Philip 'Pip' Downing

OOC First Name
The Basics
Character's Name:
Philip 'Pip' Downing
Character's Birthdate:
17th August 2017

Blood Status:
Half blood

Hogwarts House:
Hair: Neat and short. It's dark brown.
Eyes: His eyes are light grey with longish lashes and thin eyebrows. They tilt up very slightly at the corners.
Height: 5ft 3
Style: He tends to wear what his mother thinks he should. Shirts, jumpers, loose cord trousers. Never jeans.
Other Distinguishing Features: Dimples in his cheeks when he smiles.
A Little Deeper
Pip tends to be shy and anxious around others. Growing up, he had the weight of his mothers rather high expectations, which he never quite managed to meet, coming average in most of his grades and assessment. As a result, he has a slight complex about his abilities and doesn't expect to achieve in most things. He has a tendency towards pessimism and is quick to jump to the conclusion that because something is wrong, it's probably due to something he did. Basically, he lacks confidence after taking a verbal battering for most of his life and being constantly compared to his much more successful elder brother.
Pip has a tendency to be a pushover anyway. He doesn't like getting on the wrong side of people and finds it easier to go along with what people say to maintain the peace than cause unnecessary conflict. As a result, along with his love for reading and drawing, Pip often gets called boring and tends to be marginalised in a group. He's very considerate of others and kind, as well as generous in his treatment of others. He will happily share or even give his belongings to others if it makes them happy and doesn't normally expect much in return, being surprised when he is offered stuff back.
There is nothing he loves more than spending time with animals, but as his mother is allergic to most haired creatures, he has never owned a pet. Pip is very loyal to those he considers his friends, but constantly worries he will do something to annoy them. He also gets very worried when rules are broken, teachers are disobeyed and dangerous behaviour is attempted. Pip is quite sensitive and tends to take arguments and insults in a bad way. He doesn't often doubt the veracity of them.
Pip was born to Elizabeth Downing, a successful lawyer whom at the age of 28 decided to settle down and have a few children to pass on her exceptional genes. Her eldest son, named Henry, met and even surpassed her expectations, graduating from Oxford when he was sixteen and becoming a medical director when he was 23. Her second son, Philip, was not so good. Blaming the father for potentially defective genes, she divorced him when Pip was 8.
From the age of three, Pip was visited by a parade of tutors. He had lessons in maths, science, music, english, horse riding... Everything and anything. And Pip did ok. He passed his tests, he was liked by his tutors. But he was never exceptional. The best that his tutors could describe him was that he was a good kid who tried hard. Not hard enough, Elizabeth would snap through gritted teeth. Not hard enough. It was around this point, she developed a dislike for her younger son and swore off having any other children in case they were like him. An average child was useless and annoying. She began to pick on him, shooting barbed comments at him for his girly interests in playing dolls with friends, drawing and hanging around with girls. Of course, these activities were forced to stop in favour of football and other boy games, something Pip was never good at. He had never shown brilliance in coordination, unlike his elder brother, and while he made the reserve team, he was never quite good enough to get into the main team. Not quite good enough. That became her catch phrase. Philip was just not quite good enough.
For Pip's part, he did try. He tried very hard. Studied late into the night, practised in the garden. But even when his grades became above average, when he started getting Bs in lessons, it still wasn't enough. Bs were no As, his mother would sniff as her eyes devoured the brilliant paper written by Henry for his final year exam.
It was around this time that Pip's Uncle, Uncle James Downing, took a little interest in him. Uncle James had always been described as odd by Pip's mother. Odd. Strange. He'd gone away to study magic tricks and the like, his mother told him when Pip asked. Not good enough for anything else. Perhaps YOU should try magic, Philip.
Pip, for his own part, loved his Uncle James. Uncle James didn't do magic tricks, not the card types or anything like that. He did magic. Proper magic. Once, he'd turned into a badger right in front of Pip's eyes. Uncle James was wonderful, Pip decided and ignored his mothers words, visiting his Uncle where ever he could.On Jame's side, he felt sorry for the poor little munch-kin constantly berated by his mother and singled him out for presents and special treatment, taking him to visit the zoo. When Pip was 7, James gave him a small broomstick. Unfortunately, Pip broke his collarbone from 2ft and the broom was consequently burnt. Pip still treasures the little name plate though.
At 11, he received the letter that would probably change his life.
Family:(Include any relatives your character has [parents, siblings etc.] and some on them [A mini bio, if you will {Age, occupation, blood status, a little history}])

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