Parker is No-body

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Parker Smith

Well-Known Member
Sexual Orientation
Oak 14 3/4 Essence of Raven Feather
Ok so I’ve just very recently made this new character Parker Smith so I don’t yet have much on him. Anyway, just after making him I realised that I had no idea what so ever of what I wanted to do with him. So I am posting this up to ask you guys for some help.

Firstly I will tell you abit about my boy Parker here. First of all Parker is a nice boy and always has been. Though he can be a little sarcastic at times and tended to get into trouble while at school, he was never a bully and was more likely to have stuck up for the kids who were being bullied

Secondly, Parker is Non-prejudice against Muggles and doesn’t see why people or namely Pure-bloods continue to look down on them and treat them like scum. So when he was in school he was always trying to convince his friends to not be as prejudice as they were.

Thirdly Parker is Bi-sexual and so he also tends to forget some of the more well-known etiquette when it comes to dating females, as he only ever dated one girl in Durmstrang, others had were all male. So sometimes he will become fidgety or nervous while around girls.

Lastly Parker is Neutral. What I mean by this is that he doesn’t like or dislike death eaters just because they are death eaters. For him to hate one they would have had to do something against him personally, some-one he knows, or an innocent person. For example, if a deatheater killed a person for a good reason, he would let that go, but if a death eater harmed an innocent person, he would dislike that deatheater. I say dislike because Parker hates no-one. Well except maybe his father—but that’s entirely different.

Anyway, so what I’m asking for with Parker is;

One- A best friend or group there of- While in Durmstrang he used to get up to some mischief. Namely daring each other to swim naked in the lake during the winter months. Preferably people that attended Durmstrang and are between the ages of 18-20. As they would have probably been together in school.

Two- Enemy/ies- Because Parker was always trying to convince people to change their views on muggles, so I’m sure this would have earned him a few haters.

Lastly- Guys he is relatively undeveloped so I need some rps to help me with his character. I am open to hearing anything you guys can think of and would be open for any kind of negotiation. But he already has a final so that is out of the question.
So if you are interested just post here or PM me

I can offer you my bi sexual character Joshua Chase as a love interest if you like. They seem to have matching personalities. Josh is a nice boy who likes making people laugh. He is caring and isn't afraid to show it to people.

As he has just come out of a semi serious relationship with a girl that ended up in her leaving him and having an abortion Josh needs to find someone new to be with and share his life with
hmm well im not looking for love interests at the moment Yeah shoulda put that in the post I know-- knew I forgot something But if you want he could be an ex that split on good terms? Coz I just dont see Parker dating a schoolie :p

If you want he could be one of the afore mentioned friends... would Josh go swimming naked in a lake by any chance? Lol
Sienna as enemies- We've already been talking about it. :p
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