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- OOC First Name
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- Age
- 8/2016

This speech is my recital, I think it's very vital
To rock (a rhyme), that's right (on time)
Full Name: Orsino Alvise Antolini
Pronunciation: aw r - s EE - n oh, ah l - vee - say, An - tol - in - i
Nicknames: Orsi, Sino, Grumpy
Name Origins: Orsino as a boy's name has the meaning "bear" and is a variant of Orson (Latin): in an old French story, a child named Orson is reared in the forest by a bear.
Alvise as a boy's name has the meaning "all wise" and is a variant of Alvis (Old Norse): from Norse mythology involving the dwarf Alviss who fell in love with the daughter of Thor, the god of thunder.
Antolini is a variant of Antolin and is of a Spanish origin.
Date of Birth: August 10th, 2016
Current Age: Currently twenty</FONT>
Basic Appearance: Orsino is tall and built like a tank. He has lightly tanned skin and blond-brown hair that he often keeps long. He has long arms and his eyes are his best features (according to him).
Personality: Orsino is very protective of his sisters to the point he can often be seen as over-bearing. Though he is intelligent he can come off as the "strong, silent type" because he is often invested in his own thoughts. He is grumpy on most occasions due to the combination of lack of sleep, no coffee and stress. This often means that he is quick to anger, though he wouldn't actually hurt anyone. Orsino is a big fan of the ladies, though he has no time for any actual relationships and often lives his life day to day, meaning he is known for his one night stands, though he isn't a stranger to something more long term. Many times he has been described as "bear-like" because he likes to work out and keep himself fit and built. When he is in more of a happy mood, Orsino has been known to hum, though this happens very rarely and bringing it up is only going to cause him to deny it.
Family: Mother , Adelina Antolini.
Father, Carlo Antolini .
Siblings, Clara , Rosa (10 months apart) ,Vicenzo .
Others , Alvise - Grandaddy; Alfonso , Gabriella - Uncle + Aunt; Dario ,Enrico, Maria, Naomi, Gemma - Cousins.</SIZE></SIZE>
Pets: He technically has a bunch of Dragons.
School: Durmstrang
Blood Status: Mixedblood
Heritage: Italian
Interests or Hobbies: Dragons and Sports
Strengths: His major strength is his ability with problem-solving
Weaknesses: His biggest weakness is that he is quick to anger</SIZE></SIZE>
Describe your character in five words: Protective, Intelligent, Grumpy, Hard-working, Sleep-deprived.
Best school subjects: Magical Creatures, Charms, Dark Arts
Worst school subjects: Transfiguration
Other Classes Astronomy, Herbology, History of Magic, Potions, Ghoul Studies
Current Job: Dragonologist/Dragon Keeper
Plans for the future: Breed a new species of Dragon
Patronus: Bear
Boggart: Poltergeists
Animagus: Bear<i></i>
Pronunciation: aw r - s EE - n oh, ah l - vee - say, An - tol - in - i
Nicknames: Orsi, Sino, Grumpy
Name Origins: Orsino as a boy's name has the meaning "bear" and is a variant of Orson (Latin): in an old French story, a child named Orson is reared in the forest by a bear.
Alvise as a boy's name has the meaning "all wise" and is a variant of Alvis (Old Norse): from Norse mythology involving the dwarf Alviss who fell in love with the daughter of Thor, the god of thunder.
Antolini is a variant of Antolin and is of a Spanish origin.
Date of Birth: August 10th, 2016
Current Age: Currently twenty</FONT>
It's Tricky is the title, here we go...
It's Tricky to rock a rhyme, to rock a rhyme that's right on time
It's Tricky to rock a rhyme, to rock a rhyme that's right on time
Basic Appearance: Orsino is tall and built like a tank. He has lightly tanned skin and blond-brown hair that he often keeps long. He has long arms and his eyes are his best features (according to him).
Personality: Orsino is very protective of his sisters to the point he can often be seen as over-bearing. Though he is intelligent he can come off as the "strong, silent type" because he is often invested in his own thoughts. He is grumpy on most occasions due to the combination of lack of sleep, no coffee and stress. This often means that he is quick to anger, though he wouldn't actually hurt anyone. Orsino is a big fan of the ladies, though he has no time for any actual relationships and often lives his life day to day, meaning he is known for his one night stands, though he isn't a stranger to something more long term. Many times he has been described as "bear-like" because he likes to work out and keep himself fit and built. When he is in more of a happy mood, Orsino has been known to hum, though this happens very rarely and bringing it up is only going to cause him to deny it.
Family: Mother , Adelina Antolini.
Father, Carlo Antolini .
Siblings, Clara , Rosa (10 months apart) ,Vicenzo .
Others , Alvise - Grandaddy; Alfonso , Gabriella - Uncle + Aunt; Dario ,Enrico, Maria, Naomi, Gemma - Cousins.</SIZE></SIZE>
It's Tricky...it's Tricky (Tricky) Tricky (Tricky)
It's Tricky to rock a rhyme, to rock a rhyme that's right on time
It's Tricky to rock a rhyme, to rock a rhyme that's right on time
Pets: He technically has a bunch of Dragons.
School: Durmstrang
Blood Status: Mixedblood
Heritage: Italian
Interests or Hobbies: Dragons and Sports
Strengths: His major strength is his ability with problem-solving
Weaknesses: His biggest weakness is that he is quick to anger</SIZE></SIZE>
It's Tricky...Tr-tr-tr-tricky (Tricky) Trrrrrrrrrrricky
</COLOR><i></i><i></i> I met this little girlie, her hair was kinda curly
</COLOR><i></i><i></i> I met this little girlie, her hair was kinda curly
Describe your character in five words: Protective, Intelligent, Grumpy, Hard-working, Sleep-deprived.
Best school subjects: Magical Creatures, Charms, Dark Arts
Worst school subjects: Transfiguration
Other Classes Astronomy, Herbology, History of Magic, Potions, Ghoul Studies
Current Job: Dragonologist/Dragon Keeper
Plans for the future: Breed a new species of Dragon
Patronus: Bear
Boggart: Poltergeists
Animagus: Bear<i></i>
<COLOR color="#000"> Went to her house and bust her out, I had to leave real early
<i></i><i></i> These girls are really sleazy, all they just say is please me
<SIZE size="50"><SIZE size="50"><SIZE size="50"> <i></i><i></i> These girls are really sleazy, all they just say is please me
<SIZE size="50"><SIZE size="50"><FONT font="verdana"><SIZE size="50">Now hear this kiddies. This template is created by me with thanks to Tenilee. No touchy or I break you... Kay Oh , oh and song lyrics are "It's Tricky" by Run DMC. Credit to Donna for the information I didn't already have!