Out of Luck

Sapphire Michaels

Clever- Mischievous- Snarky- Photographer
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Who Cares?
Pear Wood, Unicorn hair core, 14 inches
12/23/2033 (27)
Sapph was just not enjoying this year. First Onyx had appeared out of nowhere, then she'd got in a fight with Diana over a culmination of things but mainly a boy who Sapph had no idea what she felt about, but who her idiot brother had tried to set her up with anyway. And that had gone absolutely stellar.

So here she was, a few days after the tower incidient, looking for the one friend she felt she could talk to right now. Sapph made her way through the library, eyes open for the Ravenclaw. She spotted the bouncing chocolate ponytail as it rounded a corner ahead of her.

"Kira!" She called, darting after the other girl.
It wasn't hard to guess where Kira would be- she spent most of her time in the library, studying and reading on other subjects. What did surprise her, though, was when she heard a rather agitated Sapphire yelling after her. Kira paused and stuck her head around the corner. "Sapph?" She asked quizzically. It wasn't often the Slytherin ventured in here.
"Kira," Sapphire let out a sigh of relief as she caught up with the other girl, wrapping her arms under the taller girl's and hugging her. "You would not believe the luck I've been having lately. I need your advice." She told the other girl with a weary sigh. "I have got to talk to you about something.'
Kira was surprised when Sapphire hugged her. She wasn't the most touchy feely person in the world, and for her to openly seek affection like this must mean something serious was on her mind. She wrapped her arms around the little Slytherin, nodding as Sapphire basically asked her to listen to her problems. "Of course, Sapph. What are friends for?" Kira reassured her, pulling away and taking her hand. There were some seats nearby that she knew were comfortable. It would be the perfect place to talk.
Sapphire let out a sigh of relief and followed Kira over to the nearby chairs, falling into one with a weary sigh. She ran her hand through her hair before leaning forward and propping her face in her hands. She started talking, not bothering to look if there was anyone around.

"There's this one bloke, I met him recently and we really hit it off. I've never been sure what exactly I think of him. He's charming, and a bit mad, and frustratingly fascinating. I get so flustered around him but I don't know why. I really want to be his friend and get to know him, but every time I try it ways ends badly, and it's usually my fault."

She looked at Kira with big, soft eyes. "I'm afraid I've gone and messed it all up, and it... It hurts. Like I want to be near him but I also really don't want to be. I don't know what to do."
Kira had barely had time to sit down before Sapphire had begun talking. She sat back, listening quietly. Sapph liked someone? It seemed a bit odd, but she supposed it was bound to happen eventually.

After a moment Sapph looked at her with those silly puppy eyes, asking her silently for her help. Kira pondered it for a moment.

"Sapph... Is this like when you thought you were bad for Oliver and it took him pleading with you not to hate him for you to give in and just be his friend?" She looked at the Slytherin, understanding but still thinking Sapphire's 'bad influence, bad luck' theory was ridiculous.
Sapph let Kira think, knowing that when she furrowed her brows she was lost in thought and it was hard to get her out of it. When Kira did speak though, it stopped Sapph a bit.

"Uh... Well, a little, I guess. Though it was easier with Ollie. We were always friends, from the beginning. I wasn't always worried what he thought of me, or if I looked silly. With Mer- with this bloke, I want him to like me. I really want him to like me. It hurts a bit knowing he thinks I'm a ****."

She rubbed the back of her neck, wondering how much she could reveal without breaking Mervyn's trust.

"I... I slipped up, and he may have done something. It was so quick I didn't know what I felt or what I was supposed to do. Next thing I knew I did the same thing. It was..." Sapph smiled softly. "It was nice. Really nice. He was warm, and I liked being close to him. But... It also wasn't. Once I realized what I did, my stomach tied into knots and, well, I felt like tossing my lunch. Not because it was bad, exactly, but I got so scared I just..." She sighed in frustration. "Am I making any sense?"
Kira listened as Sapph went on, knowing it was probably that third year Gryffindor she was referring to. Kira kept it to herself, respecting Sapph's need for secrecy. That was probably why she came to Kira in the first place, because she knew that she would listen without judgement or spreading it along.

Kira reached over and placed a hand on Sapph's, offering support. "Maybe not to other people, but I know you well enough to know what you're getting at." She smiled encouragingly.

"So, what you're saying is you feel a connection with him, something special, but you're so afraid of messing it up you're overthinking everything. Am I right?"
Sapph looked into Kira's eyes, worry clear on her face and support clear on her friends. What Kira said did make sense, sorta, and it connected a few dots in Sapphire's mind.

"Y...yeah, I think so. I just... I really want him to like me. I want to be friends. I've never wanted that before. Ollie snuck up one and then I couldn't get rid of him. Alkander was a rival, someone to compete with. He's fun. Diana... Well, I have to watch myself around her. Think about what I say and do. It's good for me. And onyx just forced his way in. You..." She looked at Kira again and smiled softly. "You just were there, and it was natural and easy."

Sapph looked away again, biting her lip. "I... This is the first time I've actually gone looking to be someone's friend, and it's hard. What if he doesn't like me?"
Kira gave out a little laugh as Sapphire described her relationship with all her friends. There were a few aquaintinces that Sapph didn't mention but Kira figured she'd just forgotten. She did wonder idly what she could have done that was so bad, but didn't pry. Sapph would tell her if she wanted to and not before.

"I don't know, has he said he likes you?" She asked the Slytherin, thinking it may be the only thing that Sapphire might accept.
Sapph stuck her tongue out at the other girl as she laughed, before cringing when she asked if she'd been told he liked her. She shook her head, the whole mess replaying itself in her head. "Well, yeah, but he was just lying to make me feel better," She admitted weakly, a pang in her heart as she thought of it again. She knew that she should just give up on talking to Mervyn ever again and stop thinking about him, but in all honesty, she couldn't shake him. He was fascinating, and she couldn't bring herself to just pretend that he wasn't.

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