Over The Edge

Nichkhun Horvejkul

Well-Known Member
Nicky needed to find his way around the school. He had to find other things to do that just to sit in classes or be surrounded by the walls. Finding a window he looked out and spied the lake some distance away. The sun reflecting off the ripples, what little there was, since the clouds were out. He imagined the wind would be strong out by the waters. That's the way he liked it, the vision reminded him of the dragon reservation in the Romanian mountains. He missed the sights of watching them flying. "That decides it. I need to leave this building." Nichkhun said quietly as he puled back from the window and began making his way towards the water sanctuary.

Nicky smiled when he arrived at the lakefront. It was as beautiful as he had seen it from the window. He sat down on a rock, and began to throw little pebbles into the water.
Sandie was down by the Lake, skimming pebbles into it. It had already become her favorite place at Hogwarts, it was absoloutely beautiful and she had spent most of the day before doing the same as she was doing now. It was fairly cold today, she hadn't realised how cold it would be in New Zealand, which was pretty silly considering it was the start of winter.
Pulling her Slytherin scarf tighter around her neck, she sent another pebble into the water. This time it bounced along the surface five times before sinking, which was a record for Sandie. Smiling brightly, she crossed her arms, watching as the ripples of dark blue water the pebbles had left behind faded. Turning to look up at the Castle, Sandie noticed a boy who hadn't been there before sitting down at the edge of the Lake. Time to make a guy friend, Sandie thought, heading over to were the boy was sitting. Back in Kentucky she had always found it easier to make friends with boys rather than girls, and she wondered if it would be the same at Hogwarts. "Hey, I'm Sandie, Sandie Treasure, mind if I join you?" she asked, arriving at the boys side and grinning brightly at him.
A girl's voice seemed to have broke Nichkhun's concentration. He was aiming at a certain bug in the water, but now the bug was suddenly gone. "Ehk?" he asked, looking around. Sighing, Nicky turned towards the direction of the girl. She had introduced herself. Nicky smiled at the girl. She seemed friendly enough, not like the other girls in Slytherin. The other girls thought he was pretty weird since he had been playing the violin in the Slytherin common room.

"Oh hi Sandie. Its a pleasure to meet you." he replied in a rather friendly manner. "I'm Nicky." he added almost instantly. "Oh no, do join me! I'm getting pretty bored anyway." he continued with another smile. "So Sandie, you're from Slytherin right? I believed I've seen you before in the common room, but do correct me if I've mistaken." he said with a grin.

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