Oscar Santiago Davies

Oscar Davies

Sarcastic Prick | Herbologist
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 13 Inch Rigid Acacia Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
7/2040 (17)


General information

Full name:
Oscar Santiago Davies
Name meaning:
Oscar is a boy's name of English, Irish origin meaning "God spear, or deer-lover or champion warrior".
Santiago is a boy's name of Spanish, Latin origin meaning "Saint James".
Davies is a Welsh patronymic surname, meaning "son of David." Ultimately derived from the Hebrew name "David," meaning "beloved," the name became a popular given name throughout Medieval Europe due to the biblical King David of Israel
Nickname: Oscar doesn't really have any nicknames, though is sometimes referred to as Ozzie by his parents and younger siblings.
Hometown: Wellington, New Zealand
Nationality: Kiwi
Accent: He has a Kiwi accent, though every now and then finds himself pronouncing certain words with a Welsh accent due to his father being Welsh
Blood status: Half-Blood
Birthdate: July 24th, 2040
Place of Birth: Wellington, New Zealand
Zodiac: Leo. People born under the sign of Leo are natural-born leaders. They are dramatic, creative, self-confident, dominant and extremely difficult to resist, able to achieve anything they want to in any area of life they commit to. There is a specific strength to a Leo and their "king of the jungle" status. Leo often has many friends for they are generous and loyal. Self-confident and attractive, this is a Sun sign capable of uniting different groups of people and leading them as one towards a shared cause, and their healthy sense of humour makes collaboration with other people even easier.
House Astrology: Ravenclaw Leos are brilliant scholars, loudly adding to classroom discussions and impressing others with the breadth, if not depth, of their knowledge. Many find themselves attracted, as well, to positions on the Quidditch team, partly because this lets them use their abundant energy, partly because it allows them to hog the limelight for a few hours while everybody in their House cheers them on. Their optimism and charisma make them friends everywhere, regardless of House affiliation, and their creativity makes them highly inventive in the laboratory. On the other hand, they are prone to fat egos and intellectual arrogance, and this can be intensely annoying. Emotional maturity will eventually teach them that they don't know everything, and sometimes it's best to let other people speak up and take the credit.
Element: Leo is a Fire sign, this makes them warmhearted, in love with life, trying to laugh and have a good time. Able to use their mind to solve even the most difficult problems, they will easily take initiative in resolving various complicated situations.


Standing at about 5' 9 (or 177 cm) Oscar is considered of average height
Skin tone: His skin tone could best be described as olive
Skin type: Normal
Hair: He has short, brown hair that can curl up as it gets longer
Eyes: Like all the other Davies siblings, Oscar has dark brown eyes
Other features: He doesn't have many scars, but he has one large one on his knee from falling out of a tree when he was nine years old
Allergies: Oscar has no recorded allergies
Dominant hand: Right
Playby: Noah Centineo

Magical Information

Knotted 13 Inch Rigid Acacia Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
Length: A strange length for a wand and a number which symbolizes misfortune
Style: The knots of this wand's original wood remains clearly visible - earthy, this style of wand is perhaps most traditional and closest to nature
Wood: Known to keep its magic from all but its master, wands with Acacia wood are rare to see and incredibly difficult to work with - usually, these wands are only used by the subtly powerful
Core: As a wand core, the essence of belladonna is useful in Potions and Herbology work. The poisonous nature of this substance makes the wand more suspicious than most wands are of the wand caster. For this reason, wands with this core take a long time to bond with the wand caster
Flexibility: Rigid: A difficult wand to control and sometimes broken under little force, but powerful in a fight
Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw
Hogwarts titles: -
Ilvermorny house: Horned Serpent
Graduation year: If he'll finish his education as planned, Oscar will likely graduate in the year 2057/2058
Favourite classes: Herbology and Defence Against the Dark Arts
Least favourite classes: -
Boggart: At the moment his boggart would be his father being disappointed in him because of his bad grades at school
Patronus: Mongrel Dog. Just like a wizard doesn’t have to be a pure-blood to be great, a dog doesn’t have to a purebred to be your best friend. While a mongrel’s ancestry might be a mystery, they tend to be intelligent, energetic, and good-natured. Your mongrel dog Patronus will be loyal and friendly toward you but fierce against any Dementor that seeks to harm you. Their scrappy nature makes them a perfect partner in any situation.
Patronus memory: Oscar does not have a Patronus memory yet
Mirror of Erised: If he would look into the Mirror of Erised, Oscar would see himself as a world-class herbologist, having discovered a new magical plant species around people who admire him
Amortentia: He would smell the scent of new books and wet soil


Good traits:
Bookworm: a person who enjoys reading. Studious: spending a lot of time studying or reading. Talkative: fond of or given to talking. Imaginative: having or showing creativity or inventiveness. Open-minded: willing to consider new ideas; unprejudiced.
Bad traits: Absent-minded: having or showing a forgetful or inattentive disposition. Stubborn: having or showing dogged determination not to change one's attitude or position on something, especially in spite of good arguments or reasons to do so. Arrogant: having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities. Bullheaded: determined in an obstinate and unthinking way. Quick-tempered: easily made angry.
Strengths: Ambitious, follows directions well, well organized, detail-oriented and problem solving
Weaknesses: Takes on to much, perfectionist, not taking criticism well, trouble with teams and needs to be right
Fears: At the moment Oscar fears that he will not meet his parents' expectations for him. While he does not solely study to keep them satisfied, he truly wants to learn as much as he can whilst at Hogwarts, making sure that his parents are happy with grades is something he values a lot. If they're not happy, he thinks he will have failed the year despite having learned a lot.
Desires: Oscar desires to become one of the most famous herbologists of the century, which is a difficult task to complete but one he is determined to study and work hard for anyway.


First kiss: Oscar has not kissed anyone yet
Relationship status: Interested in Somebody (Very much in love with Rosemarie Chatwin)
Innocence status: Still intact
Likes: Plants, books, his Venus flytrap, reading and writing, exploring, studying, snow, scary stories,
Dislikes: Having to go to bed early, especially on the weekends, his younger siblings messing with his belongings, going to the dentist, having to rewrite homework assignments,
Hobbies and interests: Taking care of his father's plants, reading, having a good time with his friends, studying
Occupation: He's too young to work still, however, he sees himself taking over his father's business as a herbologist when he is older
Pets: Oscar does not own any pets, though his family has an Australian shepherd named Bailey


Gareth Davies
April 23, 2007
Adrianna Davies-Serrano
January 9, 2007
Raven Paige Davies
February 26, 2041
Owen Davies
October 29, 2043

Early Years

Will come in the future

Patronus meaning
Zodiac sign
House astrology
INTP-T Strengths and weaknesses
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