Osiris Valin

Osiris Valin

Well-Known Member
Elder 15 1/2" Essence of Thestral Tail Hair
The Basics
Character's Name: Osiris Samuel Valin
Character's Birthdate: July 12th 2012
Hometown: Los Angeles, California
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Wand:Elder 15 1/2" Essence of Thestral Tail Hair
~Elder is written to be among the most powerful of all wand woods. It symbolizes regeneration and it is believed to be a cure all within magical circles. It is also beneficial in times of transformation and change.
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Hair: Sandy colored, dark blonde/brown
Eyes: Light Brown
Height: 5'0''
Style:Laid back?
Other Distinguishing Features: Lexi:)
A Little Deeper
Personality:Osiris always acts for the better of the people that he cares about. He is extremely loyal. Even more loyal than most people since his real family are his friends. Ever since he had been a child his parents had shunned him and thought of him as a weak link, now that he is away from them; he can finally do as he pleases. Which, in his case means...messing around with his cousin Fox!
History: Osiris grew up in LA, with his parents and many maids. His family lived in a large manor but they didn't do anything for Osiris. To his mother, all that mattered was how much money her husband was making. He hated his childhood and in a way, when he was shipped off to New Zealand, he saw this as a new opportunity to re-begin his life.
Family: Father: Samuel Oak Valin (Original DE)
-Department of Mysteries
-41 years old

Mother: Helen Sarah Biggins (Original DE)
-39 years old

Note: She doesn't have a job, because she doesn't NEED one. Samuel makes more than enough money for both of them...

Cousin: Fox Di Marco
Fox is the closest thing Osiris has to a brother, even though Fox is 5 years older than Osiris; they never seem tired of messing around together. When Osiris ran away when he was 9, it was to Fox that he went first...

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