Optimistic girl is lonely!

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Mimosa Andrews

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name


So I'm looking for some friends for Mimosa to go to Hogwarts with! Here's a bit about her:

Mimosa is an optimistic young girl who seeks wealth and tries to do the best in everything she can. If an oppurtunity arises for something, she will be certain to accept it and make the most out of it. She is friendly with everybody if she can be, and making friends is something she has a natural talent for. She strives to suceed and will also help her friends do the best they can too by helping them when they need her. She is brave, and willing to stand up for herself, as her mother taught her to, and is not scared of a fight. However, she avoids these situations as much as she can. She hates bullies, and will always grass them up. It would be unfair not to, especially for the victim of the bullying. If she feels something needs to be done, she will go to all lengths to make sure it gets done. She never gives up on something she wants, and hopes to be sucessful in life.

Five words to sum her up:

Even if something is going terribly wrong, Mimosa can always find a positive view on things. She hopes for the best as often as she can, which often helps cheer her friends up too. She believes that there is no such thing as being miserable. The try, try again motto is something she remembers every day.

Mimosa has had a fairly easy life, but when it gets rough she does not cry. She stands up for herself when she needs to and wont back down. Even if something is truly terrifying, she will try to handle it as best she can.

Mimosa will take advantage of any circumstances which could be benificial to her. If she does not, she regrets it and it hangs with her for days. She tries to grab opportunities by the head and make the most of them whilst she can.

Whilst she is brave, Mimosa is also known for being accident prone. She gets better as she grows up, but as a child, Mimosa was always hurting herself, knocking things over or tripping over things. Luckily, she seems to be growing out of this trait.

If Mimosa wants something, she'll make damn sure she gets it. She is polite in doing so, and never rude about things, but she will certainly go to all lengths to get something she wants. She hopes this will make her more successful.

Any friends would be good, her age or even older to perhaps help her at Hogwarts, and I'm open to all kinds of plots :D thanks for taking the time to read x
Same for Janey :p Janey and Mimi would get on :D
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