Peace of Mind

Vikare Borgia

OOC First Name
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Unyielding Silver lime Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
Sunshine splashed onto his skins through the leaves of a tree near the clear lake. Vikare closed his eyes and inhaled with a soft smile stretching on his lips. It was finally Friday afternoon and the beginning of his first weekend at his new school. After a week of classes that he had mostly enjoyed, it was time to rest and just relax. The slytherin liked water and although there was no sea close to the castle, the lake was absolutely making up for it. It was a feast for his senses. Water was lapping softly with a soothing sound by the sore while sap sweet smell hung in the air. Lying beside him, neatly folded, was his black robes of which the House of Snakes Emblem faced the sunlight and seemed to absorb its warmth. A turquoise puffskein on his lap was purring on an attempt to draw his attention. Vikare exhaled and opened his blue eyes. He sat back and picked the puffskein, starting tossing it in the air, each time higher than before. The fuzzy, little creature cooed pleasantly as it was thrown in midair and was desperately trying to lick the boy's nose each time it was landing back in his hands. Not even a rampaging erumpent would be enough to make Vikare move out of his spot.
Harriett was in no mood to go out that day. Her consuming a lot of pies the other day made her sick as a puppy, at least it was only a stomach bug but her cat, Frazier, was purring and scratching her endlessly. He wanted to go out, Harriett thought that's what Frazier needed. The Ravenclaw looked around their dormitory, it was empty. She could have just ask anyone to take Frazier out for a bit and come back but as if the people above the heavens is teaching her how to be responsible, she sat up from her bed and lazily got out while she put on her boots. "Come on, you lil' rascal." She called out her cat to follow her. The bright sun almost blinded her when they got out of the castle interior and the cat started to walk slowly away from her.

Harriett just followed the cute devil until they got around the lake front. The girl rolled her eyes as she thought of those pies. Half of it went to the house elves. Then out of the blue, Harriett heard Frazier hiss and growl, making her looked at the cat. He was feet away from a boy whom looks like he's throwing something in the air. Harriett was afraid Frazier would attack the boy but it was too late, before she even shouted the cat's name it attack the boy.
Puffskeins might loved to be tossed around but Vikare never overdone it. He let it rest on his chest, then crossing his arms behind his head and lying down. A sigh of relaxation escaped his lips which then streched into a smile of satisfaction. He closed his eyes and started humming, moving rhythmically his stretched, crossed legs. A hiss made his heart stop and his eyes open widely in fear. He instinctively secured the turquoise puffskein in his hands and jumped on his feet in time as a cat bounced on his leg. Vikare tried to drive away the cat but it stayed there at safe distance, arching its back and fluffing its tail in an attempt to look bigger. Noticing that those feline eyes were fixed bloodthirstily on his puffskein that he was holding now above his head, Vikare tried to scare the cat away by kicking a small rock towards it, carefully not to hit the animal. He didn't want to use magic on animal but as the cat wasn't giving up, he had started considering seriously.

"Shoo! Get the hell out of here or I'll jinx you! Get lost stupid cat!" He snarled with an Italian rhythm rumbling through his exasperated speech. The cat refused to obey and kept hissing with ears flattened and fur standing up.
Frazier, a typical cat, Harriett understands why his behavior was like that. A foreign object that he had never seen got his curiosity. Now, she has to take him away and teach him a lesson. She run the few meters from where she was standing to Frazier and a boy who's distress about her cat. "Pardon me, sir. I apologize." Harriett said while taking Frazier in her arms. The Ravenclaw brushed his fur gently until the cat calmed down, she wasn't surprised but she will be if the boy doesn't take her apology. Everyone knows how cats act. "Sorry, Frazier disturb you. He's not always like this, Frazier's lazy all the time." She told the boy, Harriett smiled at him apologetic.

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