Orwell Kitchen Brocken

Orwell Brocken

Eco-Anarchist & Activist
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Destroying Capitalism
Knotted 14" Sturdy Pear Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
12/2024 (37)
Let it blossom ,
let it flow ,


Say Hello to

Love is lovely ,
let it grow ,

Orwell Kitchen Brocken

Orwell - The baby boy name Orwell is derived from Welsh origins. The meaning of Orwell is of the horizon.
Kitchen - English and Scottish: from Middle English kychene "kitchen", hence an occupational name for someone who worked in or was in charge of the kitchen of a monastery or great house.Scottish and northern Irish: variant of McCutcheon.
Brocken - This surname was originally derived from the old german word, brock, which refers to those individuals who had a stocky or strong build.

Orwell has his name for some very specific reasons. To begin with Orwell was due to it being a name that both of his parents favoured. A lot of the kids at the community where they live have very strange names, and his parents wanted a slightly more traditional name, something a little better, and both having enjoyed the work of George Orwell, had thought that Orwell rather than George would suit their son. The pair spent a long time discussing what was the merit of that name against other names, and if it would suit their son. He'd obviously have to live with it, they would not. But, once both had seen the name, their hearts had been set on it. The last two names are family names, Kitchen is his mother's maiden name, and it was her desire that Kitchen also be included in his name. She had wanted it to be Kitchen-Brocken, but was persuaded out of it by her father. Now, Orwell, carries the name Kitchen and does respond to it, though not many people know that is his middle name, nor the importance it carries. He likes it, surprisingly, it's incredibly unique, and it brings him joy when he thinks about it. The last name Brocken, is his father's name. It's his father's family name which dates back centuries and has various branches to it. Orwell has always thought that Brocken was the worst part of his name, so he doesn't like it at when people call him that. He responds to it, yes, but would rather people didn't call him that. Within his community last names are not that important. They don't mean as much as they would in the wider world. Most people call him Orwell, a few of the people in his class call him Kitchen. Overall though, he's pretty happy with his name no matter how strange it was.

Orwell has a few nicknames, the first of which is just his middle name, while the name itself doesn't change, the fact that while it's a middle name, and people refer to him as it, generally when they mean it as a joke. The people who know his middle name usually use it as a way of insulting him. It's not overly common, being unkind in his community is hugely frowned upon but kids will be kids, and the name is thrown around. The problem is that Kitchen likes his middle name. It's unique and interesting. It's something that people can make fun of, he knows that but he likes making fun of it too, so it doesn't actually hurt him, in the way that people intend for it to hurt him. The second nickname which is slightly more common is Brock. Brock was a name he was given after him and a few of the other kids played basketball, after one of the adults turned up with one. It was a running joke, that Brock started by ending up pretending to narrate the game as they played. It was a way of pretending they were like kids from American novels and tv shows that some of them had seen in passing, or heard parents talking about. Brock just liked being included, and liked the nickname in the end. He likes the nicknames, he doesn't really care what people actually call him. As long as it's not offensive. He like being called Orwell, or Brock, or Kitchen, all of them suited him just fine.

Brock is currently 26 years old. Orwell had never really celebrated his birthday until his 15th, when Archie threw him a birthday party, Orwell had never had one before then, due to the fact that his community just didn't do birthdays, aside from someone people wishing him a birthday it wasn't something celebrated, which Orwell was always relatively okay with, there were struggles far more important than his birthday.

Orwell was born on December 24th 2024, at around 4pm. He was born in his grandfather's home in New Zealand. He is one of the few children in his community who was not actually born in the community, but his mother made the choice that she'd rather be safe than sorry when it came to having a child, and so decided that a home birth with a doctor on hand would be best. She also wanted to have her father there with her when his only grandson would be born. It was a surprisingly easy birth, and Orwell, was about a week early, but was born healthy and with a little tuff of hair. He only stayed with his grandfather the total of two weeks before his mother and father decided that it was time to return to their community.

While most fifteens year olds do not have a profession, of any kind, but because of the community that he lives in, Orwell does technically work. He is very gifted in herbology, very good with plants and growing things. He's good with knowing what plants are and is a very quick learner and therefore spends time shadowing the people in his community that work directly with plants and who use magical and muggle plants to help others in the community and helping draw up plans about which plants to put where. Orwell, helps in other ways around the community, but that is the line of work that he believes he'll likely end up in when he decides he's done with his education. Aside from that he does help out in the community in other ways. He's an active member of the community as always has been, during his time away he continues his pursuit in herbology and gardening by in the wild patch and whenever he's in the community he continues to pull his weight, he would never stop just because he longer really lives in the community.

Carsten Brocken was born in and raised in Munich, Germany, his parents were both avid activists who largely were active with the environmental movement. Carsten's parents were born in East Germany but moved to West Germany after much struggle when they first married to escape the communism. Carsten was raised in a very liberal family, his parents were incredibly open with him and encouraged him greatly in all of his academic pursuits. Carsten's parents were both muggle but Carsten ended up being a Wizard. He attended Beauxbatons and it was during his time at that school that his own political beliefs began to grow. He had always taken from his parents large amounts of his beliefs, but as they had become older and with having a child they'd become less active politically and became more populist in their beliefs. They thought that eventually Carsten would too, but he has not. Carsten met the mother of his child while at school, they got along really well and both of their views were strongly. They agreed on many points and upon leaving school the pair joined many different causes both were arrest multiple times, and it was during a particular protest that Carsten and the mother of his child ended up hearing about the community in New Zealand, and they moved to it instantly. Ever since moving to New Zealand Carsten lost all contact with his parents. They know Orwell and have see pictures of him, but they've never met. Carsten and Orwell's mother never married though they are in many senses together.

Julia Kitchen was born in New Zealand to two muggles. Her mother was german and her father was from New Zealand. They met during a flight between Los Angeles and Australia, ended up sitting next to each other and had a really good time. Julia's parents are very unlike her politically, her father is a conservative leaning man, and her mother is more centre right than anything. Julia's parents divorced in the winter when Julia was ten years old. She was forced to move to Germany with her mother instead of staying with her father in New Zealand like she had wanted to. She ended up being a witch and attended Beauxbatons in France. She enjoyed magic a lot and was within a group of friends she made in her third year that Julia became pretty politically active. She began by just being an environmentalist but between third year and graduating she stepped further to the left of the political spectrum. She met Carsten through this, and instantly took a liking to him since they were so similar politically. She was incredibly happy with the community of people they now live with. She fell pregnant with Orwell largely as an accident, her and Carsten never married, but they were together, non-exclusively, and she became pregnant with Orwell. She loves her son a lot, really thinks the world of him. He knows that. She lost contact with her mother, having never gotten along with her but despite their differences, Julia and her father still get along really well.

Brock has no biological siblings. Nor has he ever really desired any. He lives with a lot of different people and thinks that if he had a biological sibling he would always have to look after them, and he'd have a lot of responsibility which his parents wouldn't do.

Kitchen's family situation is a little complicated, biological, he has a grandfather on his mother's side, a Richard "****" Kitchen who is a former politician, who is very close to Kitchen's mother. He is friendly with the man, but honestly hasn't spent enough time with him to be able to say much else. Richard Kitchen is a man of many talents, he's a strong person, and has held firm in his own political views and grounding, despite the difference between him and his daughter. Richard has always loved his family, though has never really be a family man, he is much better as a distant relative than as a relative whose actually around. Kitchen loves his grandfather. On the other side, he knows next to nothing about his father's parents. They are good people, and he knows that they are still alive, but that is about all that he knows about them. He figures that they just weren't as close to his father. He figures that it really doesn't matter and he might see them one day.

Aside from that Kitchen's family supposedly goes further than those he is biologically related to but who live in the community with him are his family. They are his brothers and sisters, with him in everything that they do. They are a unit, no major decision is made without consulting others. They live together and no one is really separate. He sees them all as family in a way even if he's not actually related to any of them. Which is why, Kitchen often finds it tricky to talk about his family, he's unsure about the different dynamics which occur in the family. And doesn't really have anything normal or concrete to compare it to. Which is why he's at this point in his life really trying to figure out what family is, and would much prefer to be able to just have a simple, non-complicated family. Or at the very least a better understanding of what families should really look like.

There are no pets in Orwell's community, animals are free to roam in the community, and are owned by no person. They are seen as equals, and would never be made to be a persons pet. This is why Orwell has no pets and finds the concept of actually having pets a little strange. He occasionally messes around with the community owl, which is occasionally around. He likes animals a lot, and would in the back of his mind really love a dog to call his own, he just like being around them. And spending time with them. He doesn't see the point of just owning and naming them. He loves all animals, and likes playing with all of them.

Mixed Blood. Since both of his parents are muggleborns, he is mixed blood. He has both muggle and magical, but the muggle is generation back.

Orwell has never been bothered by blood status, in his community no person can claim to be above another. So the concept of blood status on him is ridiculous. He knows that it's a thing which exists, and he's only ever met one muggle but he doesn't think of himself as above them or anyone for that matter. He sees all people as equal, and that is the same with magical blood. He doesn't see himself above muggles, he doesn't think that anyone should. Orwell stands firmly with the other people he lives with in saying that they hierarchy is a problem of society, and to do away with it, means they live better with each other and nature, so he does.

Describing Brock's home town is a little complicated, he lives in a bioregionalist-anarchist community on the south island of New Zealand, it's a community of about 50 people, with 15 or some children, they co-exist on a plot of land in the forest, where they attempt to live in complete harmony with the plants and animals. They never use more than what they need, and do not venture outside of the community to trade often. Only when it becomes necessary. It is the community that Brock has lived in his entire life. He has left it very few times. Everything is built using the resources they had, as well as using the magic they all possess. The community itself is spread over a large enough area so that there is enough space for everyone, but to anyone whose lives in a city or town, it would appear to be very small. The community's base, where everyone lives and works is protected by magic. People venture out into the wider area of course to use the resources they can reach their, but again, they never take more than they need and giving back to the environment is a huge part of it. The place itself is not particularly close to any town or city, it is closest to Te Anau, and close to Irene Mountain, but closest to the area called Doubtful sound. It's his home town, and the place that he currently lives. Brock couldn't really imagine living anywhere else, he couldn't imagine not living close to nature, or not living as part of a community, constantly surrounded by people.

Orwell's current residence is the same as his hometown. He has never lived anywhere else, and really, the only place he's been outside of this community is to his grandfather's house. On two occasions he didn't even see him grandfather, but those are the only occasions aside from his birth that Orwell can remember ever having left the community for any other reason, or at any other time. He would like to. More than he thinks other would ever want to leave. He feels a little bad about feeling like he wants to leave, but for Orwell, there is so much else out there that he wants to experience, that he wants to leave. Orwell knows he might return, but he wants to take some time out of it at some point. Even though his entire life is there, there is a world outside it.

For Orwell, this is tricky, he loves his community. He really enjoys living in it. He enjoys working in it, and doing things as a part of it. While he wants to leave, he has no idea about where he wants to go, or where he could even go, since everything would be very new to him. So really for now, as much as he wants to leave it, his place to live is the place that he currently lives. He could imagine leaving, but in the back of his mind, Kitchen could never actually imagine himself living any where else. To him, that thought is just so strange that it couldn't possibly ever happen.

FIRST HOME: Orwell has lived in the same place his entire life. His home, in the way that people would think about it, is a small home, it's just enough space for him and his parents. They used to stay with others, but have since moved places. Kitchen would not count this as another home, which is why his home has always been the same, despite having lived in two separate places. His home is open plan, and the entire community is heated by magic, but of course those are only the homes, or places where people sleep, the plant live surrounding them, is not protected by this magic. The homes are a little prone to flooding after serious rainfall, especially when it's at night, and no one is checking the water filtration system. His bed, is not really a bed in the traditional sense, he sleeps in an old muggle sleeping bag, on the soft hay that they use to have bedding without having real beds.

Orwell and his community do not believe in the values placed on ethnicity. He thinks that all people are equally and no matter where they are from they should be treated with the same kindness and equality as he would expect to be treated with. Orwell is however ethnically German on both sides of his family. His father was born and raised in Germany, and his mother was born in New Zealand to a German mother and Kiwi father but moved to Germany when her parents divorced. Orwell's father parents were born in East Germany, and his mother's mother was born in West Germany and her father born in New Zealand, though his roots can be traced back to the Netherlands if you go back far enough.

In his community there are many different types of relationships, and Orwell is very versed in each of them. He just knows that no matter what he'll be alright. That his community will accept him, regardless of what his sexual orientation is. Which means that he's not too fussed about trying to figure it out. However since arriving at the school, Orwell has discovered much more about his own sexuality, he loves pretty freely, loves pretty much anyone and everyone, he has no real preference when it comes to what they are sexually, he enjoys a free spirit, he enjoys love too much to be restricted, so he would describe himself as pansexual.

Most of the time Orwell has been too busy to bother with relationships, but with all the stuff with Archie, Orwell had a little more free time, and was a little more open to other people and relationships, but his first concern remains the cause and the struggle, the goal of the defeat of capitalism and for a world which is free and healthy and well cared for.

Technically he had a very brief crush on Kayleigh Hunter but he asked her out pretty soon after that happened.

Orwell's first kiss was with his best friend Archie, and he would not change that for the world, it was all part or a large bet in which had he not kissed Archie his first kiss would've been to Veronica, a girl he cared about just not as much as he cared for Archie and is much happier to say that is his first kiss.

Orwell shared his first real kiss with Kayleigh, he'd say a very nice experience and that Kayleigh is a lovely and warm person whom he much enjoys spending time with. She asks a lot of questions and he enjoys answering them, it's always a nice challenge to him, being able to figure out a good response, so he is thoroughly happy that his first real kiss was with her.

Orwell has only been in one relationship and therefore only has one past relationship. He and Kayleigh broke up, during the yuleball of Orwell's sixth year in which he found out that she was more interested in a different man. Orwell knew to pursue the heart was the best thing, so he knew it was better to let it end. She was his first girlfriend, and he thought her amazing and full of wondrous life and a beautiful soul, so he was a little sad when they broke up, but he will always think of her dearly.


Orwell doesn't have any time.

Standing at the crossroads ,
trying to read the signs

Naturally, Orwell's hair is a light brown colour, but he's never been a fan of it. He liked having his hair be many different colours. His hair remains pretty messy, it's not overly long, he gets it cut fairly often, just so that it remains at the constant same length. He doesn't put much effort into keeping it tidy. Or really even that clean. It gets wet a lot because he's out and about in the open air, but it also remains for that reason pretty messy. His hair is not something he really needs to think about, it's not a thing of great importance, and he just keeps it at a regular length, and has it many different colours. He doesn't think that tying himself down to one colour just because it looks normal or best is good. He likes having it all sorts of colours. His hair is naturally brown, and a lot of people actually forget that, since he doesn't or hasn't spent much time with his hair that colour.

His parents are liberal, they do not mind Orwell dying his hair. They encourage his own expression and doing things that he wants. They give him a lot of freedom, and he likes being able to dye his hair easily with the fact that they can use magic, and this means that he is neither harming the planet by using any chemicals, but also, it doesn't damage his hair as much. His hair, has almost been every colour under the sun. He doesn't like sticking to one colour for very long. he likes being able to have different colours, and doesn't mind if he reuses one. For him, just's just about being able to have different colours, and standing out. Many people in his community dye their hair, since it's so easy to do, and it doesn't matter, since no matter the colour they will be treated with respect, so Orwell has no problems with dying his hair and having all the colours under the sun.

Kitchen has soft green eyes, both of his parents have roughly the same eye colour as him. He's not seen his eyes very often, they don't have very many mirrors, and he's usually staring at his own hair. But, he likes his eyes. He doesn't think that eye colour can be dull or boring, he thinks it's amazing. His eyes have a friendly nature. Most would say that Kitchen has pretty expressive eyes. He isn't the type who really hides his emotions anyway, so it would be really easy to see in his face and eyes. He doesn't think that hiding how he feels about certain things will get him anywhere in life.

Living outdoors and in a community where everyone has to pull their weight, even the kids, means that Orwell is pretty well built, he has a lot of body strength and despite only being thirteen can not be seen as weak. He eats all that he needs to keep going everyday, though it wouldn't be as much as with others, it's more than enough to him. Orwell looks incredibly healthy. He is also of average height for his age group. His parents are not overly tall, they too are what would be seen as average height, and are averagely tall in the community. Currently he stands at 5ft 6, and is currently still growing pretty quickly, which is tricky, since there are only so many clothes to go around in the community, Orwell mostly wears clothes that are much bigger on him, just so that he will be able to grow into them.

Orwell has a few small birthmarks dotted around his body. None of them are particularly big, nor are they particularly noticeable. One of them, is on the back of his right leg, most wouldn't notice it unless he pointed it out to them. Despite being very pale, and not tanning well at all, Orwell does not have many freckles. He remains largely freckly free, even after periods of time in the sun.

Because the community is pretty closed off, it is important for each person to know their own blood type, and for there to be a record of it. While Orwell doesn't overly understand any of that, he knows that his blood type is O negative. he's never been in a situation where he has received any blood. He can occasionally be a little reckless, but he's never hurt himself so badly that it would require him to receive any blood. Which he is pretty thankful for, but he has seen it been done, and would be able to help if someone needed him to help.

Right Handed
Both hands when it comes to writing are pretty weak, his handwriting is pretty awful, he doesn't have to write all that much, they do a lot of learning, and a lot of reading in his community, but he doesn't have to write all that often. But, he definitely favours his right hand. He favours it and will always chose to write with it, he knows that he could try to write with his other hand, but he doesn't think it would be any point to that. He has been trying to work on improving his hand writing, but it's not an easy task. He is right handed, but to anyone who saw his handwriting would question it.

Kitchen, like all those in his community has a New Zealand, Kiwi accent, his has a little hint of something else, but it's very clearly a New Zealand accent. There are some people in the community who are from other places who aren't from New Zealand, like his parents who both lived in Europe for extended periods of time, but predominantly everyone sounds roughly the same. Kitchen has a usually excitable tone, but it's very friendly. He speaks most clearly when he's arguing with someone, but other than that, it's like any kid his age. Casual and friendly.

Despite never having spent no time in Germany, Brock has become fairly good at German. His father thought that it would be good to pass on some of his knowledge, and has taken the time to sit and teach not just Brock but others in the community. Brock has picked it up pretty easily, he can speak it really well, as well as read it fairly well, he just can't write it at all. There was no point his father would say in teaching him to also learn how to write it, since they lived in New Zealand, and he could get by with his speaking and his reading, no matter how poor it might also be. Aside from German, Brock can obviously speak english, and he's good at english, despite not having great hand writing, Brock is well read, so his grasp of english is pretty firm.

Orwell is not allergic to anything, not that he knows of. Of course with the closed off nature of his community it would be difficult to say if Orwell was allergic to anything. He hasn't tried a good many type of food, so he could very well run into other things which he is then allergic to, but Orwell isn't too fussed about that, he does always love trying new things. He enjoys trying new food, new fruit, or different dishes. He would rather keep trying things and run that risk of being allergic than close himself off to new experiences.

Brock doesn't really have a personal style. He doesn't buy his own clothes, he gets given clothes from the community. He wears hand-me downs, and clothes that are largely repaired by hand. They vary in their style. His style is however largely practical and comfortable. He owns two pair of shoes, one of which is an old pair of trainers and the other are hillwalking shoes which are the ones he has to wear most often because of the place where he lives not being a city and rough terrain, where trainers would not be practical, but in the drier months, he wears his trainers a little more. They are his most prized possession. Brock's clothes are not in the best condition, and because of the fact he's constantly growing all of the ones that he wears are too big for him. Brock doesn't really mind not having complete control over what he wears, he's pretty active, and doesn't really think he needs much more clothes. He would like to own a few of them a little more than he actually does, but Brock understands that they are clothes that belong to everyone, and not just him. He shares them, and doesn't really mind sharing them.

Michael Clifford

To tell me which way I should go ,
to find the answer ,

Orwell enjoys many things, he enjoys freedom and the independence his community has given him. He likes being involved in decision making and having his point heard. He enjoys being able to talk with people and about different things. He likes learning, and reading about new things. He loves being able to pick up a book and just being able to read it cover to cover with all the ease in the world. He enjoys arguing with people, while most would say that wasn't a favourite thing for them, or even something they would really enjoy, Orwell has always been pretty different and his community taught him the value of being passionate and being able to argue a certain point of view. He loves all that is nature and all that is good. He loves being part of his community and he really enjoys the writings of the anarchists which his community follow. He enjoys the challenges that are faced to him every day because of his family's choice to live in amongst the community. Orwell loves animals he loves caring for them, and he loves watching them be free.

Orwell's dislikes revolve around his own belief systems, he really dislikes any injustice that may be found in the world. He dislikes when adults treat him like he's just some clueless person who is less than them. He finds it insulting and will refuse to associate with that person. He dislikes being told to do things that he disagrees with and he hates what had become of the world, and how much waste their is in their planet. He thinks that people who believe that the system they live in is right a little bit clueless and really hates when they don't see what he sees that makes him passionate about the things that he is passionate about. He dislikes people who harm animals or plants or other people. He thinks that human that do that are the lowest. To bring harm to another is like the worst thing that Orwell can imagine doing. He doesn't understand dislikes to a certain extent when people dislike the world. When they don't love everything around them.

Orwell has never really had clear goals. He wants to be able to live his life how he wants to. He wants to convince more people that eco-anarchism and bioregions are the way to solve the crises of the world, but it is unclear to him if those are goals or if they are by-products of what he believes in. Orwell wants to do well in school. He wants to show his community that a balanced education is good and that they should encourage the children of the community to go to school if they want to. He would also saw that one of his goals would be to help others. Whether it's directly helping another person or through the cause. He just wants to help people.

It would losing all of it. Losing his home, and his way of life. He doesn't deny that a change would be nice, but having it ripped from him. Having his culture and society torn away in the blink of an eye without him being the one to decide to leave would hurt him so much. His life and livelihood depends so much on the community, on the people around him, that to have it torn from him, and to lose his family and the wider community would just make him feel so lost. So, he would see losing all that he currently has. Orwell loves the community that he lives in, it's all he's ever known, and while he's a pretty independent guy, he's still a kid who has little experience of the world outside his door. So for all he's ever known to be ripped from him, would honestly be the worst thing to ever happen in his mind. He has no idea what he'd do without them. He loves his parents, he loves his non-biological family, and losing that would bring down Orwell's entire world.

A kiwi bird, Brock has always loved them. He's found them not only to be completely adorable, but he just finds them fascinating. He likes walking around doing impressions of them, and loves that they only exist in New Zealand. They are pretty small, and he likes looking after them. It's just a little love of his.

Orwell has many happy memories, but he would say that his happiest would be the day that he helped his parents build their home. Orwell was pretty young at the time, only about 6 or 7, and they'd been living with several other people, and the house had gotten pretty crowded. Orwell had been looked after by several different people, he for a long time didn't see his parents as just being two people. But, his biological parents decided that since one of the people living in this home was pregnant that it was time for the three of them, to build their own little place in the community, since it was no longer going to just be a pitstop, it was their home. It took over a week, but Orwell, finally felt complete in that week. He had never spent that much time with just his parents, but together, the three of them, they built something. He remembers helping his dad, and watching his mother use magic in certain areas. He remembers feeling like a family, like a real family, like in the children's novels that were largely untouched. Orwell felt like they could be a real family, the three of them as a unit rather than just three people in a wider community. It didn't last, but Orwell holds on to this memory and the possibility that his family could actually be a family in a traditional sense. He loves the community, and he loves all the people in it, but he doesn't understand why they can't co-exist in this community and also be a three person family. Where his parents care for him first, rather than just allowing various adults to do it at different times. it's a happy memory for him. The one that fills his heart with complete joy.

His worst memory was the day his mother almost died. He'd been about 8 at the time, and it had been after his mother and his father had had a fight. She'd stormed out, and while the community lived relatively calmly the fight had been about him and it had scared Brock. He can remember the fact that she hadn't come home, and it being the depths of winter and being so terrified. He sat awake all night, as his father didn't seem to care about it. His mother often needed time and space to calm down, but Brock remembers how late it had been, noticing at about four in the morning that she hadn't taken her wand. He panicked and woke up his dad, who actually listened to what he was telling him, and then decided to call a search. Brock joined his father and the search, and ended up being the one to find his mother, who'd fallen and hurt her ankle, and was unable to move. She'd been freezing. Orwell can remember just feeling so scared, and feeling like he might've lost her. Of feeling hopeless because it had taken so long for him to convince anyone to do anything. He can remember just being so lost, and not knowing what to do.

If Kitchen was to admit anything it would be that when he was told he wouldn't be going to Hogwarts New Zealand, he was really let down. He knew it would be a long shot of him ever going. But, he had wanted to. He had thought that his parents would let him go. He loved going to school with the others, and doing the lessons the way that they did them. He was sure that going to school would've been a huge shock to his system, but he had really wanted to go. At least for a year, just to experience something other than just the community and everything that grows from the community. It is something that Kitchen feels most let down about. And he'd definitely talk about that if he was under the influence of the truth telling serum. He never wanted to feel bad about it, but he does.

In the mirror, Orwell would see his family. He has his family with him by his side, and they are a real family. It's difficult for him to describe as he has his family, his parents play a role in his life, but to him, they are occasionally parents, and most of the time they are just other people in the community who exist. They are no more his parents than any of the other people in the community. So, he'd see his parents and the structure of a family in the traditional sense. Orwell has always wanted a real family, he likes all the freedom that he has, he likes being able to be respected and treated as an adult, but he would love for his parents to show him a little special treatment, he's seen it happen with other families, and would just really want for him and his parents to be a real family. He has never said this to anyone, he doesn't want to appear selfish, because he has all he could possibly need, and he's complaining about not having a family, when he does have one.

Orwell would first and most strongly smell the earth, that earth, dirt smell that is his home. He'd smell the soft burning of firewood, and the smell of fresh flowers on the ground. He would smell the dew in the morning, and the humidity when it's about to rain. He would smell old, damp riddled books, and new book smell. He likes the smell of moss and essentially anything outdoorsy.

Orwell doesn't really look up to anyone, he doesn't think that he should hold up anyone in that way. He respects the people of his community, and he respects the authors that he reads from. He respects all of those people who he thinks deserve his respect, but only those people. He doesn't hold anyone in high enough regard to say that he looks up to them in that way. He doesn't think that he could just look up to one person, he doesn't believe that's how it should really work.

Not many people in the community people in anything religious, they believe in people and mankind. But, not in any higher power. Orwell, has considered the existence of a higher power, he's read the bible, and done some, but limit research on other faiths, but he's never found himself able to believe in any of it. He doesn't agree with a lot of points in most religions. He has a lot of problems with religion, but is respectful to those who believe it, or would be, if he knew people who were religious. There is no church or temple building within the community, so he's not had much experience of it. But, he does not believe in the existence of a higher power.

The community that Orwell lives in is a bioregion which functions with an Anarchist system. There are no leaders in the traditional sense, decisions are always voted on, those in charge rotates every two weeks between different pairs. Discussion is welcome, and opposition is thoroughly discussed. Their community is based around the values of environmentalism, caring for the planet, being one with nature, and of equality. No one gets more than what they should. Because of this upbringing, and the reading that Orwell does on various political books, since the community encourages people to come to their own conclusions about things, Orwell would more than happily identify as Eco-Anarchist. He's an environmentalist because he believes in caring for the planet. He's a vegetarian, and hates even remotely hurting creates. He loves growing plants and planting things. He's an Anarchist because he doesn't believe in hierarchies, or in the capitalist market which promotes selfishness and over production to the detriment of the planet. He believe in equality, he believes in freedom, and being able to make your own chose your own path. He believes in being an active part of the community and helping those in need. He believes in the equal distribution of resources and wealth. So, it is unsurprising that Orwell believes and follows the principle of his community and identifies with the same political ideologies.


The sign of the high roller, Capricorn is regarded as the zodiac’s top, but also quiet, life and business achievers. But, there are two very different types of Capricorns. The first is represented by the mountain goat, always climbing higher and higher; never content until reaching the top. The second is the garden goat, with little adventurous spirit or ambition-happy to remain within a small domain, refusing to budge unless it is pushed. Either type of Capricorn, however, is patient and persevering. They reach their goals because they know the longest journey commences with a single step and that the first step is always the most difficult. The one thing a Capricorn must always try to do is balance work with play; otherwise they can become too one-sided and work can replace true personal emotional fulfilment. Continually climbing the eternal mountain of success, Capricornians rise to the occasion when faced with a new task or deadline. Even if something comes to a grinding halt, their ambition to reach the ultimate keeps them moving forever onwards and upwards (prompted by the strict influence of ruling planet Saturn). Although conservative and cautious, Goats are willing to try unusual approaches on their road to success in business or in love. Romantically, they desire a permanent relationship with someone who'll give them the affection they crave (and often neglect to give themselves!)

Orwell Kitchen Brocken, is fairly different from most people. He was raised in a community where the collective was always put first, where he lives in complete harmony with nature and the environment. Orwell doesn't think of himself often, he doesn't put himself first. He's a very kind and good natured person. He's always thinking about others, and is keen to help anyone who requires his help. He has a reckless streak in him, which is mostly just about him trying new things, going on longer walks, eating some things without it really being approved. He's been raised in a pretty sheltered way, despite the openness of the community he lives in. He hasn't had much interaction with muggles, or people outside the community. He knows a lot of ideologies and reads a lot about different societies but hasn't really ever experienced it. He's a very loving person, and loves everything essentially, he doesn't like hurting people, animals or even plants really. He's incredibly non-violent, and cannot deal with conflict when it seems to involve violence. He's a keen reader, and an idealist, his head is largely in the clouds. He loves his community and can not see why more people don't live like he does. He's also very loyal to his community, and would be incredibly loyal to a partner. A lot of his community practice free love, and are not tied down to one person, he likes this in theory, but would enjoy the comfort of one sole person rather than several. He gets quite lonely, he's surrounded by people, but he feels lonely, like he's missing something. He has a excitable side to him, which loves learning new things, experiencing new things and being happy about life. He gets excited about things quite easily. He's a smart kid, but questions things a lot. He reads a lot, and likes to question things he doesn't always fully understand. Or when he has trouble with it. In his community everything is shared, so he doesn't actually own anything personally, and he desires personal property, which in his community isn't good. His parents and the community are pretty liberal, and he has very few boundaries, this makes him pretty independent, he can take care of himself. There are very few rules which he has to follow, which means he has a lot of freedom, but despite having a lot of freedom, remains well behaved and respectful to those around him.


Looking for a reason ,
to check out of my mind
Brock has never really attended school in the traditional sense. He attends classes with the other kids in his community, but they do not necessarily follow the traditions of a normal school. They do not have exams, and Brock can decide to just not go. He likes learning, which is why he does attend. They only do four days of school, and only for five hours in the morning. He does muggle subjects like Maths, English, History, Geography and Politics, as well as magical lessons. Magical lessons are largely theory based, anything practical is done in a person's own time. They do not get taught any offensive or defensive spells, they get taught protection spells, and spells which they need for the community. Herbology plays a large role in their lessons, and is mixed with muggle practices with plants.

He's been going to classes since he was about two, the young children have different lessons, and he joined the more normal classes with the older kids when he was about five. They get encouraged to learn on their own time, and discover their own interests within the community. He's been attending from that point, and will likely attend until he's either 15 or 16, when he decides to leave and stop his education. That is unless he goes to a real school, which he is interested in doing, because he might learn a lot, but it doesn't mean anything, since he won't do any exams, or have any real qualifications.

There are no houses, there are just not enough kids, and the community doesn't believe in separating kids in any way. Especially based upon individual personality traits.

Since Kitchen has been in that school since he was about two, the boy has no recollection of what he first thought of it, but Orwell likes it. He likes the relaxed nature of the class, the encourage private learning, he enjoys theory, and doing the work in his own time. There is no pressure on him to learn things quickly, he has no exam, not really. He would like to be test on certain things, but he's okay with not being so. He likes the way the man who is their teacher doesn't treat them like idiots, he allows them to argue and make their own decisions. While, Kitchen would quite enjoy being able to go to a normal school, with a lot more structure, he knows that it would likely be difficult, and hard to adjust. He thinks however that it could be a lot of fun.

Nothing he does gets graded, so he hasn't achieved any grades, and nor will he ever, should he remain a part of that school. He doesn't overly mind, his education is pretty good. Just at times he thinks it would be useful to actually have qualifications. If he wants to leave the community, he would need something to show for his education.

His favourite subject is pretty easy, he loves herbology. He loves being able to look after plants and creatures. He likes being able to care and know about them. He understands the importance of them, and how plants and life is important to the planet, so he thinks it's a good subject. He's also very naturally good it. He is very good at telling the difference between various plants and being able to know what to do with them. He's very talented in this aspect.

If handwriting was a subject then that would be his least favourite, but it is not, so it would be maths. He has never been very good with numbers, they just sort of swim in front of his face. They don't make sense to him a lot of the time, and it's the one class that Orwell really struggles in. He can do basic maths, but it's when it gets a little more complicated that Orwell just gets very lost in it all.

Because of the openness of the school, skipping class is not actually something which is frowned upon. Orwell does it pretty often. Sometimes he just sleeps in, or the weather's too nice and he can't be bothered with it. It doesn't mean that he then doesn't do the work, but he just knows that anything that can be done on one day can wait until the other. He might also opt to work instead of go to class. School for Orwell is not that structured at all, so he doesn't have the same pressures to attend as others at normal, real schools have.

There are no school clubs, the younger kids will often go and play sports after but there are few organised clubs. He has never flown a broom, or done anything like that. Sometimes when the lessons are often, he'll stick around with others, and they'll debate issues, changing who takes which side, and continuing to learn and form opinions. But, that's not a formal club in the real sense. It's just kids hanging out, so Brock would never see it as anything other than kids hanging out.
Because no one in the community believes in hierarchy, they also don't believe in placing students above the rest. The students should all be able to behave in an appropriate manner, and no student needs to be placed above the rest. They should their be any leaders always change, so that the power doesn't remain in one pair of hands. So, there are no positions to give out, so no positions that Brock could aspire to achieve. His future occupation as a herbologist, makes him well respected, but it doesn't place him in a high position.
Trying hard to get a friend ,
that I can count on ,

Knotted 14" Sturdy Pear Wand with Unicorn Hair Core

Length: A little on the longer side of things, wands of this length are slightly more uncommon and not easily forgotten by others.
Style: The knots of this wand's original wood remain clearly visible - earthy, this style of wand is perhaps most traditional and closest to nature.
Wood: Pear is a spectacularly magical wandwood which binds itself to the pure of heart, generous, and wise - it is not known to choose practitioners of the dark arts.
Core: The animal is known for its healing qualities and unbridled beauty, so it is no surprise that wands with unicorn hair are particularly successful at performing healing spells. Wands with this core bond with their first caster, making wands with this core not good as hand-me-downs. These wands are useful with charms and transfigurations.
Flexibility: Sturdy: A solid wand for any witch or wizard - easy to use, and highly dependable.

Orwell loves his wand, this is technically his second wand. The first wand that he owned was not one that suited him in the slightest. It was a passed down wand that somewhat reluctantly chose Orwell. But, he managed to break that one, and was allowed to be able to get one. Most adults have their own wands, and kids eventually receive one, Orwell was one of the last in his age group to get one. Orwell loves his wand. He loves the way it feels in his hand, the earthy look to it. He loves that it is his. He loves that it belongs to him. He loves that it picked him, and that it works so well under his guidance. He feels like it's a part of him, and that it's just the most amazing thing he's ever owned. Orwell only has two prized possessions, this wand and his trainers. He doesn't know what he'd do without this wand.

Orwell attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in New Zealand

Orwell wasn't quite sure what to expect from Hogwarts. He'd heard plenty of things about it. He didn't know how true any of those things were but he was looking forward to seeing if they were. Upon arriving, Orwell was blown away by the sheer size of everything. He didn't like that the school was so far from the forest, but he loved everything else. He had never seen such a beautiful and large building in his life. He couldn't believe the sheer scale of everything. The size of the great hall, or all of the steps. Orwell had been living out of really simple housing and had never wanted anything else, but Hogwarts changed that. He did question why the building needed to be as it was, but it was pretty incredible to him.


Orwell has now graduated

THIRD YEAR: This was Orwell's first ever year at school, and he found it equal parts amazing and equal parts terrible, he loved the classes and being around his friend and all the other challenges he faced, never really struggling too much with his classes Brock had discovered how different they were from his normal old classes. They were taught differently, not like how he would expect for them to be taught, and he found that he didn't particularly like it, but he was still very happy to be at the school, he loves all the experiences that he's been given because of it.

FOURTH YEAR: Even though it was his second year at the school, Brock was a fourth year, and after a fairly calm first year at the school he began to expand, which started from him being given the leadership position of the Wild Patch Club and also being able to join the Hogwarts Monthly. Both of these things influenced him greatly, and the former lead to him eventually holding a protest at the forbidden forest, he also took part in a food fight, and went to the Yuleball with Archie. He held a second Wild Patch event in the second semester an LGBT+ pride event, and was kicked out of Defence Against the dark arts. Orwell managed to do well in his classes beside this.

FIFTH YEAR: This for Orwell start much like the previous two years, although there was a difference in Archie which then affect everything that he did. He dragged the other boy out more and more as the term progressed, intermixing that with his studies for his OWLs at the end of the year. He helped bring more members to the wild patch, and held two events one lantern festival and a second LGBT+ celebration in the second. During the first semester he helped some of the gryffindor quidditch players organise a protest against the leadership of their captains, which Orwell was more than happy to do. He went to the Yuleball with Archie again, but in the second term, the boy became even more of a recluse, and Orwell got so desperate about the situation that he broke into Gryffindor common room to be sure that the boy was okay. This resulted in them being caught and Orwell got into trouble with the headmistress. Overall though Orwell would definitely do it again, without a second thought. This helped things marginally and at the same time, Orwell met Kayleigh and he ended up really liking and asking her out. The boy ended up doing very well in his OWLs, a thing he is very proud of.





The fact that Orwell was at the end of his school career felt a little odd, he had joined the school late, and had been at the end of his school career in his community, he had wanted to learn more, he hadn't known what to do with it, he had been stuck on his path, but his path had been completely thrown off when he had bumped into Archie that fateful day. Getting a new wand had been the catalyst for him making the best decision of his life, and now it was coming to an end. Orwell couldn't help but be quite sentimental towards it, he loved every moment of the school, even though he had had more than a few issues with the school, it had been good. From joining the Monthly, to his hard work with the Wild Patch, improving and growing the garden. Leaving the garden was about the most difficult thing he was having to do, Orwell had always loved growing flowers and plants, and knew upon leaving the school he would start his own garden. He didn't want to let go of the title of King of the Flowers, but it was time to pass it on. It was time for this school to end, and for his schooling to end.

Orwell hadn't invited anyone to the graduation, his parents would be unwilling to come to such a pompous and pointless celebration of capitalism education, to parade the successful students in front of one another and push them into believing that achieving well in school meant you had better chances. Though he was a little sad his parents wouldn't attend it had been no surprise to him, and he was just glad that he had Archie. After all, Archie had been the one accepting him first into the school, he had been the one to hold his hand when he had been nervous about his first day at a real school, he had been the one to give Orwell a chance to do a little more with his life. Archie was the only person Orwell would've wanted to share this day with, he was his best friend and the one person in his life that allowed him to be entirely himself. Despite his some anger towards certain aspects of the school he was grateful to them, perhaps even a little grateful towards Professor Summers who had taught him how to become an animagus, even if the man was a unconcerned and moral-less man. He was grateful to Professor Philips and Louise, to most of the professors who had helped a boy who'd never had a formal education in his life prior to the school succeed quite as well as he had.

The speeches to Orwell were quite interesting, he liked Pia's because he agreed, the school had some problems but they definitely were more inclusive than he had thought they might be. They had accepted him with his weird hair and dirty clothes and they had accepted so much else. He had strived himself to make the school more accepting with the Pride celebrations and the openness with which Orwell was towards sexuality. There were plenty of things he had never gotten round to doing at the school, but Orwell knew that he was leaving the school a little better. Orwell glanced happily at Archie, squeezing his hand gently as they sat together leaning in and lightly kissing his cheek, he was nervous about finishing school, Orwell knew he'd be an activist of some degree but he also knew he needed to have a job and make some money, no matter how awful he thought it would be. He could do quite a lot with the NEWts that he had gotten, but all Orwell wanted to do was make the world a better place and he didn't think he could do that in an office.

School had provided him with most of what he might need to do well, to be able to achieve in life, and he was grateful for that. Orwell had dressed nice for this graduation, wearing a borrowed suit from Archie that didn't fit him too well, and he had freshly dyed hair, a bright blue to symbolise the house that he had called home for the last five years of his life. He was proud of himself, of Archie, of Pia, of all those within his year. He was proud of the Wild Patch club, he was proud of all they had achieved. Orwell would look fondly on most of his time at this school. Finally his name was called and he walked across the stage and got his diploma from the deputy head master, he shook his hand and thanked the man before just taking his seat once more. It felt odd to hold it in his hands hold the end of his schooling within his hands, of course he knew that the hard work and effort he had put in since getting to the school did only lead to the a bit of paper at the end with his name written in fancy handwriting and not much else, but he was proud of the work he had put in, and he would treasure this silly little bit of capitalist paper dearly.

Despite his short time at the school Orwell has already received a position of some authority and although he doesn't enjoy the aspects of it which make him the leader because he doesn't believe that school clubs need a leader, but he's in charge of the Wild Patch Club. He very much enjoys it and looks forward to all that he can do with the club.

Third Year Grades
Potions: OHistory of Magic: EDefence Against the Dark Arts: OCharms: O
Transfiguration: OAstronomy: OHerbology: OMuggle Studies: O
Ancient Runes: ODivination: O

Fourth Year Grades
Potions: OHistory of Magic: EDefence Against the Dark Arts: TCharms: O
Transfiguration: OAstronomy: OHerbology: OMuggle Studies: O
Ancient Runes: ODivination: O

Sixth Year Grades
Potions: OHistory of Magic: OArithmancy: OCharms: O
Transfiguration: OAstronomy: EHerbology: OMuggle Studies: O
Ancient Runes: ODivination: OApparition: O

OWL Grades
Potions: OHistory of Magic: OArithmancy: OCharms: O
Transfiguration: OAstronomy: OHerbology: OMuggle Studies: O
Ancient Runes: ODivination: O

NEWTs Grades
Potions: OHistory of Magic: OArithmancy: OCharms: O
Transfiguration: OAstronomy: OHerbology: OMuggle Studies: O
Ancient Runes: ODivination: O
Herbology is likely Orwell's best class, he really enjoys it and he's always been very good at it, spending so much time in the outdoors Brock had found the subject an easy addition to what he'd already been doing. Orwell is a little ahead of some of the work in some places and then very behind in other sections. Orwell really enjoys the lessons and he really enjoys the professor teaching it. To him it's definitely one of the better classes in the school.

Orwell takes a lot of selective classes, just due to the fact that he wouldn't be able to take them back in his community and while he's excelled in most of them, he finds Divination to be a bit of a joke, he was told he needed to be open minded to be able to do it well, and Orwell considers himself to be very open mind and yet he can't do it. Usually he buries himself in the theory because he likes everything about the class but he just can't get it very much. He likes the professor and the way the lesson is taught, he enjoys being able to do what he can with it, but he can't do the practical things and it annoys him to no end. Other than that, he dislikes Transfiguration when they make do things to animals and he really despises Professor Styx's teaching style and need for violence.

Time is getting shorter ,
there's much for you to do

Orwell's life has been fairly different from most. He was born within his community's small medical centre. It is pretty much like all of the other houses within the community. It has walls, but no door, so that it can given openness to the room. He was born with no complications although when born had been an incredibly tiny baby. Orwell was subsequently looked after primarily by his mother, but by various members of the community. Who strongly believe in sharing the burdens around children. He started talking earlier than most children and learned to read incredibly early. When he learned to walk, Orwell would follow who ever was looking after him and would always try to copy them. He listened and was to a certain extent in community runnings. He was however at the early stage of his life mostly just shown how things work. He started learning at the age of three within the school they had. At that age, Orwell's education was largely focused on teaching him how read and write better. Orwell who'd always enjoyed learning took to reading and writing easily. He worked quickly and loved the different books he was given. His reading level ended up going up incredibly quickly. He was always looking for more.

At the age of five, Orwell began to show real interest in the plants and creatures. He was following the sort of ideals of his community pretty closely and despite his age was getting pretty good at arguing about certain things. It was upon beginning to learn about the different plants that he began to really find it. He was left to explore more and more, he was allowed to go off on his own, and very carefully began to find the different things that he liked. Being around the animals and being around the plants really helped him. He had heard many things about schools and normal education, but none of that really appealed to him at that age. As he continued to grow his own views solidified and he began to more passionately follow them. He read everything and anything, he joined reading things from different political perspectives and then talking about them with the other children in his community. He experience a lot of freedom in his years and has developed an interest in learning and learning because he wants to and not because he has to. He began to think about real magical school when he turned ten years old, of course around the age that he would've got his letter to Hogwarts. He had thought it would be a pretty bad idea, and wasn't interested in going too much at the time. Of course his curious nature made him want to try it. He didn't want to forsake his community and all that they had taught him. It was around this age also that Orwell began to do more specific studies and this involved following around the other herbalists within the community. Those with a keen eye for plants, those who can spot the right plants and help do more with them to help others within the community. Orwell really enjoys helping others, but he didn't like the idea of just finishing up his education any time soon.

After meeting another boy his age while getting himself a new wand, Orwell decided that if he wanted to be able to do more in this world he would have to leave his community and actually go to school in a magical school. Which was why he even opted to try to persuade his family and wider community that he should be allowed to attend. In the end orwell knew they'd respect his opinion and listen to him, so he was also keen to listen to them and what they had to say on the matter. He applied for Hogwarts and ended up being admitted. Where he was then sorted in Ravenclaw. He was incredibly happy to be sorted into Ravenclaw and knows that he will do everything to make his community proud. During his first year at the school, or his third year, Orwell pretty much kept his head down and just worked away, refusing to do any magic on any creatures that he was told to, and getting a feel for the school, growing in confidence so much so that he eventually ventured into the forest which he hadn't remember had been forbidden, this was where he learned of the forest's forbiddenness and decided to challenge it. During his third year he also grew to be better friends with Archie and a good few others, attending the Yuleball with him and winning the Cutest Couple superlative.

At the beginning of his fourth year, Orwell was given the Wild Patch club to lead, and the teen immediately started by getting a bigger section for the gardens, planting vegetables and herbs and various other things which could be supplied to the school, he uses what he knew of the community, and planted far more flowers which he feels have really helped the area in general, he also organised and held a protest outside the forbidden forest which eventually got interrupted by professors and he got into trouble for that. He attended the Yuleball with Archie and then in the break he showed Archie his community and Archie then threw him a party. The latter half of his fourth year was far calm, he was trying his best to stay under the radar of the professors and get himself into only a minimal amount of trouble, which did include getting himself kicked out of Professor Styx's class. But that to him wasn't too much of a big deal.

Upon returning to school for his fifth year, Orwell knew something was really different with his best friend, if the holidays had been any indication of such a thing, then he wasn't as happy and as normal as he was usually, but things during the first part of the year continued on normally, as if nothing was wrong. Orwell threw himself in to his work during the semester and organised with the wild patch a lantern lighting ceremony, and got Archie to attend both the Yuleball and the Halloween feast with him. Orwell organised another wild patch event, and helped members of the Gryffindor quidditch team strike back against their captains. They celebrated Orwell's birthday at the school after it became clear that Orwell wouldn't be allowed to visit Archie during the holidays. After the break however things were clearly worse, and Orwell eventually snuck into the Gryffindor dorm room to help him feel better. As well as this, Orwell ended up upon returning to school, meeting a girl called Kayleigh, and he developed feelings for her pretty quickly until he eventually asked her out. In the second semester he also organised the second Pride event, which he'd say was bigger and better than his first, and achieved perfect OWLs.

The rest is up to you ,
Plant your love and let it grow
Coding Done by me, Emzies, If you want to use this code, just PM me and I can send it to you
Lyrics: Let it grow - Eric Clapton

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