People would be nice :)

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Alex Strife

New Member
Hi guys! So, I need some stuff for Alex! She's about 15, and not in hogwarts (yet!). I definitely need some friends, especially a best friend, and enemies. A relationship would be nice too. You don't have to be online all the time, just normally!

I'm not picky, and I would really like you anyway for replying to this :) I have about 3 years of role-play experience so I'm not a newbie to it.

Thanks guys ^.^​
I have Faxen here. She is 16 and a sixth year at Hogwarts. I don't mind having another friend :p
Faxen gets along with most people. If you want to know more about Faxen. Click on the link in her signature for her background. :)
I have Kate Moon here. She is a fifth yer Hufflepuff and also fifteen. I can offer her as a close friends or just a normal one I don't mind. If you want any info on her it's all in her biography. The link is the signature below :D
@Faxen Sounds like a good idea. She'd be around 5th year, so they would more than likely get along, especially with the ages, but we'll have to RP and see :)

@Kate Close friends would be nice, same sort of year. We should definitely RP that out to see how they would get along, but I'm sure they will.
Well school holiday forums will open soon for students to post in. If you want to start something, I will reply as soon as I get access for this character :)
Hey there ^_^

So I have two Durmy's, Michelle James and Xavier Grim, none have detailed anythings as of yet, since Mitchie is currently undergoing a character reconstruction, and so is Xavier :r but anyway I have mmore time ffor my out of Hogwarts characters since I'm sort of finished with closes :p

Anyway, Mitchie is emotionally and ttotally ruled by her emotions, she doesn'tt know how to control herself as she is mentally weak and grew up with an abusive mother, she feels that people will leave her someday and doesn't kknow how to react around others. She is living with her uncle, whom she is very attached to, but she's worried that he will leave hher after he finds out what a 'freak' she is, she has low self esteem, and tries to had this fact behind a strong face, but it never seems to work.

Xavier is currently completely undeveloped, as an application for him was denied and so I need toto either redo it whenever I get the time (which is not yet) or change his character, and since I have been wanting to roleplay him since I thought hhim up, I decided that I'll just switch his personality to that of someone completely different :p

Anyway, as I said, I've never roleplayed this guy, but I'm thinkinpg that he would be a fun loving guy, a little reckless an, but loves to have a good time and talk about random stuff. He'd love to run around being crazy, just to entertain himself, and his friends.

So yeah, there you have it, if you want characters that are a llittle more developed, I understand and I'll dig up my more developed characters :p but yeah, they can be friends, enemies and anything. Mitchie is a lesbian, so a one sided crush could come on, whatever you want :p
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