Ostensia Romanes

Ostensia Metzger

Well-Known Member
Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring
O S T E N S I A – N I C O L A – R O M A N E S

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FULL NAME: Ostensia Nicola Romanes
BIRTHDAY: September 2nd, 2014
AGE: 20
LANGUAGES: English and Italian
HERITAGE: Full-blooded Italian
WAND: Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring
BROOM: Doesn’t Own One
OCCUPATION: Ostensia currently words at her uncle's company, helping him do whatever tasks he asks of her. Mostly having her travel from country to country assessing possible clients or competition for his company.
AFFILIATION: Does not like the darkness and those associated with it.
THEME SONG: Paradise – Coldplay
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HAIR: Ostensia has golden blonde hair that falls at least three inches beneath her shoulders. It is slightly wavy but just barely so. Ostensia often likes to straight it and leave it down as well as sometimes put it up into a ponytail. Sometimes she even laces flowers into it.
EYE: Ostensia has a marble blue eye color. It’s called marble because it is a mixture of both light and blue together. It’s not too dark and it’s not to lightly colored. It just stands somewhere in the middle.
WEIGHT: 124lbs.
BUILD: Ostensia is more or less petite. She has no extreme height or muscle to her build. She has some slights curves in the right places but they aren’t that prominent.
SCARS: Ostensia has a large scar on the bottom of her right foot from when she ripped her root open on a sharp rock while swimming. The wound needed several stitches.
SMILE: Ostensia has a very bright and cheerful smile. It has been described as being contagious at times. Ostensia tries hard to smile on any occasion that she can.
LAUGH: Ostensia’s laugh is somewhat similar to her smile. It is very cheerful and often contagious. If you get her laughing hard enough she tends to snort on occasion as well.
VOICE: Ostensia’s voice is generally soft. She can raise it if she feels like she must, but she usually tries to avoid yelling. Ostensia’s voice also often has a sweet and friendly tone to it. Her singing voice isn’t exactly what some would call ‘listenable.’ In fact Ostensia considers herself to be tone deaf.
SCENT: Ostensia often smells like flowers. She buys perfumes that strictly have a flower or nature based scent.
STYLE: Ostensia’s Closet
PIERCINGS: Ears & Navel
TATTOOS: Ostensia has a Tattoo on the middle of her back where it can be hidden. It represents her love for flowers and the meaning behind her name.
FEELINGS: Ostensia feels so-so about her looks. She knows she isn’t drop dead beautiful but she also knows she’s not ugly either. Ostensia likes to make sure she looks good whenever she can. Ostensia is into fashion, but she makes sure to make sure it’s not the only thing she focuses on. She believes natural beauty is more important that anything.

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HEALTH STATUS: Ostensia is perfectly healthy
ALLERGIES: Ostensia has no allergies that she knows of.
EYESIGHT: Ostensia has 20/20 vision, so no glasses are require for reading or regular seeing.
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FAVORITE FOOD: Tiramisù and Fresh Pasta
FAVORITE SONG: We Found Love – Rihanna ]
FAVORITE SAYING: Osa doesn’t have one.
LOVES: Flowers, honey, sunshine, summer, lemonade, summer dresses, perfume, animals, gardening, cooking, baking, baby animals, toms, ankle bracelets, hugs, herbal tea, pizza, strawberry and lemon ice cream, spring, music, clothes, romance, Italy, bonfires, BLT’s, cherry blossoms
LOATHES: Cold weather, ham, anything sour, rudeness, moths, bats, spiders, grasshoppers, blood.
ERISED: If Ostensia looked into the mirror of Erised she would see herself owning a very successful flower shop in Venice, she also sees herself being a mother of twins similar to Isabella and herself.
BOGGART: Vampire bats. Ostensia is terrified of vampire bats. She is kind of scared that it will try to suck her blood.
DEMENTOR: Ostensia’s worse memory was the day that her Uncle Collineus moved in to take care of Ostensia and her sisters. That was the day Ostensia’s parents didn’t come home, but it was also the day that Ostensia met the scariest man she knows.
PATRONUS: A memory that Ostensia would use to create her patronus would be the day she and Damian Metzger shared their first kiss. Damian is her current boyfriend and whom she feels is the love of her life.
PATRONUS FORM: A bunny as it represents a sense of innocence, playfulness, and a love for nature. All which easily represent Ostensia.
AMORENTIA: Honey, fresh flowers, and Damian’s Cologne.
VERITASERUM: Ostensia’s biggest secret is that she believes that her uncle Collineus killed her parents. She doesn’t voice it though because she’s worried that Collineus will want to do something to her for speaking about him.
STRENGTHS: Ostensia is very good at making friends. She is a real people person so she is able to talk and get along with just about anyone. It allows her to close to people easily and if she needs to, help them or have them help her. Overall she’s just very good at getting through to people. Ostensia is also a very good gardener. She feels like she has a very vivid green thumb. She really knows how to take care of plants both from home and magical plants. Ostensia is very compassionate which allows her to connect and bond with people easily just like her friendliness does. She understands when people are having bad days and doses whatever she can to help them. Lastly, Ostensia is very good at both Potions and anything using defensive spells. Her love of potions comes from her possible love of cooking, and her good strength in defensive spells comes from her desire to protect others and herself.
WEAKNESSES: Ostensia can be very naïve at times. Even though she knows better than to trust some people her inner kindness brings her to trust them regardless of her feelings on them. There are also lots of things she doesn’t understand or tends to overlook. Ostensia can also be really soft, so her feelings can get hurt easily. Although she can be strong when she really tries, she needs an immense push to do so. Ostensia is also very bad at Quidditch. Even though her boyfriend was really good at tried to teach her, she was unable to retain the skills he taught to her. Last but not least, Ostensia is somewhat musically impaired. She likes to listen to it. But she cannot sing it, or play ot worth a damn.
FIVE WORDS: Compassionate, lovable, caring, nature lover, and girly
PAPARAZZI: Shot 1 Shot 2
OVERVIEW:Ostensia is considered to be a very sweet and caring girl. She bonds with others well and does her best to try and help anyone she can. She is excellent at making friends and winning the trust of others. At times she can be a bit naïve and seem a bit blonde, but she’s far from being dumb. Ostensia holds an aura of innocence to her that most want to see in tact. The few that have ever see her truly out of her comfort zone are her boyfriend and her older sister. Ostensia can be considered to be what most would see as a “Typical Hufflepuff.”
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SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Ostensia is bisexual. Meaning she likes both guys and girls. She does not keep her sexual orientation out in public but she doesn’t hide it other. She’ll tell whoever wants to know. She just doesn’t advertise it.
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Ostensia is currently dating Prodan Zhefarovich.
HOW LONG: They've been dating since May 15th, 2033.
HOW SHE FEELS: Ostensia is devastated that she and Damian are no longer together, but she knows it can't be helped and that she needs to move on. Prodan has helped her move on, and she loves how he is able to make her laugh and smile again.
INNOCENCE: Ostensia lost her virginity to Damian Metzger in September of 2030. Part of the reason why was because she felt that they were old enough and that she loved him, she gave it to him as part of his Graduation Present.
APHRODISIACS: Honey, rose petals (of any color), and white chocolate.
TURN ONS: Guys with tattoo’s, blue eyes, green eyes, dark hair, longer hair, someone who loves to cuddle, guys who are gentle, guys who can make her laugh, romantic guys, and guys who are good with kids and animals.
TURN OFFS: Rudeness, roughness, body odor, alcoholics, and vampires.
IDEAL MAN/WOMAN: Ostensia just wants a person who will care for her and not be afraid to show it no matter what. Appearance doesn’t much matter to her nor does how they grew up. As of late she feels that Damian is the perfect man for her.
THOUGHTS ON ROMANCE: Ostensia loves romance. She loves the feelings it brings her, as well as the happiness. Ostensia can tend to focus on romance a little bit more than other things, but she feels like it brings her great happiness so it shouldn’t matter.

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SCHOOL ATTENDED: Hogwarts New Zealand
TITLES: Prefect
GRADUATION YEAR: Due to graduate June of 2032 (Y16)
FAVORITE SPELLS LEARNED: Colour changing charm - Causes the target to change color..
Potions:Acceptable; Exam: Acceptable
Charms: Acceptable; Exam: Acceptable
History of Magic: Acceptable; Exam: Acceptable
Defense Against the Dark Arts: Acceptable; Exam: Acceptable
Transfiguration: Acceptable; Exam: Acceptable
Astronomy: Didn’t take
Herbology: Acceptable; Exam: Acceptable
Arithmancy:Exceeds Expectations; Exam: Exceeds Expecatations
Ancient Runes: Didn’t take

Hasn’t Taken


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Being edited
OTHER IMPORTANT FIGURES: Ostensia’s uncle Collineus Cardosi.
PET: A Burrowing Owl named Kingsley.
BIRTHPLACE: Venice, Italy
CURRENT RESIDENCE: Ostensia is currently living with her uncle, Collineus Cardosi at his residence, but she is actively looking for her own place.
HISTORY: To be edited Later!

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<FONT font="arial black"><COLOR color="black"><FONT font="timesnewroman"><SIZE size="50"><COLOR color="black">This bio was coded and such by me Jessye. Please do not use unless you've been given permission by me first. Some of this bio was influenced by Kaitlyn so some credit goes to her as well. Any icons used are from Hollow Art or Tumblr! The banners at the top of all pages are made by me! Don't steal them either please!<COLOR color="black">​

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Moving In (Ostensia Romanes x Sureya Eidos x Nora Herrington x Sapphire Bookchild)
Who knew summer solstice could be so much fun? (Ostensia Romanes x Various Characters)
Nightmares (Ostensia Romanes x Isabella Romanes)
You're the Sun to My Shine (Ostensia Romanes x Damian Metzger)
End of Year Feast 2026 (Ostensia Romanes x Various Characters)
To the Beat of my Own Drum (Ostensia Romanes x Kynleigh Davis)
I Say "Hallo!" and You Say "Ciao!" (Ostensia Romanes x Damian Metzger)
Showing Her the Ropes (Ostensia Romanes x Damian Metzger)
The HNZ Wheelbarrow Race! (Ostensia Romanes x Various Students)
Come On, Beautiful! (Ostensia Romanes x Damian Metzger)
Why so Cruel? (Ostensia Romanes x Damian Metzger)
End of Year Feast (Ostensia Romanes x Various Students)
The Odd Crowd (Ostensia Romanes x Various Students)
End of Year Feast 2029 (Ostensia Romanes x Various Students)
Start of the Year Feast (Ostensia Romanes x Various Students)
Hufflepuff House Meeting! (Ostensia Romanes x Various Hufflpuff Students)
Prefects Meeting Y14 (Ostensia Romanes x Various Prefect Students)
You Just Can't Run (Ostensia Romanes x Damian Metzger)
Prefects meeting year 15 (Ostensia Romanes x Various Prefect Students)
Graduation Surprise (Ostensia Romanes x Damian Metzger)
Rumor Has It V.4 (Ostensia Romanes x Various Students)
Especially For You (Ostensia Romanes x Damian Metzger)

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