Pearl Firn(Kanti)

Pearl Firn

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Lignum Vitae Wand 16" Essence of Dragon's Whisker
-Full Name: Pearl Rachel Firn(Kanti)
- Birth Date: May 19, 1989
- Current Age: 34
- Basic Appearance: Pearl is average hight with curly blonde hair that falls just past her shoulders. She has light blue eyes that are always kind looking. Her skin is soft and always flawless. Most of the time she wears basic make-up
- Parents: Dustin( muggle ) and Hope Kanti( muggle born )
- Siblings, if any: she is an only child
- Pets, if any: an owl
- Area of Residence: she lives at hogwarts year round, except for christmas and summer holidays when she goes home to the family house in the rocky mountians
- Blood status: half-blood
- Hogwarts House (And why): she was in Ravenclaw because of her love of knowladge and strive to do the best she could
- Best school subjects (And why): charms, potions, and muggle studies (charms and potions because you need them to be a healer, muggle studies becuase of how close her family is to muggles)
- Worst school subjects (And why): Astronomy, she found it useless
- What would their Patronus be? a fox
- What would their Boggart be? edward
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) a bear
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? her and her children with Remus still alive
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? The day Arisa was born
Hello Pearl,

A few questions -

1. How did your parents feel when you began to display magical ability?
2. What was your fathers reaction to you recieving your Hogwarts Letter?
3. Other than Astronomy was their any other subject that she disliked?
4. Who is Edward?
5 Why would he be your boggart?
6. What made you choose the path of a healer?
7. Were there any professors who inspired you?
8. Did you ever try out for the quidditch team?
thanks for the questions ^_^

ill answer them IC and OOC

1. How did your parents feel when you began to display magical ability?

IC: My mom was ecstatic, I think mainly because she was no longer the only witch in the family. Dad, well I think he just likes to pretend magic isn't real

OOC: Hope was very happy when her daughter started showing magical ability, she thought it was the cutest little thing when her daughter would do little 'tricks'

2. What was your fathers reaction to you recieving your Hogwarts Letter?

IC: He smiled and congraduated me like he was so proud, I think maybe he was, but I'm not too sure

OOC: Dustin loves his family very much and didn't want to hurt his daughter or his wife so he put on a big diplay on how proud he was, the truth is magic scares him a little and he likes to pretend it dosnt happen, even if he sees it on a daily bases

3. Other than Astronomy was their any other subject that she disliked?

IC: Well.... flying, but come on, that was just a first year class, usless

OOC: she hated flying because she is deathly scared of being suspended in the air, a fear she had passed on to Arisa, except Arisa has gotten over hers

4. Who is Edward?

IC: I don't talk about him.....

OOC: Edward is her ex husband who abused her and Arisa on a daily bases, he would often get drunk and attack her and Arisa with and with out magic, Pearl never defended herself because she thought she loved him, in truth it was fear. Edward also cheated on Pearl with Arisa's half brothers mom, he later killed her on one of the daily beatings. He is now in jail.

5. Why would he be your boggart?

IC: I already told you, I don't talk about him!

OOC: the reasons listed in the question above :D

6. What made you choose the path of a healer?

IC: I always loved helping people, that and my whole family on my mothers side have been doctors and nurses

OOC: being a doctor or a nurse go far back in the Kanti family, it runs in there blood. Some did it out of family preasure but most loved the job, her mother Hope was the first mediwizard in the family

7. Were there any professors who inspired you?

IC: not that I can remember, I was a big brat during school and didn't pay much attention to anyone unless they could do something for me or was teaching something

OOC: Pearl was a bratty Ravenclaw in school, unless someone was hurt and she thought she could help, so as she said, she really didn't admire any of the professors, she did how ever look up to the school nurses

8. Did you ever try out for the quidditch team?

IC: no, quidditch is a stupid sport

OOC: no, because of her fear of hights

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