- Messages
- 38
- Wand
- Beech Wand 14 1/4 Essence of Pixie Hair

Full Name:
- Oscar Overton
Date of Birth:
- January 16 2021
Current Age:
- 11
Basic Appearance:
- Brown Eyes
- Light brown hair
- 'Dark Eye Syndrome' - Dark rings constantly around his eyes.
- Very small
- Oscar has a high IQ and is incredibly intelligent, academic wise. He is able to learn things very quickly. It takes a lot to get Oscar fully angry; he can usually see why people behave the way they do, but he will get snappy if someone suggests he can't do something. He doesn't have much care for worldly things, or knowledge of the normal things teens are in to. He is not perceived as very exciting to other people, but does get excited easily. Oscar is very awkward, especially when meeting new people. He is really bad at public speaking, or when speaking to a group of four or more. He is not overly fond of crowds. Oscar loves helping people understand things, which a lot of people see as annoying, or a know-it-all. He is an easy target for bullying. Once he grows fond of a person, he will always be loyal to them.
- Declan Overton - Father
- Dania Overton - Mother
- Juliana Overton - Little sister.
- None at the moment.
Area of Residence:
- Currently residing in Wellington, New Zealand.
Blood Status:
- Half Blood
- American
Special Abilities:
- Genius
Interests or Hobbies:
- Reading, Chess, Suduko; Math problems.
Additional Skills:
- Fantastic at analysing people.
- Intelligent
- Quick to learn
- Loyal
- Awkward
- Scared
- Snappy
- 'Insufferable Know-It-All'
Describe your character in three words:
- Genius, Awkward, Curious
Favourite place to be:
- Any place by a fire, reading a book.
Hogwarts House:
- Ravenclaw
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- Oscar would love to become Head boy
Best school subjects:
- Would probably be History of Magic, Muggle Studies, Potions, Charms
Worst school subjects:
- Probably DADA, Transfiguration, Divination
Extracurricular Activities:
- Club Academia
- 2038
Plans for your future:
- Probably a Professor, or a Unspeakable.
Your Patronus:
- A Rabbit; A rabbit is known for being somewhat shy. Similarly, you tend to be quiet around others, especially new people. However, you are very bright and alert. You are good at reading people and know who to trust.
Your Patronus memory:
- Getting a letter from Hogwarts
Your Boggart:
- Dementors
Your Animagus:
- An Owl; Wisdom, Truth, Patience
Mirror of Erised:
- Someone he can share his knowledge with, who will love him.