🌹 Rose Giving Oxblood Red Rose

Callie Cardoso

confused | keeper
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
Curly 15 1/2" Swishy Chestnut Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
05/2048 (13)
Callie had one last rose to deliver, so of course this was turning out to be the most difficult rose person to pin down, but she did eventually at the lakefront, or she was sure that this was the right person. She didn't know for certain. "Morrie?" she called out to the girl.
Morrie had been avoiding the castle and making herself deliberately difficult to find during the rose deliveries. She thought she was safe by the lake, until someone approached and questioned if she was Morrie. Rolling her eyes, annoyed that she'd been discovered, she replied dryly, "Depends who's asking. If you have a rose for me, then no, never heard of her."
Callie glanced at the girl, she was almost sure this was the right person. "Are you sure? It's a red rose," she tried, wondering if a rose being about love would interest her more than one not being about love.
Morrie scoffed at the girls reply, "Nobody loves me, it'll be a prank," she replied, stating it as fact. "But sure, fine, I'll take it."
Callie frowned at this girl. "That can't be true, you seem nice," Callie said, but she took the rose from the basket and the note and held them both out to the girl.

Red matches your hair, it's just a pity the rose will shrivel up in your hand because of your attitude, ogre girl.
Morrie couldn't tell if they were being sarcastic or sincere, so she chose not to react either way. She took the rose and opened the note, her brow furrowed as she read it. "Look see, what did I tell you?" she showed the girl the note, "This one calls me an ogre. And they didn't even sign it. Coward, I say." She shook her head, unimpressed and not even bothered to find out who sent it.
Callie frowed and looked at the note. "Oh that's terrible," Callie said, she couldn't believe someone would send such a cruel note. "You're not an ogre, you're really pretty." she told the girl. "Do you want me to tell the organiser, see if they can find out who sent it so you can report them?" she offered.
Morrie wasn't particularly upset by the note, but seeing the girl's concern sparked an idea. She scrunched up her face, trying to will herself to cry, but no tears came. Instead she covered her face with her hands and let out a dramatic wailing sound. "Everyone hates me and says I'm ugly," she lamented, her voice quivering to elicit sympathy. "I don't think I could face reporting it. I'd only be bullied more." She peeked through her fingers, gauging the girl's reaction.
Callie couldn't imagine a worse way for her last rose to go. The girl was in tears. Callie immediately tried to step in close. "Oh no, they don't, I'm sure they don't, and you definitely aren't," she said. "Can I give you a hug?" she asked, not wanting to touch the girl without her agreeing to it. "You're being bullied? We have to tell someone!"
Morrie shook her head, declining the hug, though the thought of it almost brought her to tears since she couldn't imagine anything worse. "If we did tell, do you think they'll expel whoever sent that rose?" she asked, wiping her bone-dry eyes with her sleeve and trying not to sound too hopeful. "Because if not, my life wouldn't be worth living!"
Callie didn't mind Morrie decline the hug, she just wanted to help her, comfort her, but wouldn't do it at the expense of Morrie's comfort. "I don't think so, they might still give her into trouble, and if they're bullying you, or continue to, it could eventually lead to their expulsion...maybe," she said in an attempt to soothe the girl.
Morrie struggled to maintain her facade as the upset victim, and she was gradually slipping back into her true self. She had given up on trying to cry and now stared the girl dead in the eye, already plotting her revenge. "I don't think the professors will care," she said, her voice taking on a more sinister tone. "But perhaps it would be good to find out who sent this note for my own revenge, I mean, wellbeing. The organiser must have kept a record."
Callie looked at the girl who didn't seem to be too upset anymore before thinking that revenge wasn't what they should do at all. "I don't think revenge is right, we should get the name and tell a professor if we can, they can then deal with it," Callie didn't think she wanted to do any form of revenge.
Morrie nodded, realising she needed to keep this girl on her side if she was going to get her revenge in the end. "Okay, if you think that's best, then let's do that," she agreed, committing to the plan.
Callie nodded, glad that Morrie seemed to understand or just agree to not commit revenge. "Okay. We might find them in the gardens?" she suggested, that would be a logical place to start.
"Okay, let's go!" Said Morrie, no time like the present.

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