- - -passage way to windows (m&m)

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Maddiie Holland

Al. Hufflepuff | Werewolf
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Lignum Vitae Wand - The Merlin 16" Essence of Dragon's Whisker


Maddiie, 20 Hufflepuff Graduate from NZ and Maya, 19 Ravenclaw graduate from Scotland

So I realize I've neglected my first two girls on the site. Which is kinda sad cause I started out with Maddiie in the beginning and now I'm like where is she now? Well the truth is, Chicago mainly because she wanted to get away for a while. And as for Maya? Well she in New Zealand working as a shop keep at Madam Puddifoot Shop! I haven't been active on them and wish to be more often. Both Maddiie and Maya, haven't been in any drama lately. Except that Maddiie recently divorced Alexander and move to the states without her daughter; her excuse is mainly to get her life back on track! Though she been acting more like a sinner than a saint. Crashing parties, clubs, sneaking her way into the fast lane of both famous muggels and magic folks. Though she only doing this for a while, till she gets a rather harsh wake up call and than it times to go home. I'm welcoming friends for Maddiie, anyone that doesn't know her at all and would like to either cont.. Her rebellious ways or just try to calm her down. Besides that she also a writer for the daily prophets and this is her excuse to getting near people that are rich and famous. She tells them she a columnist and they believe her...so she gets her way! Anything welcome, I would really like to rp with her more, old friends are welcome too. Just let me know were you fit in the story. As for Maya, well anything welcome for her too. I'm plotting something with Troy Adams in which he likes burns down her shop or something like that...that's about it. This will lead to a bit of drama but not enough..if anyone interested just fill the form out. Btw! I'm not a novelist but I write enough, though I can lose my muse a lot at times and that's when I don't post for like two or three days. Don't worry about it, I will eventually get back to you.

[*color=Darkgoldenrod]hello my name is [*b]-[*/b] i am [*b]-[*/b] years old! i just wanted to let you know that i'm [*b]-[*/b], even if you think otherwise. my favorite color is [*b]-[*/b] and my favorite type of tree is a [*b]-[*/b]. i find it weird that i really want to be your [*b]-[*/b], because i kind of [*b]-[*/b]. hopefully in the future we can [*b]-[*/b]! or do more great things like that one time where we [*b]-[*/b][*/color]
I guess you want this filled in so here goes
hello my name is Morgan Le fey i am your aunt! i just wanted to let you know that i'm now a seer, even if you think otherwise. my favorite color is dark red, dark blue and other colours and my favorite type of tree is a oak. i find it weird that i really want to have a vision of the plot with the shop, because i kind of want to see something now. hopefully in the future we can get some more Rp's going!

Basically, im now an approved seer and i want to have a vision of the shop burning down, and for her to call in on the day to see if she is okay, and then she will be there when it happens.
Dear aunty,
You are my inspiration!
First congrats on getting seer, I suspect you will be getting all of new customers now.How bout we chat over a cup of tea//coffee(whichever you prefer) and see what happens from there. i'm still figuring out the plot with Troy Adams, this so reminds of HP6 with the happenings in the ministry and many followers are about, I figure why not? Should I start the topic? :D
Dear Maya
I would love to do that, however i got a pm from cyndi saying the shop plot needs approval, so i dont know if you or Troy is applying for that but that will need to be looked at. as for the Cup of tea (morgan dislikes coffee, but if you want you may drink it) how about if I start a topic by visiting your shop (without prior arangement). and then we will see where it goes from there as to the refrencce to HP6 i recken that should go on the application of plot approval, as it may help it get processed. however what will you do once the shop has burned down?
Dear Aunty,
Momma says if she can borrow a cup of sugar?
You will be receiving a pm from me shortly. Will dish out what you want to know :D As for the thread that sounds good, You can meet me at the shop in the morning! Thanks for making the thread an advance
Dear Maya
Let Gwen know i will bring a whole bag of sugar I have your Pm and what a lovely pm it is, (why are we writing like this?) I will make the thread asap. now would you like white, castor, icing or brown sugar.
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