- Messages
- 43
- OOC First Name
- Claire
- Wand
- Knotted 14 Inch Sturdy Sycamore Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
- Age
- 3/2032
oswald albert brigham
and in the beginning, there were stories; cut, polished, precious like diamonds,
bestowed like heirlooms. but even the rocks, he told me, have lived to see
tornadoes; even the sand has lived to bear the shore on its back.
there is something true, if you know where to look for it, in every human being;
no man is inherently good or evil, right or wrong, lost or found.
links & author note
theme && biography
&& aesthetic && relationships
last updated 03/07/2017
the very basics
and in the beginning, there were stories; cut, polished, precious like diamonds,
bestowed like heirlooms. but even the rocks, he told me, have lived to see
tornadoes; even the sand has lived to bear the shore on its back.

there is something true, if you know where to look for it, in every human being;
no man is inherently good or evil, right or wrong, lost or found.

links & author note
theme && biography
&& aesthetic && relationships
last updated 03/07/2017

the very basics
[Full Name] Oswald Albert Brigham
[Name Origin]
Oswald is derived from the Old English elements os "god" and weald "power, ruler".
Albert is derived from the Old High German Adalbrecht, which is composed of the elements adal (noble) and beraht (bright, famous).
Brigham is derived from an old English surname that once meant 'Bridge settlement'.
[Nicknames] Os, Ossie.
[Aliases] None.
[Legal Name Changes] None.
[Date of Birth] 4th March, 2032 (currently 11 years of age).
[Birthplace] Lavenham, Suffolk, UK.
[Current Residence] New Zealand.
[Race] Caucasian.
[Dialects] English.
[Blood Status] Half-blood.
[Blood Type] B.
[Education] Home education, Hogwarts New Zealand.
[House] Gryffindor.
[Final Newt Grades]
Charms -
Transfiguration -
History of Magic -
Potions -
Herbology -
Muggle Studies -
CoMC -
Astronomy -
Arithmancy -
Ancient Runes -
Divination -
[Favourite Subject] -
[Loathed Subject] -
[Extra-Curricular] -
[Learned Credentials] -
[Animagus] -
[Patronus] -
[Boggart] -
[Amortentia] -
[Wand] Knotted 14 Inch Sturdy Sycamore Wand with Fwooper Feather Core.
[Relationship Status] Too young to care.
[Sexual Orientation] Too young to care.</COLOR></SIZE></FONT>

external appearances
[Height] Slightly above average.
[Build] Lean.
Colour - dirty blonde.
Style - straight, short.
Texture - Thick, coarse.
[Eye Colour] Green.
Flecks - grey.
[Scars] Small ones, none notable.
[Tattoos] None.
[Piercings] None.

had your maps drawn
and they said, don't hold back; life will try to reign you, but you must resist. how
would man discover new galaxies if he had not the audacity to believe they
exist? we are like stars; many, but every one eruptive.
the world of adult responsibility holds its breath; the inconstant tide,
the vicissitudes of life; they'll come to us in time.
personality & traits
and they said, don't hold back; life will try to reign you, but you must resist. how
would man discover new galaxies if he had not the audacity to believe they
exist? we are like stars; many, but every one eruptive.

the world of adult responsibility holds its breath; the inconstant tide,
the vicissitudes of life; they'll come to us in time.

personality & traits
<COLOR color="black"><SIZE size="50"><FONT font="arial"> A U D A C I O U S L O Y A L I N Q U I S I T I V E P E R S I S T E N T P A C K R A T
<i></i>[Audacious] (adj.) showing a willingness to take surprisingly bold risks // showing an impudent lack of respect.
Oswald fits rather into both definitions of the word audacious. Risk scarcely exists as a concept to him; the thrill or fun of of a risky activity will almost always outweigh the posed danger. He is not, however, oblivious to risk, nor is he stupid. If something should be so dangerous as to seriously threaten his life, Oswald would find an alternative way to approach the situation. He values his life dearly as a result of his mother's being taken from her when he was a young boy. In day to day life Oswald displays audacity in his bold remarks, rarely holding back an opinion even from a professor who might deduct house points for his cheek. Do now, think later would make for him an excellent motto.
Oswald has a great respect for authority, considering them annoying, but also beacons of wisdom and kindness. He has not in his short life encountered many unpleasant people, which may contribute to this opinion. However, should he feel they are treating him unjustly (and his definition of what is unjust may be somewhat exaggerated), he will not hesitate to share his feelings, which easily translate in the eye of authority to impudence and a lack of respect. Really, it is respect that he seeks, though perhaps he does not always deserve it.
[Loyal] (adj.) giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance to a person or institution.
House pride was never so strong in a boy. Oswald is firmly loyal to nearly everything he cares about: his family, his friends, his school house, his hobbies, and his morals. He can be depended upon not to throw anybody beneath the bus, preferring to take the blame himself in order to protect them from trouble. No amount of money could persuade him to betray his friends or family, for he values them more highly in life than anything of material worth.
[Inquisitive] (adj.) having or showing an interest in learning things; curious // unduly curious about the affairs of others; prying.
Though not perhaps as studious as his Ravenclaw counterparts, Oswald enjoys learning about those subjects which interest him. He will ask many questions, pestering people who might be able to answer them until they relent. In this way he can often become a nuisance, though when the interest in a topic is shared it can also lead to the development of new friendships, which, despite his strong house loyalty, he will happily make with any student at Hogwarts. Oswald can also become curious to the point of intrusive when inquiring about somebody's private business, rarely realising he has crossed a boundary until he is told so (or otherwise made obviously aware).
[Persistent] (adj.) continuing firmly or obstinately in an opinion or course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.
Oswald is not a quitter. If he fails a hundred times, he will still pick himself up from the dirt and give it another shot. Unfortunately, whilst his imagination seems boundless during play, he is not incredibly inventive when it comes to work, and thus will often repeat his mistakes again and again until advised an alternative. He is also persistent in his friendships, working hard to keep them strong, and in his extracting answers from people. In short, he will not easily back down when he desires something.
[Packrat] (noun) someone who collects things that they do not need.
A trait he inherited from his father, Oswald loves to collect things. Unlike most packrats, however, he does not have much difficulty letting things go once he no longer enjoys observing them. Items he has collected in the past include coins, glass phials, runes, wax seals, chocolate frog cards, marbles, animal bones, maps, reptile scales, fossils, paperweights, newspapers, pocket watches, cameras, quills, globes, succulents, mugs, snakes, lizards, and compasses. He will usually only have two or three collections on the go at once, as his father would forbid any more, but his reptiles are a constant (and jointly shared by his father, who takes care of them while Oswald is away).

[Optimist or Pessimist?] Though he's quite capable of getting down in the dumps, Oswald is an unfaltering pessimist. Even when life weighs heavily on his shoulders, he will search persistently for something to feel happy about. This can be as simple a pleasure as listening to a thunderstorm, or caring for his reptiles, or something larger, like the near impossibility of his existence. Similarly, when a friend or family member is struggling, he will likely try to cheer them by drawing attention to what in the situation is good - a tendency which can annoy those who simply want to grieve for a while.
[Introvert or Extrovert?] Oswald is an extrovert. He tires quickly when left by himself, exhausting his imagination in a matter of minutes with make-believe games and stories. In social gatherings he will often insert himself into conversations without permission, and as a result of his good nature usually he is accepted.
[Cautious or Rash?] Preferring to consider the consequences of his actions after acting, Oswald is rash.
[Logical or Emotional?] Oswald tends to use emotions to solve problems, rather than logic. He will act impulsively on a whim, if his heart should take a fancy to something, and allow his feelings about a situation to guide him forward through it. Logic does not often enter the equation.
[Disorderly or Neat?] Disorderly. A mess is a work of art to be admired! Perhaps it is a consequence of living above a cluttered antique shop, but Oswald rarely has anything in order, and tends to prefer it that way. This can become a nuisance when he needs to find something, be somewhere, or organise himself quickly, but never has it hindered him to an extent where he would be willing to change.
[Work or Play?] Everything needs to feel like play in order for Oswald to engage with it. He cannot stand lectures, writing essays, or anything with a set time and schedule.
[Confident or Unsure?] Though he can occasionally suffer from moments of self-doubt, Oswald is generally confident in most areas of his life. This is because he acknowledges his flaws, but then decides that they are a part of himself to be owned, sported proudly on his collar like badges. If he struggles in an area he cares little about, he embraces this and focuses his attention where it can be better utilised. On the other hand, if he struggles in an area that he wishes he could excell in, he can find himself frustrated with his shortcomings. Nonetheless he remains ever persistent, self-improving one small step at a time.
[Night Owl or Early Bird?] Oswald is not keen on early mornings, and they are not particularly keen on him, either. That said, he does not often stay up late into the night, finding himself too tired by the day's excitement to keep his eyes open.
[Book Smart or Street Smart?] Book smart. Oswald has had very little experience in the real world, relying mostly on stories of his father's adventures to teach him about danger (and given that his father isn't particularly street smart either, this isn't saying much). He's well-read, though, and tends to retain most of the information he's ever learned.
[Animal Lover?] Absolutely; Oswald adores animals, though has a particular fondness for insects and reptiles. Together with his father he owns quite the collection of these animals, muggle and magical alike.
[Right or Left Handed?] Oswald is left handed.

[Favourite Colour] Green; it's the colour of forests, and forests mean adventures. It's also the colour of many of his snakes and lizards.
[Favourite Number] Thirteen; Oswald feels sorry for the number, since it gets so much trouble for being supposedly 'unlucky' (he's never had any problems with it, personally).
[Favourite Weather] Misty - especially in the morning, when the sun is rising and the mist develops an orange hue. There's something about this phenomena that calls to Oswald, perhaps because the distance becomes veiled and could, with a little stretch of the imagination, hold anything within it.
[Favourite Season] Spring; it's a signal that winter has finally ended. The days begin to grow longer, which means more time spent outside, but it isn't so hot that nobody can be bothered to do anything.
[Favourite Holiday] Oswald doesn't have a favourite holiday.
[Favourite Animal] Tied equally between Palmatogeckos, Bowtruckles, and Racer snakes. Palmatogeckos for their cute appearance, Bowtruckles for their endearing personality and usefulness, and Racer snakes for their incredibly striking colours.
[Favourite Smell] Damp grass, bacon, and apple strudel.
[Favourite Food] Apple strudel.
[Favourite Drink] Cherry soda.
[Least Favourite Colour] Bright pink; to Oswald, it's girly, and too harsh on the eyes.
[Least Favourite Number] Four. He doesn't try to avoid the number four, but he is occasionally reminded of the age he was when his mother passed away.
[Least Favourite Weather] Very hot; if it's too hot to run around or do anything exciting, Oswald feels down.
[Least Favourite Season] Winter, because the shorter days mean less time spent outside.
[Least Favourite Holiday] None.
[Least Favourite Animal] None.
[Least Favourite Smell] Garlic; it's strong, unpleasant, and clings to everything.
[Least Favourite Food] Carrots.
[Least Favourite Drink] Coffee.