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The Basics
Character's Name: Pipi II
Character's Birthdate: Unknown but rougly thirty years ago
Area of Origin: Hogwarts
Species: House Elf
Hair: A few white whisps
Eyes: Light Violet
Height: Tiny about a foot
Other Distinguishing Features: Wears a white toga but sticks on little buttons and flowers
A Little Deeper
Personality: Pipi is of a very kind nature and enjoys serving young witches and wizards.
She was raised as a house elf by a very lovely pure blood family who were unfortunately killed by Death Eaters, claiming them to be blood traitors.
Pipi is terrified of failure and will work non-stop to please people.
History: Pipi (II) was raised by her mother and father whom were servants to the 'Dal' family. A family of pureblood witches and wizards believing in blood status equality.
Pipi's father died of old age only 4 months prior the death of her mother.
By now, Pipi was serving the family and she enjoyed this because they would give her odd buttons to stitch onto her rags.

In 2022, the family Pipi served were killed by Death Eaters.
It is unknown if there was any other members of the family still alive as the will read that any house elf still in possession should be sent to Hogwarts in New Zealand to serve the magic folk there.
Family: Mother - Pipi, deceased.
Father - Mupi, deceased.
Other relatives unknown.

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