Open Pink Rose Delivery Norton Gillespie

Avaria Lockwood

~Mommy- Keystone Ink Apprentice~ Bartender~
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 Inch Swishy Walnut Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
3/3/2034 (27)
Ava giggled as she left Amber in the Hufflepuff hall. This was fun! She pulled out her list of names and slowed, stopping as she tried to read the next name on her list. "Norton.... G....gill... Guh something." She murmured, looking closer at the name. Maybe getting closer to the paper might make the name more recognizable. "Who on earth is Norton?" She asked, half to herself. Where would she find him? She looked from her paper to her basket, sorting through her roses. "And Norton has... this one!" She grinned, pulling out the pink rose. Yay! That was one of every color.
Norton had been nervous about the rose giving, largely because he'd given one to April that had been maybe a bit bold, so unable to really concentrate he'd gone wandering, first down stairs and then headed up, ending up back at the fourth floor when he heard someone ask who on earth Norton was. He didn't know how many other kids were called Norton in the school, but he knew that he should say something, what if she was looking for him, "My name is Norton, Norton Gillespie," the boy told her, hoping that his full name would allow her to figure out if he was the right person, if he was the person she was looking for. He did note that the rose in her hand appeared to be pink which could only mean good things.
Ava looked up as Norton appeared out of nowhere. She giggled brightly before handing him the rose in her hand. "This is yours!" That had been really simple. "I'm Avaria Lockwood, the friendly flower girl!"

Sending this rose is weird, but I couldn’t send a yellow one either.

I like you a lot, and kind of want to kiss your face.

Anyway, bye.
Norton smiled at the girl, "Nice to meet you Avaria," the boy replied in a friendly expression but he took both the rose and the note as they were handed to him, in an almost greedy fashion, he just wanted to read the letter attached. He opened it and a fond smile crossed his features. She really did like him back! he had tossed up sending a yellow one too, but had settled on the pink, thinking it right to express his feelings and even more so when she sent one back. She even wanted to kiss him! Norton couldn't stop staring at the note, it was every part April and made him so excited about their evening together. he'd have to make an extra special effort with her.
Ava giggled as he took the rose. Seeing the look on his face, she decided it was best to leave. "You're welcome!" She declared happily. "I'm going now! You should go see whoever sent you that note," She hinted playfully before turning and skipping away, humming happily as she did.
Norton glanced back up at the girl and smiled, "Happy Valentines day Avaria!" he called after the girl before deciding that she was right, he should go find April and he should do as the note said, kiss her. Even if kissing was still pretty weird.

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