Closed Pen Pal Program

Zaros Lodowick

Serious- Closed Off- Loner
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 18 Inch Unyielding Walnut Wand with Boomslang venom Core
14 (11/11/2049)
Zaros was struggling with trying to make and keep friends at the school- it wasn't that he didn't want to, he was just so awkward. So, after giving it some thought, he'd decided to try something new. He'd gotten his assignment for a pen pal program, and he was a little nervous about the first letter he was sending. He took a deep breath, before walking into the owlery. For better or worse, his letter was soon winging away out the window.

Dear Pen pal~

Hello. My name is Zaros Lodowick. I am 13 years old, a Hufflepuff at Hogwarts New Zealand, born November 11th. I enjoy art and literature, though I can't say I'm very versed in either. I just like to look at paintings and read books. Classics tend to catch my interest but I try to branch out. Recently I read the Hanging City by Charlie N. Holmberg and I quite enjoyed it. Though a few of my favorites are the Picture of Dorian Grey and Dracula.

I like to take long walks, and enjoy being out in nature. I am rather quiet, preferring to listen, but I struggle with words and my replies are often curt and unintentionally come off as cold or rude. I don't truly mean it to be that way, I just can't seem to communicate properly.

I am being raised by my grandmother, a strong woman named Margo. However, she often works, so I spend quite a lot of time on my own. I enjoy music, television, and charting the stars on clear nights, though I can't say I know what any of it means.

I'm not quite sure what else to include in this first letter, so I send it now to you, and hope for a response that can further the conversation.

I hope your day is well.
~Zaros Lodowick
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Celestine was working hard between Quidditch and her music lessons - and her classes, of course. But it did make it a little hard to make friends at times, as nice as her classmates were. When she heard about the opportunity to write to a pen pal, she practically jumped at the chance. It would help her improve her English, for one thing, but she could also just have a friend who she wasn't always having to cancel plans on due to singing lessons or Quidditch training. It wasn't easy for her to get the words out, but eventually she had something she thought made sense.

Salut Zaros!

I am very happy to receive your letter! My name is Celestine, I am 13 and I go to Beauxbatons school. I am sorry if my English is not good. I am learning to write and speak it. I speak French at home and school. I hope to get so good at English so I can read your favourite books too, but I do not have a lot of time to read. I love good stories.

I think it can be hard to talk sometimes too but you sound pleasant from your letter! Your hobbies sound very nice. Would you tell me more about your school if that is okay? I can tell you about Beauxbatons if you would like to know! I think the stars here are different to the stars there but I am sleeping in Astronomie some times so I forget.

I play Quidditch for school as beater. I love music and I do singing lessons on the weekends. When I finish school I want to be an opera singer. It is very hard work but it makes me happy. I want to play Carmen or Mimi or Violetta on a stage when I am older. What kind of music do you like?

I hope that you can understand my English and that I can receive a letter from you again!

À bientôt!
Celestine Gauthier
Zaros had almost forgotten about the pen pal program until the letter came back in. He smiled to himself, happy to have recieved a response. He took the letter and found a cozy corner to settle into. He opened the envelope and sat back to read it.

Dear Celestine~

It's lovely to hear from you, thank you for the response. I agree, it is very nice to recieve a letter. Your english is very good. I've always thought French was a beautiful language. Perhaps I might try to learn it, then we could practice together- your english versus my french.

Are you familiar with muggle technology? I like to listen to audio books sometimes. I know it wouldn't be during school, but it could be an option when you were home from break, perhaps.

I am glad you think so. It's a bit easier to write, I'll admit. Perhaps because there's more time to consider your words, and less pressure to use the first thing to come to mind. A lot of people find it rude if you pause for any amount of time between responses.

I would love to hear about Beauxbatons. It's always interesting to hear about other cultures. I could tell you more about HNZ as well, if you'd like, and life here.

Music is a wonderful hobby to have, and opera is a very elegant form. I would like to hear you sing, sometime, if you wouldn't mind. Quidditch is also very nice, if not a bit violent. I watch the games sometimes, but I'll be sure to attend them now if Beauxbatons is the opponent. Perhaps we can come up with some sort of code if it does happen so we can recognize each other by sight alone. As far as my own musical tastes, I enjoy especially a band called BabyMetal- they're very put together and while I don't understand the lyrics I still find it quite pleasing.

I hope my letter finds you well.
~Zaros Lodowick

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