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Stefan Archer

head librarian
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Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
4/2015 (46)
Hello there folks!

Now, I would very much like for my characters to have a few plots. For the most part, I have nothing for them. This is mostly my own fault. I am not always great at remembering when I have specific plots. Folks should know that I can barely remember last week, and much less plots. It's not great but mehh, what are you going to do. In any case, as side for just friends and things for my characters there are a few things that I'm looking for in particular.

First off, let's start with Tybalt Archer. Now y'all know who he is, and he's currently dating B, and his final is suppose to be Indiana, but Steph has sort of disappeared, and since I don't know if she'd going to return, I was thinking of looking for other plots. He's a sweet boy, who just gets a little lonely, and is tired of not being able to talk about his relationship. He wants to be able to talk about his girl. Ty needs therefore a girlfriend. To begin with, he would be very nervous about it. Since he's not sure what him and B are. But, if it was a long term thing, I could see him slowly falling in love until he doesn't feel anything for B and while he feels bad, wants to move on with his love life. I'm open to pretty much anything for this. Ty is straight, but I wouldn't mind him experimenting, and if you offer something that I could really see working, I'm open to it.

Next up, we have Georgia Rose, she's a new character of mine at Beauxbatons, a fourth year. Really all I want for her is some fellow beaux friends. She is keen to make friends, friendly and strong willed. You can read more in her bio. She currently has nothing. No friends, or potential loves. I'm open to pretty much anything for her. She's a confident girl who would not be shied by a challenge. I'm mentioning her specifically, because she's a new character that I have nothing for.

Then we have Tessin, I've had Tessin for a while, but this is the first time I've actually felt sure about his character. Now, he's an incredibly hard worker, who has high aspirations and has always worked hard for anything. He's a caring person whose political platform will eventually resemble what the Greens resemble, he's pretty left wing. He is technically engaged but has been for about two years and they've planned nothing. He loves her, but feels like the relationship is going no where. Because of this, he needs friends, and maybe someone who would entice him away from the relationship which is going nowhere to to someone else. I'm once again fairly open to things for this.

Finally, Avie Mitchell, a little slytherin. Avie is a young boy who is young and carefree. He's happy to mess around. And he's happy to do what he likes. He likes having fun and doesn't really like classes. Avie is quite oblivious to most things, and doesn't always see what is right in front of him. He struggles a lot in classes, his homeschooling did not help him at all, and he can at this point barely read or write. He just gets frustrated and gives up really easily. He would rather have fun with rocks than read a book, or do any homework. So, for him, I need a few things, Professors who are willing in the next year, willing to give Avie into trouble for in class antics. I would quite like an older student, professor or something to notice that Avie is really struggling with the basics, and take the time with him. Give him a little extra help. And finally, while I don't think Avie would be very good at committing to anyone, I'm very open to relationships for him, friends and girl or boy friends. Avie is open to both, he'd be pretty oblivious to most advances, but I'd like someone who would be more than a friend to him.

That's all the specifics. The rest of my characters all do require friends, so if you have any ideas for any of the characters not specifically mention just either PM me, or just post here.

Thanks for taking the time to read this, and hopefully to respond. I'm open to most ideas, and can't wait to plot with y'all!

Emzies :hug:

Ello my dear! ^_^
Okay, so I think I have something for Avie, if you're interested.
Now, I have a professor, Ciro Raven. If you want to have Avie in his classes. Ciro is a sort of no-nonsense kind of guy when it comes to teaching. He believes that he's there to do a job, and that is to get his students to pass their exams and onto the next level of Astronomy, however, he likes to spice things up a bit and try to keep it interesting, as he knows that not everyone has the same passion for Astronomy as he does. He was home-schooled as a boy, and really enjoyed it, as he was able to learn a great many things, more than he would have if he went to a school, in his opinion. If Avie was really struggling, he'd see it as his job to help him - as the boy's professor. I also want to do more with Ciro on a more student-professor basis.
I would have offered Speed, but I don't see it happening, as Speed's the CoMC professor and probably wouldn't know of Avie unless Avie asked him specifically. xD

Anyway, I also have a Slytherin firstie, Kaenon Eisenburg.
Kae was a character I made a couple years ago - and have revamped countless times since. However, now I have settled on who he is, but have found myself not using him as much as I had wanted to. He's my first muggle-born (that knows nothing of magic) so I'm pretty excited with him. He's of German-Japanese heritage, however was born in Tokyo, Japan. His parents work a lot, his mother being an archaeologist and his father being a geologist, Kaenon often travelled between them, and so spent little time with kids. He can be a bit awkward, but his major flaw is his lack of a brain-to-mouth filter. He will literally say whatever is on his mind, usually at the most inappropriate time. He does feel bad if he insults someone, but usually just goes with it. He can be a little jumpy and skittish. Kaenon is also a little lax when it comes to work - as he is confused by the whole 'casting magic' thing, so he just pretends he's okay because he doesn't want people to think he's stupid. As a muggle-born, and a Slytherin, he's a little worried, and knows that his habit of being blunt with no tact can get him in trouble - he was warned against telling others he was a muggle-born - however, he's quite proud of being magical. So, he's a little torn as to what he should do. One thing I know they have in common is their love of rocks. Kae spent his childhood playing with rocks and looking at ancient artefacts, so I could see them spending some hours just talking about how awesome rocks are. xD However, he does like reading, so he could try and help Avie read - I'm not sure how good an eleven year old would be at teaching, but he'd try!
Anyway, in the future, I could see a relationship developing, as Kae will be open-minded on the topic (it's your choice how far it goes) but when the time came, I could honestly see him just saying what he thinks to the oblivious Avie.
First of Avie and Kaenon,
Now I think those two could be good friends. They are similar enough in personality, that it would work really well. I don't think Avie would be overly keen on him teaching him to read better than he currently does. Avie wouldn't really enjoy that. He would rather just have fun and talk about rocks and stuff. So, I'm definitely open to this friendship, I think it would be good for Avie.
Would you like to start something, or shall I?

Second of all, Ciro Raven, because of Avie's antics and lack of ability to really focus himself it would talk a determined person to be able to teach him specifically, and to a professor he might not ever really admit to being bad at reading or writing. I think Avie wouldn't mind being taught by Ciro Raven and it would work better since Avie actually has one of his classes. Maybe Ciro could notice Avie struggling to read a letter or something, and give him a hand, and then go back to Avie's work and realise that the boy was really not as well educated as most. From their the relationship could grow and end up with him being taught by Ciro. We'd have to make sure that the two fit, but I think it'll work well.
What do you think?
I quite like both. I can start something for Avie and Kae tomorrow if you want to take Ciro and Avie? ^_^
Sounds good!
I will PM the appropriate character with a link when it has been created.
Hello my dear!

I have Clara Zhefarovich as maybe someone as interest for you. At the moment, she has pushed away most of her friends, not because she wants to be a loner, but mainly because she sucks at communication, and is finding herself upset more often than not. I would love to RP her more, but she'd need someone patient. I don't know about any sort of love interests at the moment, as she has to work on her, but definitely friendships, or even someone who would use her but not care for her if you have someone like that not sure haha.
Anyways, just thought I would pop in and let you know if you have someone that could fit ^_^
I think that could work, one of four ways depending really on what you are looking for, the first being that she meets Victoire Fontaine, who is a kind and patient person, but can be a little excitable and so therefore might not work entirely well with Clara. She would continue to talk to Clara but if Victoire was pushed away too much by Clara I can see her almost giving up. She's stubborn enough, but still young and might not think it's worth her time. Or Avie, now Avie is really excitable. He loves doing things that are fun and messing around. he likes talking to people, he wouldn't really notice if she was trying to push him away unless she was physically pushing him away. So, he'd never really stop wanting to hang out with her, and do fun things together. There is also the possibility of Graeme Fergusson, who is in the same year and house. He is quiet and is also perhaps not that great with people. He's friendly enough, but enjoys being alone. He would probably just like spending time with her, but wouldn't mind just sitting in silence. The last is slightly more out there, but Stefan. The dude's pretty happy now, but he was distant in school, and quiet. He's patient and works at the school, so he might notice that she was having issues, and he would be nice to her, be friendly.

So, I can think of a number of options, and it's whatever you think would work best, which is cool with me. If you have any other ideas for other characters of mine that Clara could run into, then just say. I'm open to ideas.
I honestly wouldn't mind RPing with any of these characters, if you feel like Clara would help any of their developments, or you want to RP one more than the other, I'm totally cool with that.
I do like the idea of Clara and Graeme, I think it would definitely help Clara just to have someone to just sit and be with, and not have to try and talk.
It'd be cool to do a staff - student RP, and I can imagine Clara growing attached to Stefan which I think could make for fun RPs.
I also think that Avie and Victorie could be good for her, to make her get out and do fun things. I'm cool to RP with whoever and/or even all of them xD
Okies, well we can split it up.

We could start with doing a topic with Graeme and Clara and at the same time a topic with Stefan and Clara. Since I agree that of the four those two might be the best for what you are looking for.
Then at a later point we could consider doing something with Avie&Clara and Victoire&Clara.

So, if you are good with that, then you can pick which of the topics you would like to begin.
I'll start Graeme + Clara? :)
Okies, well Here is the topic for Stefan and Clara. I hope it suits!
Hey Emzies.
I have something to off you
Tybalt and rhi. I think they would be quite good together. They are both so similar. And rhi has been hanging out in the club academia room a lot this year trying to avoid both of the stratis twins. Maybe they could have spoken about the trials and tribulations of their love life over the year and start to get closer or something.
Hey Mia,

I would love to continue their little thing. Ty really enjoys her company!
Would you like to start something, or would you rather I did?
yeah Rhi really likes Ty's company too. I don't mind who starts but could we possibly wait two weeks as i have exams coming and a lack of muse (any inkling of muse i have i am trying and failing to put into Rhi's classes which i am really really far behind on, and i still havent thought of marking divination :doh: )
Here is for Graeme + Clara
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