- Messages
- 49
- Blood Status
- Half Blood
- Relationship Status
- Too Young to Care
- Sexual Orientation
- too young
- Wand
- too young
- Age
- 10/2041 (18)
Ophelia Vanity Reilly,
You can find me in the crowd on Saturday night,
when we're bringing back paradise,

You can find me in the crowd on Saturday night,
when we're bringing back paradise,
[name] Ophelia Vanity Reilly
[nicknames] Oph or Elia
[alliance]To her parents
[birthdate] 27th October 2040
[zodiac sign] Aquarius
[age] eleven
[gender] female
[sexual orientation] unsure
[dialects]english and french
[hometown] London, England
[residency] London, England
[vacation destination] Paris, France or Cottswold, England
[heritage]1/2 french 1/2 english
[blood status] Half blood - part veela due to her mother's Half-Veela status
[blood type] AB (+ve)
[children] None
[mother] Avarice Vanity
[relationship with her] Ophelia has a good relationship with her mother. They work together in her mother's tea shop and she enjoys that aspect of their life. She likes a quiet and calm lifestyle[etymology]
[nicknames] Oph or Elia
[alliance]To her parents
[birthdate] 27th October 2040
[zodiac sign] Aquarius
[age] eleven
[gender] female
[sexual orientation] unsure
[dialects]english and french
[hometown] London, England
[residency] London, England
[vacation destination] Paris, France or Cottswold, England
[heritage]1/2 french 1/2 english
[blood status] Half blood - part veela due to her mother's Half-Veela status
[blood type] AB (+ve)
[children] None
[mother] Avarice Vanity
[father] Bruno Reilly
[Relationship with him] She is closer to her mother than her father but they still have a close personal bond.
[siblings] none
[first wand] Cypress wood with a unicorn hair core, 12 ¼" and unbending flexibility
[occupation] too young
[health status] Healthy
[allergies] None
[first wand] Cypress wood with a unicorn hair core, 12 ¼" and unbending flexibility
[occupation] too young
[health status] Healthy
[allergies] None
People talk, just let 'em talk,
we're better than that,
we're better than that,
[five words] prideful, kind, curious, graceful, warm
[beliefs] Holds no beliefs really - believes in her own ability
[boggart] the loss of her parents
[fears] being less than others, visibly compared and put down by others
[likes] tea, coffee, flowers, potions, calm weather, autumn, cosy
[dislikes] mess, dirt, overtly bold colours, people thinking less of her
[goals] she likes working with her mother and would want to continue working in the tea shop her mother runs
[strengths] she is bold and passionate, she is careful and collected, she is kind and respectable. she is good tea maker, a patient person and works hard
[weaknesses] she is prideful, struggles when compared with others, reactive to when she gets put down. she can be overly harsh when hurt, she is unable at times to manage her anger productively, holds strong vendetta's
[magical talents] good at duelling
[other talents] good at making tea, baking and cooking. good at flying and good at getting her way.
[patronus form] hedgehog
[beliefs] Holds no beliefs really - believes in her own ability
[boggart] the loss of her parents
[fears] being less than others, visibly compared and put down by others
[likes] tea, coffee, flowers, potions, calm weather, autumn, cosy
[dislikes] mess, dirt, overtly bold colours, people thinking less of her
[goals] she likes working with her mother and would want to continue working in the tea shop her mother runs
[strengths] she is bold and passionate, she is careful and collected, she is kind and respectable. she is good tea maker, a patient person and works hard
[weaknesses] she is prideful, struggles when compared with others, reactive to when she gets put down. she can be overly harsh when hurt, she is unable at times to manage her anger productively, holds strong vendetta's
[magical talents] good at duelling
[other talents] good at making tea, baking and cooking. good at flying and good at getting her way.
[patronus form] hedgehog
Would you meet me in the high of Saturday night,
people hate, just let 'em hate,
[relationship status] single
[whom/when] n/a
[past relationships]None
[first kiss] too young
[innocence] too young
[Living together] still lives with her parents[whom/when] n/a
[past relationships]None
[first kiss] too young
[innocence] too young
[children together] too young
[pets together] too young
[relationship with in-laws] too young
[most beautiful thing about them] too young
[favourite thing about them] too young
[proposal] too young
[married] too young
[thoughts at wedding] too young
[wedding outfit] too young
Will be million miles away on Saturday night,
people hate, just let 'em hate,
[playby] brec bassinger
[ages used] In use currently
[former playby] n/a
[natural hair] golden blonde, shoulder length hair, naturally wavey
[hair modifications] she curls her hair a lot
[eyes] bluish/grey eyes
[height] average height
[weight] slightly below average weight
[complexion] has a lightly tanned complexion, can be said to be glowing due to her veela heritage
[scars] no visible scars.
[smile] she has a enticing smile
[body build] an average build for someone her age who engages in occasional spot and eats relatively well
[body modifications] none
[dominant hand] right handed
[style] has a very basic style, wears clothes which suit her style, attempts to never wear things that are too revealing. she wears things in style for both muggle and wizards.
[ages used] In use currently
[former playby] n/a
[natural hair] golden blonde, shoulder length hair, naturally wavey
[hair modifications] she curls her hair a lot
[eyes] bluish/grey eyes
[height] average height
[weight] slightly below average weight
[complexion] has a lightly tanned complexion, can be said to be glowing due to her veela heritage
[scars] no visible scars.
[smile] she has a enticing smile
[body build] an average build for someone her age who engages in occasional spot and eats relatively well
[body modifications] none
[dominant hand] right handed
[style] has a very basic style, wears clothes which suit her style, attempts to never wear things that are too revealing. she wears things in style for both muggle and wizards.
We are made of dreams,
heaven knows we are,
heaven knows we are,
[school] Hogwarts
[hogwarts house] slytherin
[sorting post] Ophelia had been waiting for this since her mother had explained that she was magical, of course she had been raised in a house where the magic had been common place but she hadn’t known what it was until her mother told her, and then all the information followed. Hogwarts, the war, beauxbatoons, the houses, muggles, secrecy. Ophelia had just been excited to just start going, but now was finally that time, she had ridden the hogwarts express from King’s cross and crossed the water in the little boats. She had been so in awe of the place, but the most important part of it all was still to come. The part-veela had left her blonde hair down, and had taken the time on the train to get herself looking presentable, she couldn’t start her hogwarts schooling without looking perfectly presentable. She knew that the part-veela traits would help her, but she knew that she had to add presentability on to it. She looked towards the deputy that brought them into the great hall, she looked for any sign of the old war, but of course there was none, it had been before her time and before her mother’s time. Her mother had gone to Beauxbatons.
Ophelia knew her cousins had gone to Hogwarts New Zealand - as far as she knew both had already graduated, she knew that her mother kept some of the clippings from her cousin Noemie’s articles in the New Zealand Prophet, but Ophelia wanted to ignore them, both ravenclaws, she didn’t want to end up there. She had no interests in learning in that fashion or being that. Ophelia had her sights decidedly between Hufflepuff or Slytherin. She knew either would serve her fine, and she knew that despite the fact that she was very proud she was kind to those around her. She listened and watched as the first names were called forward and she watched them get sorted. She was cursing having the surname Reilly but it could be worse, Vanity would put her dead last. Eventually though her name was called and she stepped forward. Ophelia put on an expressly polite smile as she sat upon the stool and the professor placed the hat on her head. It seemed to take an eternity but then finally, the hat called out Slytherin and she moved to the slytherin table, holding her head high.
[special titles and awards] n/a
[extracurricular activities]
[Yearbook Pictures] First Year[hogwarts house] slytherin
[sorting post] Ophelia had been waiting for this since her mother had explained that she was magical, of course she had been raised in a house where the magic had been common place but she hadn’t known what it was until her mother told her, and then all the information followed. Hogwarts, the war, beauxbatoons, the houses, muggles, secrecy. Ophelia had just been excited to just start going, but now was finally that time, she had ridden the hogwarts express from King’s cross and crossed the water in the little boats. She had been so in awe of the place, but the most important part of it all was still to come. The part-veela had left her blonde hair down, and had taken the time on the train to get herself looking presentable, she couldn’t start her hogwarts schooling without looking perfectly presentable. She knew that the part-veela traits would help her, but she knew that she had to add presentability on to it. She looked towards the deputy that brought them into the great hall, she looked for any sign of the old war, but of course there was none, it had been before her time and before her mother’s time. Her mother had gone to Beauxbatons.
Ophelia knew her cousins had gone to Hogwarts New Zealand - as far as she knew both had already graduated, she knew that her mother kept some of the clippings from her cousin Noemie’s articles in the New Zealand Prophet, but Ophelia wanted to ignore them, both ravenclaws, she didn’t want to end up there. She had no interests in learning in that fashion or being that. Ophelia had her sights decidedly between Hufflepuff or Slytherin. She knew either would serve her fine, and she knew that despite the fact that she was very proud she was kind to those around her. She listened and watched as the first names were called forward and she watched them get sorted. She was cursing having the surname Reilly but it could be worse, Vanity would put her dead last. Eventually though her name was called and she stepped forward. Ophelia put on an expressly polite smile as she sat upon the stool and the professor placed the hat on her head. It seemed to take an eternity but then finally, the hat called out Slytherin and she moved to the slytherin table, holding her head high.
[special titles and awards] n/a
[extracurricular activities]
[Yuleball Pictures] First Year
[favorite subject] potions
[best subject] charms
[loathed subject] history of magic
[worst subject] astronomy
[grade average] EE+
[apparition] too young
[year of graduation] too young
[graduation post] too young[best subject] charms
[loathed subject] history of magic
[worst subject] astronomy
[grade average] EE+
[apparition] too young
[year of graduation] too young
And if it all falls down, we'll be way up high,
when we're bringing back paradise,
when we're bringing back paradise,
Code: Made by Kaitlyn.
All quotes from parasdise by nicky romero
Influenced by: Zoey and Jessye
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