- Messages
- 1,093
- Wand
- Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring
- Age
- 9/2013

Full Name:
Ostensia Romanes
Date of Birth:
2nd September
Current Age:
Basic Appearance:
Blonde, longer than her shoulders
Generally curly but straight
blue eyes
Ostensia is a short tempered girl with a passion for flowers. She loves to watch things grow and hates when things are killed or harmed. She is protective of her twin sister who is often hit by there father. Ostensia has a sharp Tongue and speaks her mind. Her emotions drive her and she often finds herself over flowing with emotion and unsure of how to deal with it. She is the golden girl of the family and is preferred by her father. Ostensia enjoys fashion but it is not vitally important to her. She stands up to people and stands up for others. Her friendship is strong, but cross it and it will take a while to be forgiven.
Mum - Elena Cardosi Romanes - Witch, attended Salem first and then Beauxbatons. Is 33 years old.
Mum's sister, Aunt - Lucia Cardosi Bianchi - Witch, attended Salem. Is 47 years old.
Mum's sisters husband, Uncle - Fabio Bianchi - Muggle, 50 years old
Cousin - Stefano Bianchi - Wizard, currently attending Beauxbatons, 15 years old
Mum's mum, grandmother - Alonza Mario Cardosi - Wizard, attended Beauxbatons.
Mum's Dad, grandfather - Cecilio Cardosi - witch, attended Beauxbatons, died 4 years ago, a heart attack
Father - Marco Romanes - wizard, attended Beauxbatons, 30 years old. The older twin.
Father's twin brother uncle - Valerio Romanes - wizard, attended Hogwarts, was in slytherin, 30 years old, the other twin. Currently in the army.
Father's older brother, uncle - Tomasso Romanes - wizard, attended beauxbatons, 35 years old. Currently travelling the world. With his girlfriend
Father's sister, Aunt - Viviana Romanes Marino - witch, attended Beauxbatons, 42 years old.
Father's sisters husband, uncle - Giovanni Marino - wizard, attended beauxbatons, 44 years old attended beauxbatons.
Cousin - Valentina Marino - witch, attending hogwarts Scotland, a ravenclaw, 16 years old.
Cousin - Marcello Marino - Wizard, attending Hogwarts Scotland, Gryffindor, 14 years old.
Father's mother, Grandmother - Lina Rossi Romanes - witch, attended Beauxbatons.
Father's mother's Brother, great Uncle - Riccardo Rossi - wizard, attended Beauxbatons.
Father's Father, grandfather - Luciano Romanes - Wizard, attended beauxbatons.
Father's father's twin Brother, Great Uncle - Tomasso Romanes - Wizard Attended Beauxbatons.
Twin Sister - Isabella Romanes - witch, going to attend Hogwarts New Zealand, 11years old, younger than Ostensia by 1 minute
Brother - Emilio Romanes - Wizard, but has only shown a few signs, seems like he'd be quite powerful. 5 years old.
More info to come.
Ostensia doesn't own any.
Area of Residence:
Venice, Italy
Blood Status:
She is of Venetican descendant. Her family are all from Italy, the don't trace anywhere else.
Special Abilities:
None as of yet
Interests or Hobbies:
She likes to go shopping, and gardening. She likes fashion but doesn't mind getting dirty.
Additional Skills:
Good in the garden
Gardening, styling clothes. She has a good eye for colour. Standing up for herself
Getting too involved in things, letting her emotions take over. A sharp Tongue
Describe your character in three words:
emotional, happy, Strong
Favourite place to be:
She has a few friends but her friends are mainly her cousins and other family members
Hogwarts House:
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
To be successful and to take over the family business
Best school subjects:
Worst school subjects:
Extracurricular Activities:
Not yet
Current Job:
Plans for your future:
Find a man, and stop her dad from being abusive towards Isabella
Your Patronus:
Eagle - as it is a noble creature like her family and she wants to be like that
Your Patronus memory:
Her brother being born.
Your Boggart:
Your Animagus:
Mirror of Erised:
Her whole family together happy and perfect
A page from your diary:
To come