People for Laura!

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Laura Montiez

Well-Known Member
Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Sphinx Remains.
Hello pretties!
So, i recently adopted this character. I think since she is a third year she should get a boyfriend and some friends, she has been inactive for a while and doesn't have any friends i don't think. I don't know much about her but she isn't developed very much so i can pretty much do whatever i want with her. Heres some stuff about her:

Laura is originally from Argentina.
She speaks fluent Spanish and English.
She likes reading.
She is really imaginative.
Laura likes school and tries to focus on it.
Her imagination can get the best of her.
She likes to live in her own little world.
She can open up to people easily.
Laura is honest and loyal.
She can keep secrets easily.
Laura likes to focus on important things.

Post if you think you're character is good for Laura! I want to do as many RPs as possible with Laura. If you want to be her friend, they should be honest and caring. Much like Laura is.
Anna ♥
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I have Robbie Masters, a Third Year Hufflepuff. He used to be kind of shy, but he's over that now. He's an honest person to people he trusts, and he cares a lot about his friends.

What do you think?
Oh Zach, that sounds awesome. Can you tell me a bit more about him please?Like what he likes in a girl and what will piss him off, that sort of thing. Is there anyhting in his history that Laura should know about?

Anna ♥
Robbie doesn't have much experience with females in the past. The only thing he really hates are people that are rude when there is no need to be rude, and people who disrespect others for fun. So, as long as she is kindhearted they will get along perfectly. And not really, his history is pretty normal.
Sweet as. So, this Robbie character, tell me, do they have any obvious flaws? like personality flaws? I am sorry if i'm asking too many questions. Laura's history seems pretty normal too. What do you think they could bond over though?
Anna ♥
An obvious flaw for Robbie would simply be that he is still sort of shy around new people. But, not as bad as he used to be.

Robbie would probably like how kind and open Laura is.

And it's okay, questions are good.
Awesomesauce. Can you start the topic for me? You don't have to or anything. It just so i can see how you post before i do. You know? And plus, i have to leave soon anyway. For the record, This will be the first boyfriend any of my character's would have had and obviously the first "Romantic" RP i would've done. Newbie for life.
Anna ♥
Yes, that's fine. ^_^
I shall work on it.
Thanks! I have now replied. My reply is longer than yours. Muhahahahaha. That wasn't a threat for competition though. I don't wanna have a "Who can post the longest post" war. That wouldn't be good for the both of us. Or anybody that might want to read it. It will probally end up in us doing a few really long posts and then writing one line posts after that because we have nothing more to say as we posted it all on the long ones. You know? Only if we have a war which she shouldn't.
Anna ♥

I am still looking for a friend or two for Laura, feel free to PM me or reply to this as you wish. :)
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