through, he knew he had finally found his niche in life. Celestia however went from finding fault with her husband, to finding fault with their new baby. It all came to a head when the tiny little Persephone giggling and gurgling in her cot one evening made the mobile over her bed move. Celestia had been in the other room scouring it for batteries to operate the mobile baby cot unit at the time. She tentatively retraced her steps and looked at the little toys spinning around, music playing as well. Speechless because the motor for it was in her hands, she reached out her hand and stopped it. Persephone began to cry and no sooner had Celestia moved her hand again, than the mobile began to work again.

With Con busy down on the 'farm' she called Fr. Dermot Murphy, who eventually dropped by and was astounded but wasn't as quick as Celestia to put it down to her baby being 'possessed' but he kept a watchful eye on Persephone ever since. When Persephone, now known to one and all as Pixie (for her small stature and mischievous ways) was four, Celestia gave up and moved out for good telling Con that he could keep the baby, house and all. Con wasn't really heart broken, he knew they had been growing a part for a while but Pixie was the apple of his eye and he adored her to bits. She came daily with him then to help with the Magi-Zoo, feeding griffins, getting rides on the back of invisible horses (for she could not see a single thestral though she knew something was most definitely there). Her life seemed utterly blissful until Fr. Murphy called to the house and warned her father that he had better start sending her to school for a decent education or he’d get the authorities involved.

Con thought it best then to move from the house on the outskirts of the town to a wizarding village closer to where the magi-zoo was, he enlisted a tutor to come daily to teach her anything she might need to know before she began school at the Wizarding academy. Pixie hated every minute of it until her father encouraged her to learn, to be as good as everyone else; even better. Delighted that he wanted her to do well, she did her best to do just that. She was tiny compared to her half-giantess tutor but when a big hairy spider crawled near the tutors chair, she was the one to scream and lifted her legs up while Pixie stood up to get a better look and seeing what it was, simply walked up and picked the spider up and put it outside.

There weren't any children her own age in the village, the few that were there all attended the wizarding school which she was genuinely beginning to look forward to more and more. When her letter for Hogwarts finally did arrive, she was delighted. She told anyone that listened to her where she was going to school and if she bumped into any muggles from her old village she was smart enough to tell them an altogether different story which was basically that because her dad wasn't Catholic, he wanted her taught by his own crowd; letting them believe she implied another religion altogether and so never commented on it.

When she did at one point bump into Fr. Murphy while out on a nature trip with her tutor, he quizzed her relentlessly on her education. Luckily enough, as soon as Miss Tersia Banebridge stood up from her crouched position where she had been foraging for wild garlic, her immense size startled and near terrified the priest but she reassure him that Pixie's education was top notch and the girl's brain was in good hands and that she would be going away to boarding school in September. Placated, Fr. Murphy bid them both a good day and Pixie never saw him again.

She had no real recollection of her mother and Celestia never bothered to stay in touch. As soon as their divorce came through, she left for Australia and neither Pixie or Con ever saw her again. Con didn't mind in the slightest, he had gotten the best deal out of it all and that was his daughter.


Pixie is well liked by everyone. She has never been known to get on someone's nerves; except possibly a few muggles. Always ready to give a helping hand. Pixie puts a lot of effort into everything because she enjoys it but also because she likes to see her father. She also wants to follow in his footsteps, so knows she has to work at her grades. She never lets the fact that she's the smallest bother her, she can climb a tree as good as the next person or sit still long enough to read a book and loves getting involved in any hair brained, mad cap scheme that's going.


Name: Cornelius Cyclone
Bloodstatus: Halfblood
Marital Status: divorced
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor Alumni
Occupation: Owner of Magi Zoo
Wand: 10" rowan with griffin feather core

Grand Parents:
Darius Cyclone - farmer- half blood - deceased
Fedelma McAdams - muggle born - deceased

Name: Celestia Dunne
Bloodstatus: muggle
Marital status: divorced

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