Ophelia Callahan

Ophelia Callahan

Active Member
Full Name:
Ophelia Callahan

Date of Birth:
17th September 2010

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:
Dark brown, wavy hair, shoulder length. Brown eyes. 5"5. Average weight. Usually seen in jeans and a plain white tee-shirt.

Ophelia is outgoing, friendly and will do everything for her friends. She finds herself trying to help people she doesn't even know, much to their annoyance, and is often considered to be nosy for this reason. Ophelia hates cowards, but does not judge people by how they look or act, believing that everybody is a human being. She loves other people's company, and enjoys being surrounded by her friends, or at a party of some sort.

Mother - Georgia Callahan. Aged 45. Muggle born. Works in an office in London.
Father - Daniel Callahan. Deceased.

A corn snake named Charlie.

Area of Residence:

Blood Status:

75% English. 10% Irish. 10% Italian. 5% Spanish.

Interests or Hobbies:
Reading, playing the guitar.

Additional Skills:
A way which seems to cheer up her friends.

Ophelia is great at helping people, or giving them a shoulder to lean on. She's good when things get tough, due to her father dying when she was young making her a strong person now.

Ophelia enjoys getting drunk, and this has lead her to some interesting injuries already. She also can seem a little mad in front of people who don't know her well enough to understand that sometimes she has crazy moments, but usually she's calm and relaxed.

Describe your character in three words:
Outgoing, loyal, flirty

Favourite place to be:
In a pub or club

Carrie fordman (Best friend)
Rachel Hutton
Alex Nelmes
Lucy Rochester
Tiffany Brown
Theodore Tucker

Best school subjects:
English and music.

Worst school subjects:
Maths and P.E.

Extracurricular Activities:
Ophelia used to take guitar lessons.

Current Job:

Plans for your future:
Ophelia isn't sure what she would like to get from life yet.

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