- Messages
- 3
- Age
- 11/2008
Full Name: Petah Roman (nee Yakovleva)
Date of Birth: April 22, 2007
Place of Birth: Moscow, Russia
Current Age:
Basic Appearance:
Petah cares deeply about her family and enjoys taking care of them and cooking for them. She is prone to bouts of melancholy where she takes to her bed for a couple of days, but she always returns to her normal spirits after a while. Petah is strict with her children, not wanting them to make the same mistakes that she did when she was young.
Husband: Aitus Roman
Children: Dominik Perrie (Age 15), Velma Roman (Age 13), Katori Roman, and Tokorie Roman
Area of Residence:
Nampa, Idaho, United States of America
Blood Status:
Mixed Blood
Interests or Hobbies:
Petah enjoys using Charms and listening to music on the Wizarding Network. She also enjoys spending time with her family.
Weaknesses: Petah has always had a difficult time accepting her role in situations.
Describe your character in three words: Feminine, Maternal, Cautious
Favourite place to be: At home
Vaclava Perrie (former)
Hogwarts House:
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
Best school subjects:
Worst school subjects:
Extracurricular Activities:
Graduation: 2025 with 3 NEWTs (Charms, History of Magic, Divination)
Current Job: MACUSA worker - Experimental Charms Division
Plans for your future:
Your Patronus:
Your Patronus memory:
Your Boggart: Her eldest son
Your Animagus: N/A
Mirror of Erised:
A page from your diary:
Date of Birth: April 22, 2007
Place of Birth: Moscow, Russia
Current Age:
Basic Appearance:
Petah cares deeply about her family and enjoys taking care of them and cooking for them. She is prone to bouts of melancholy where she takes to her bed for a couple of days, but she always returns to her normal spirits after a while. Petah is strict with her children, not wanting them to make the same mistakes that she did when she was young.
Husband: Aitus Roman
Children: Dominik Perrie (Age 15), Velma Roman (Age 13), Katori Roman, and Tokorie Roman
Area of Residence:
Nampa, Idaho, United States of America
Blood Status:
Mixed Blood
Interests or Hobbies:
Petah enjoys using Charms and listening to music on the Wizarding Network. She also enjoys spending time with her family.
Weaknesses: Petah has always had a difficult time accepting her role in situations.
Describe your character in three words: Feminine, Maternal, Cautious
Favourite place to be: At home
Vaclava Perrie (former)
Hogwarts House:
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
Best school subjects:
Worst school subjects:
Extracurricular Activities:
Graduation: 2025 with 3 NEWTs (Charms, History of Magic, Divination)
Current Job: MACUSA worker - Experimental Charms Division
Plans for your future:
Your Patronus:
Your Patronus memory:
Your Boggart: Her eldest son
Your Animagus: N/A
Mirror of Erised:
A page from your diary: