[patricia and louise need you!]

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Benson Thacker

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
CLARICE J. harrington + BENSON G. thacker
<FONT font="georgia">what a purty couple huh? but how boring would it be in this here rp world, if they just got together? the answer to that is; VERY! so this is were you guys come in! so come on in! join the plot! you know you want to!

so basically rumour has it that our dear <SIZE size="50">CLARICE has a thing for my boy BENSON but poor ole ben fails to realise this (kids these days :tut: ) so yeah, which leaves clara in a bit of a pickle. does she dare ruin their bff relationship by admitting her true feelings or does she simply hide away those bad boys for no one to know about? although she's leaning towards the latter option, myself and pat like to stir things up a bit by adding a third student into this beautiful relationship. that's right! we went there! :o now the purpose of the 'third student' is to go out with one of those gryffindors up there, messing up things entirely! y'anno making the other extremely jealous and the likes. but what we can't decide is which gryffindor this 'third student' will date. and that's partially why we're posting here, so we can see what you lovely people have to offer! :wub: so basically, if you have a fourteen/fifteen/sixteen year old in your pocket please bring him/her out so we can take a look! we're hoping for someone who would make the other extremely jealous for example: say clara bagged herself a guy we're going to want him to be an ABSOLUTE catch to make poor ben jealous? right? and vice versa. i don't think there is anymore requirements? it's simple as! so if you have a student that would fit the bill please post here! and we'll work something out ^_^ also, if you're confused and confundled on any part of the plot, do ask and hopefully we can straighten things out! ;)

okay, so i think that's all from me so get your butt posting!
thanks guys :hug:
Mmmm, I know my dear young'n is only 13, but if you wanted to use her (she'll be 14 in April), she's up for offer... but I mean, I think this is just so funny in general :D
Since I'm getting back into the swing, I think a little drama will get me all together again.
I have a few options that can be used!

I have Angela Marion, who is currently under construction in the biography part. She has went from being a sweety (She had met Benjamin once, and his dog) to being a fiery girl, and is now back to a mild tempered and shy girl. She has been through a lot, but still has so many things that go for her. She's not very popular, but if I say so myself, she's very pretty, and is very smart (though lessons have been lacking in light of my many disappearances that are hopefully over). She will throw her heart into a relationship after getting to know the person. She is the jealous type, but her and Ben might not last for an extended period (under a year I would think). I even have it to where she would probably devastate him, she she still REALLY likes her ex boyfriend.
But, that's up to you.

Now for Patty-Cakes, I have something a little different. Meet Romeo... Or at least Tracy Daniels!. This guy is the sweetest and most lovable guy in the world. He may be a Beuxbatons student, but that wont stop him from falling head over heels. For a while I've debated his sexuality, and you know, I've wanted him to be with a girl to see if it would work. Since this relationship isn't supposed to work, maybe a turning point? Tracy speaks French and English, he can sing, play the guitar, and is learning the violin, he cooks pretty well, and he's very protective (though he's not a fighter). If he and Clarice got together, it would be something of constant love letters, poems, songs, and cheesy lines. He's smart, though can act or be clueless sometimes. He is good looking in my opinion, and would treat Clarice right. Or course, the decision is yours! xD

Thanks for the consideration! =D
Alexa - 15 - And just bored of the only guys in her life being her brothers. She's very cheerful to be around and it bright most of the time (as long as her brothers aren't around). She's from Australia as well, and though she is homeschooled now she is hoping to be transfered in once transfers are allowed. Right now she currently resides in New Zealand in the town not to far from school, and what girl, Clarice, wouldn't get jealous when she hears Benson is sneaking out of the castle to see his girlfriend. What isn't cuter then two redheads dating anyways! However in the future she is going to be going towards the darkside so maybe Benson breaking her heart in order to be with Clarice would be the push she needs other then hanging with a death eater in training.

Dyfan - 15- Now it'd be the same for him and Clarice as it would be Alexa and Ben. He isn't in school because transfers weren't excepted, but he is homeschooled. Dyfan is the old and mature one of the family. Most say he has the mind of a 70 year old but is in a childs body. As the oldest of the siblings he is the most protective of all of them. He also enjoys picking on his sisters. He is mostly the friendly one of the bunch and loves to explore the world. He's a true prince charming. (pb Skandar Keynes).

Well I'm all for Drama considering my first year Kayden is in this sort of pickle already. One girl likes him and he likes another. Gotta love Drama :)
Thanks so much for your offers guys! But myself and Patricia were discussing the options and we just feel that your characters aren't really suitable for this plot due to age or just the case of a clashing personality etc, thank you for your offers though, much appreciated! :wub:

This request is still open so if anyone has a character to offer please do! ^_^

alice lucia bellavue,

ok, i am going to go out on a complete limb here guys and offer
up alice who i was thinking about dragging out and dusting off
anyway. plus this plot sounds uber cute, i've always been sort
of a lurker of benson and clarice ♥ yes, but in getting down to
business... alice is fourteen now i think and clearly a gryffindor
she's a muggleborn and hails from daddy bellavue's mansion in
britain, so naturally is your typical british high-society gal. she
loves fashion and high tea and fame in all measures. however
she's a little out of sorts in hogwarts. being that she's a muggle
born, alice still hasn't settled completely into the idea of being a
witch and comes off a little cutely clueless at times. i don't know
if she's the kind of character that you guys are looking for but i
figured that she might be able to knock old benson off his feet (i
mean look at that pb, ain't she an uber stunner?) XD if she doesn't
fit, it's completely fine, i just thought i i'd bring her out and see :)
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