Operation: Holloween

Zazuka Getathorn

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ana V [main]
Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4" Essence of Silver Thistle
Zazuka paced the seventh floor corridor sevral times. She had been so sure that she had found the way into the room of requerment only to find out that it was lost again. That or it was sealed. Eather way there was no way Zazuka and Andy where ever getting back in. Zazuka sighed and sat down beside a statue. She hoped that no one else came by. It was kinda hard to keep secrets around Hogwarts. She should know, by paying attetion only she had gathered the largest colletion of secrets out of anyone.

Zazuka only hoped that she didn't turn into a gargole for this. She had read a graphic novel where people that kept too many secrets turned into gargoles. They laughed. She may had just found her costume for the folloing Holloween. Zazuka shook her head again. Maybe she was becomeing obsessed then again it would just add to her collection of obssesions.
Andromeda smiled shaking her head as she watched Zuka pacing up and down the seventh floor corridor. She had a fair idea what she was doing and grinned knowing that the attempts had so obviously failed. The room of requirement had a nasty habit of changing places.

"Hey Fred, what's up?" she smiled as she drew closer.
Zazuka jumped up and hugged Andy as if in crying dispare. "I was so sure it was here now how are we going to keep our secret George?" She said overdramaticly. "Anyway we have things to discuse like how early are we going to show up. One of us has to lace some of the puch bowls. I was thinking only two per table because there would be fewer bowls of punch then there would be bowls of candy so it be like a lottery only instead of winning you lose... Some friends." She said after she let go. She giggled at the thought some.
Andromeda laughed at Zuka's obvious paniced state.
"We keep it a secret by keeping our heads. We whisper whenever possible and yeah, we arrive early really early before everyone else arrives, we'll unload the sweets and belching powder but we'll keep the frogs spawn soap till later on. We don't want the whole game given away right away do we? So costume already then?" she smiled at Z before thinking about something, "and Z I think we're doing them all a favour, remember how tedious it was last year before we got some games up and running. Have a few more up my sleeve this year. Should be fun but am so not munching on candy like last year or wandering out near the forest".
Zazuka nodded. "Well not all the candy bowls at once I still want to have some fun with costume. I shall call it, the black princess." She said. Zazuka desided that she looked little like a princess in her outfit but a dark princess. "I even found this neat little spell that lets me work the latch without getting any of the trick candy in my own candy bowl." She said exsitedly.
"Your funny. Well I figure we sabotage as many bowls with the joke candy as soon and as early as possible, it'll get harder to do when there are loads of others around. Or actually..." Andromeda had a very thoughtful expression all of a sudden.
"If there are more people about then it will look simply like we're just shoving our greedy little paws into candy bowls. People won't know if we're taking it out or putting it in. That might actually work to our advantage actually. With the belching powder all we simply do is put it into an empty goblet then hold it over one of the punch bowls and fill up a ladle with punch as if we're going to fill our goblet. Then we simply pour the powder out of the goblet before we pour our own punch in to our glass. Quite brilliant." she grinned and rubbed her hands together in a devilish way before turning back to Zuka.
"I've decided on a werewolf costume in the end, not overly original but it looks great".
Zazuka nodded. "That's what I was thinking for the candy part but you are brillent for coming up with the punch part. It's aways best to hide in plane sight I always say." She said. "I should hope you look good in your warwolf costume." She said with a soft sigh.
"Well when I change I'm more a reddy colour but the costume is blackish so as not to scare myself if I look in a mirror" she laughed, "I can't wait to see your costume though especially after last years one, that was brill".
Zazuka laughed into her hands. "Oh believe me. I'm going to be a diffrent kind of hour glass." She said sliding her hands over her non-hips. At the age of twelve Zazuka could have passes for a scare crow but she made it so that her dress created the curves she didn't have. "A red warewolf. I would have liked to see that but then again it would alittle too close to home. A black warewolf is more Holloweenie anyway.
"Ooooh get a load of her" Andromeda smiled nudging Zuka, "curves in all the right places then huh? I think black is fine too, was going to drip some blood about the fangs but seeing as the head will be sitting on top of mine, it'd only drip down onto my face. Yuck".
Zazuka looked up then smiled. "You can put red ink on the fangs early on and wait for it to dry then it wont really look like blood but everyone will get the idea." She said all to fast. "I only wish I had curves like the dress gives me." She said with a soft sligh.
"Good grief Z, you're only 12 there's plenty of time to get curves. I mean for goodness sake I started getting some and a half this year and I would have preferred not to. I hate this adulescent phase being 13 now kind of sucks" she frowned, she had preferred it when her body had been slender and uncurvy, just symmetrical lines like a boys. What good were curves on a quidditch pitch, they didn't help her fly any faster.
Zazuka pouted. "I'll be thirteen next september. Hey but at least you have all the guy's after you." She pointed out. Zazuka so wanted to pretty but she knew that it could never happen. It could but then again it could not.

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