Pauline Pelletier

OOC First Name
Katie ღ

Pauline Ambrosia Pelletier
a lyrical subheading

First Name: Pauline
Last Name: Pelletier
Blood Status: Halfblood
Nationality: French
Spoken Languages: English, French
Place of Birth: Paris, France
Age/Date of Birth: 23 / December 25th
Position: Potions Master & Researcher
Approved Special Features: ---
a lyrical subheading

Eyes: Green-Grey ~ Long eyelashes ~ thin brows
Hair: Long ~ Straight ~ Deep Red
Height: 5'6''

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General Character Traits: Pauline is a very smart, funny girl with lots of creativity and imagination. She loves potions, reading and writing. She can sometimes be shy around strangers, but is easygoing and friendly with the people she already knows.
Potions: Being a Potions researcher, she spends her days figuring new contractions out and inventing new effects. She usually sells her potions for lots of money, though she is living on an average budget.
Flying: Who wouldn't? Being high up in the sky on a broom or muggle airplane is both exciting and fun. Being high up in the air brings out her creative side.
Romance: Dinner date? A sip of wine by the fireplace? Mmm...
Pureblood Prejudice: Because the war has ended, she believes that there is no reason for purebloods to continue their judgmental ways.
Dislike 2: Lorem ipsum
Dislike :cry: Lorem ipsum
Strengths: You can use highlights in your text.
Weaknesses: You can use highlights in your text.

Personal History
a lyrical subheading

Mother: Mother's name, age, house at Hogwarts
Blood Status: Blood Status
Father: Father's name, age, house at Hogwarts
Blood Status: Bloodstatus
Siblings: Siblings
Background Story: Background Story

Minor Details
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Strong Area of Magic: Strong Area of Magic
Weak Area of Magic: Weak Area of Magic
Former School / House: School / House
N.E.W.T.s: Subjects
Pets: Pet
Wand: Wand
Quidditch position: Position
Anything else?
Hey there, I got a few questions for you, hope you won't mind.

1. Does Pauline like her middle name?
2. Which language did she learn first, English or French?
3. She was born on Christmas, how doe she celebrate the holiday?
4. What is her favorite potion to brew?
5. What is her body type? Does she have any special markings like scars?
6. What are her hobbies?
7. What are some things that get on her nerves?
8. Is there anything she is weak in? Or even a trick knee?
9. How close is she with her family?
10. Does she have any ticklish spots?

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