Closed Out for a Swim

Amethyst Michaels

Loner- Blunt- Dancer- Writer- Trying
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
10 inch knotted rigid Ash with a Hippogryff feather core
2/14/2034 (24)
It was a warm, sunny day, and while most kids were busy with some mock football game on the lawns she had taken advantage of the commotion to slip off to the lake. She climbed a tree, leaving most of her regular clothes on the ground so she was clad in no more than a simple black, one-piece swimsuit. She took a few breaths, hands on the trunk, before running across the thick branch and jumping gracefully off the end, diving to the lake below with flawless form. She slid into the water, already feeling at home. She swam out a bit before breaching the surface again, gasping in a breath and brushing her wet hair back. She had missed this.
Feeling the sun rays hot on his back, Kace went to find shade to hide from the overbearing sun. Or at the very least somewhere cool to relax a little. He noted those playing a muggle football game out on the lawn. A sport he'd be so keen to jump in if he were in New York. The sun wouldn't allow him to consider the idea. Kace tugged at his basketball shorts up his waist. Basketball shorts are a must in this type of weather. The sticky, icky weather that'll makes his sweat run down his back. Kace wants to avoid that discomfort at all cost. Searching for a spot, Kace catches Amaya as she dives into the lake in perfect form. The Gryffindor lips stretch out to a wide grin. "Amaya, aye!" Kace took off running across the lawn.
Amaya had just begun swimming back towards the shore when she heard someone call her name. She paused, straightening to look around and smiling as she saw Kace. "Hey, Tarzan!" She greeted, swimming closer to the shore again. She stopped when she was just close enough her toes could reach the lake floor. "You coming in?" She called, giving him a bright smile.

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