- Messages
- 104
- OOC First Name
- Domino :)
- Wand
- Birch Wand 14 1/4"/ Ash Wand 14 1/4 Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn
<B>The Basics:
hoenix Aaliyah Smith
Nickname: Nixie
Current Age: 15
Sex: Female
Origin: American, French, German, Spanish and British
Wealth Status: Multi Billionairess
Basic Appearance: Dark brown curly hair, pale skin, tall, gorgeous, little muscly bit not too much, just a little here amd a little there. Amber eyes, delicate face.
Basic Personality: Many call her the jack of all trades. She is good at everything...and a master of it all. Shes a really nice person but doenst show it to anyone but her friends because her uncle would tell her to hide her emotions. She appears cold but when you open up to her, she will open up to you.
Uncle Robert:
Her Uncle is a tight stern man, who is very tall and very handsome and very well trained in the dark arts. He is her mothers brother. He took Phoenix in when her parents went missing when she was 6. He has taught her to hide her emotions and let anger boil inside of you and when you lose it, take it on a a brick wall to prevent hurting people. Her uncle is trained in the dark arts and is an ex-death eater, after escaping a death eater clan when he was 19, drunk when he joined. He doesnt like to hurt innocent people but could easily kill someone who would hurt a women or a child. He is very old-fashioned and traditional.
Her Mother:
Phoenix's mother went missing when she was 6, when taking a walk with her husband when Phoenix wasnt well and her nurse looking after her. She was a tall elegant woman who was very modern and trendy. Apparently when Phoenix was a young girl, her and her mother looked exactly the same when her mother was her age.
Her Father:
Mr. Smith was very tall and also part-giant, so thats where Pheonix gets her tall genes from. He went missing with his wife after a walk near Darkwood Manor, a place supposedly haunted. He was very handsome and traditional.
Her Brother:
Maxwell or 'Max' has a current age of 19, a graduate and worker for his uncle. Max is tall like his sister and very protective of her, if one boy went near his sister, he would atack him. Phoenix disapproved of this behaviour and always had to slap her brother to snap him out of it. Max is the oldest of the three Smith children and has Phoenix, 15, and little Blissie, 8.
Her Sister:
Blissie has a current age of 8 and doesnt have much to describe. She is slightly tall for three and has dark brown wispy hair. She laughs all the time and likes to play with Phoenix. Blissie likes her uncle because she was raised by him from 2 years.
Her Past
Phoenix had a very happy life until she turned six. Thats when her grandma died and her parents went missing. She moved in with her uncle who enrolled her in a wizarding pre-school. She would have private lessons at home, until she met Karl Dimitrow. They instantly became very good friends but there parents/ uncle disapproved and sent them to separate schools, but they write and see each other at weekends.
Diary Entry:
Dear Journal,
Uncle is refusing for me to even speak of Karl. It is not fair! We are brilliant friends and he is even starting to infiltrate my owls and making sure Karl doesn't get any of my letters! I guess it's lucky I see him every weekend and borrow a different owl everytime when I'm at school, bit at holidays it's horrible!
Letter to Karl:
Dear Karl,
Uncle is refusing for me to speak to you! But I just can't! Your my friend and I never give up on a friend. I'll have to cut it shorter then my other 2 parchement letters. Sorry.
How are your parents? Also Uncle took away from phone so don't text me anymore. Oh dear! He's coming into my wing! I'll cut it extra short!!
Phoenix 'Nixie' Aaliyah Smith xxxxx
To be completed
OOC Info:
PB: Kristen Stewart
Phoenix Aaliyah Smith
<B>The Basics:

Nickname: Nixie
Current Age: 15
Sex: Female
Origin: American, French, German, Spanish and British
Wealth Status: Multi Billionairess
Basic Appearance: Dark brown curly hair, pale skin, tall, gorgeous, little muscly bit not too much, just a little here amd a little there. Amber eyes, delicate face.
Basic Personality: Many call her the jack of all trades. She is good at everything...and a master of it all. Shes a really nice person but doenst show it to anyone but her friends because her uncle would tell her to hide her emotions. She appears cold but when you open up to her, she will open up to you.
Uncle Robert:
Her Uncle is a tight stern man, who is very tall and very handsome and very well trained in the dark arts. He is her mothers brother. He took Phoenix in when her parents went missing when she was 6. He has taught her to hide her emotions and let anger boil inside of you and when you lose it, take it on a a brick wall to prevent hurting people. Her uncle is trained in the dark arts and is an ex-death eater, after escaping a death eater clan when he was 19, drunk when he joined. He doesnt like to hurt innocent people but could easily kill someone who would hurt a women or a child. He is very old-fashioned and traditional.
Her Mother:
Phoenix's mother went missing when she was 6, when taking a walk with her husband when Phoenix wasnt well and her nurse looking after her. She was a tall elegant woman who was very modern and trendy. Apparently when Phoenix was a young girl, her and her mother looked exactly the same when her mother was her age.
Her Father:
Mr. Smith was very tall and also part-giant, so thats where Pheonix gets her tall genes from. He went missing with his wife after a walk near Darkwood Manor, a place supposedly haunted. He was very handsome and traditional.
Her Brother:
Maxwell or 'Max' has a current age of 19, a graduate and worker for his uncle. Max is tall like his sister and very protective of her, if one boy went near his sister, he would atack him. Phoenix disapproved of this behaviour and always had to slap her brother to snap him out of it. Max is the oldest of the three Smith children and has Phoenix, 15, and little Blissie, 8.
Her Sister:
Blissie has a current age of 8 and doesnt have much to describe. She is slightly tall for three and has dark brown wispy hair. She laughs all the time and likes to play with Phoenix. Blissie likes her uncle because she was raised by him from 2 years.
Her Past
Phoenix had a very happy life until she turned six. Thats when her grandma died and her parents went missing. She moved in with her uncle who enrolled her in a wizarding pre-school. She would have private lessons at home, until she met Karl Dimitrow. They instantly became very good friends but there parents/ uncle disapproved and sent them to separate schools, but they write and see each other at weekends.
Diary Entry:
Dear Journal,
Uncle is refusing for me to even speak of Karl. It is not fair! We are brilliant friends and he is even starting to infiltrate my owls and making sure Karl doesn't get any of my letters! I guess it's lucky I see him every weekend and borrow a different owl everytime when I'm at school, bit at holidays it's horrible!
Letter to Karl:
Dear Karl,
Uncle is refusing for me to speak to you! But I just can't! Your my friend and I never give up on a friend. I'll have to cut it shorter then my other 2 parchement letters. Sorry.
How are your parents? Also Uncle took away from phone so don't text me anymore. Oh dear! He's coming into my wing! I'll cut it extra short!!
Phoenix 'Nixie' Aaliyah Smith xxxxx
To be completed
OOC Info:
PB: Kristen Stewart