Owen Youngs

Owen Youngs

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Curved 14 Inch Swishy Acacia Wand with Acromantula Web Core
Owen Youngs

Birthday: 11th October, 2011
Hometown: London, England
Blood Status: Muggle born
Wand: Curved 14inchesSwishy Acacia wand with Acromantula Web core
Educated At: Hogwarts, Scotland, Gryffindor
Position: Flying Professor


Hair: Brown, with natural blond highlights
Eyes: Also Brown
Height: 6ft 3inches
Style: Chequered Shirts

A Little Deeper:

Personality: Owen is an easy going guy, and has a certain confidence which helps to life peoples moods. He is competitive but isn't a sore loser. He also likes to party.
Special Talents: None really, other than being an exceptionally good flyer.
History: Attending Hogwarts Scotland, he soon found friends in Gryffindor. In his third year he joined his house Quidditch team as a Chaser, and in his sixth year he became Captain of the team and a Prefect. After living in Australia for a few years he decided to check out the Hogwarts in New Zealand. He found that the posistion for Flying Profesor was free so he applied and was successful.
Family: He never really had a family, after his own left him when they found out he was a wizard, so he often stayed at his friends house, Lyssa who is also Kris Turners Aunt.

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