Parents needed

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Aimee Darkhart

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Walnut Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Vampire Blood
So here's Aimee Paige Darkhart.
She's a fourth year slytherin and has recently found out, the hard
way that she is adopted. (Her younger sister, her adoptive mothers
real child had yelled it out during a heated argument) She is wanting
to find either one or both of her biological parents. There was an rp
planned but it never went through because of a bunch of RL stff going
on, but I'm back in full force. So what I need is one or both of her true
parents, they can be anyone and have what ever reason for giving her
up. Aimee just wants to know her true parents and maybe have them as
part of her life. As she is going through a rough patch with her younger
sister being such a b!tch. So yeah, there is going to be a lot of scandal
going on in her life over the next few IC years, (I keep planning the
future instead of the present :shy: ) so if you want to be a part of it let
me know through replying here or pming me...

Love, peace and sour skittles xx
Hey Melly

I can offer my main micheal as I'm about to make him older. How old do you want him?

Well he has to be old enough to have a fourteen year old daughter.
So I would say anywhere between the 35-40 year old mark, but of course
you can make him a bit younger, possibly making the reason he gave her
up was because he was too young to care for her. But its up to you.
Yh Melly that sounds gd I'll make him soon as that would totally throw Michael out but yh I'll do it later today and post him here
Cooly cakes,
Thank you so much btw.
Sorry though that its going
to out you character out. It
just makes me so much more
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