Petar Olaf

Petar Olaf

OOC First Name
Yew, 11' ¼" Inches, Dragon Heartstring
all the leaves are brown

given names
petar kamen olaf
date of birth
30th april 2000
blood status
half blood
dragon keeper
relationship status
it's complicated
health status
good health
wand information
yew 11' ¼" inches
dragon heartstring</SIZE><i>
educated at

and the sky is grey

hair style
long and wavy
hair colour
dirty blonde
eye colour
pale blue
height in feet
six feet four inches
fashion style
suits and ties

i went for a walk

old before his time
special talents
fluent in french
speaks some english
skilled long-distance flyer

on a winter's day

petar was born on the thirtieth of april in the year two-thousand.
he grew up in velichkovo, bulgaria, alongside his younger siblings.
He is the eldest of eight, and was the first to attend durmstrang
where he excelled at care of magical creatures and transfiguration.
he was made a prefect in his fifth year and held the position until
the end of his seventh year.

petar was always the hard-working intellectual of the family, and
with a little determination, managed to sneak his way into working
with dragons- a lifelong dream of his. he managed to make the odd
contact, here and there, and inevitably found himself a career in
dragon keeping within the black market. he worked at this job from
eighteen to twenty-three, when he finally found something with
less pay, but more legal. it was at this new placement that he met
his long-term girlfriend, aurore, a hard-working young witch from
france. the couple first bonded when it was discovered that petar
spoke fluent french, which saved their attempts at communication
in broken english.

petar bought his first apartment at the age of nineteen. having
raised enough money from his job to afford such a move, petar
left home and found a place much closer to work. it also prevented
his father from poking his nose in where it was unwanted. it was to
this flat that aurore moved when petar was twenty-six, and the
couple had been together for two and a half years. they lived
together quite happily until three weeks before petar's twenty-ninth
birthday, when he discovered aurore's affair with his closest male
friend. aurore vanished after an argument, but returned to the
apartment on petar's birthday when she found him alone in a muggle
bar, drowning his sorrows. they spent the night together, but aurore
vanished again, this time with her possessions. a week later, petar
learned that she was still with her lover, and that the two had left
for france, together.

heartbroken and betrayed, petar found himself focussing solely on
his job and growing attached to one of the younger dragons, whom
he lovingly nicknamed 'lux'. he spends most of his time at work, in
his apartment, or at the bar, drowning his sorrows. he has not
contacted his family in five years, knowing that they would only prod
at his every up and down, and possibly try to have him tell them what
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